Game on April 30, 2015 at 00:13, 2 players
1. 105 pts dannyboy
2. 55 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


I2 69 141 


J6 71 212 


K1 79 291 


14H 92 383 


O8 39 422 


H1 58 480 


10F 32 512 


G3 33 545 


N2 81 626 


M3 31 657 


O1 25 682 


F6 28 710 


13C 46 756 


14D 56 812 


15A 44 856 


L10 32 888 


11B 25 913 


7C 23 936 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
dannyboy 2 4:03 -831 105 1.7255 dannyboy 2 4:03 -831 105
mookie 0 3:32 -881 55 Group: novice
1.5534 mookie 0 3:32 -881 55
On 1st draw, (I)NTIMAL H8 72 --- INTIMA the innermost layer of an organ [adj] --- INTIMAL pertaining to intima [adj]
Other tops: IM(P)LANT H3 72, INT(I)MAL H8 72, LI(F)TMAN H8 72, MALTIN(G) H4 72, MATIN(A)L H4 72, M(A)TINAL H4 72
Other moves: AILM(E)NT H2 68, AILM(E)NT H3 68, AILM(E)NT H4 68, AILM(E)NT H6 68, AILM(E)NT H7 68
AILM(E)NT H4 18 mookie
On 2nd draw, TWINGED I2 69 --- TWINGE to affect with a sharp pain [v]
Other tops: TWINGED G2 69
Other moves: DAWTING 13G 36, IGNITED 11E 36, AWEING 13H 28, DEW I11 27, NEW I11 25
WIT 10F 14 mookie
On 3rd draw, INSTARS J6 71 --- INSTAR to adorn with stars [v]
Other moves: ARTISANS 13C 70, STRAINTS 2H 70, TSARINAS 13B 70, TSARINAS 13F 70, ARTISANS 13H 68
On 4th draw, ROWDIES K1 79 --- ROWDY a rowdy person [n]
Other tops: DOWRIES K1 79, WEIRDOS K1 79
Other moves: ROWDIEST 2B 78, WORDIEST 2B 78, DOWRIES G5 77, WIDOWERS 3E 67, ROWDIEST 10A 66
WIRED K2 23 mookie
On 5th draw, LOVEB(I)RD 14H 92 --- LOVEBIRD a small parrot [n]
Other moves: OVERB(O)LD 14B 88, (O)VERBOLD 14B 88, BR(A)VOED G5 78, OVERD(U)B G2 72, LOVER(E)D 14H 36
On 6th draw, UNRIMED O8 39 --- RIME to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [adj] --- UNRIMED not rimed [adj]
Other moves: MINORED O8 33, MOURNED O8 33, MENUDO O10 30, MODE O12 30, MODI O12 30
On 7th draw, YEAH H1 58 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: HA J2 36, REFRY 1K 36, FAH 13K 35, YAH 13K 35, HERBY L11 34
On 8th draw, QAT 10F 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT G11 31, QAT 13G 26, TRIAGE 1J 24, TAIGA G8 23, RETAG 1K 21
On 9th draw, FAVE G3 33 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FEAT L2 32, FATE G3 30, FAE G3 29, FAT G3 29, VAE G3 29
On 10th draw, GRISELY N2 81 --- GRISELY grisly [adj]
Other tops: GREISLY N2 81, GRIESLY N2 81
Other moves: GRYSIE 1J 42, GRIESY 1J 33, GRISLY 1J 33, GLEBY L11 30, GYRI 11C 27
YES F6 27 dannyboy
On 11th draw, ELOPE M3 31 --- ELOPE to run away to be married secretly [v]
Other tops: OPERA M3 31
Other moves: PEA L2 25, PEE L2 25, PEREA M4 25, POA L2 25, APER M3 24
PEE L2 25 dannyboy
On 12th draw, EOAN O1 25 --- EOAN pertaining to dawn [adj]
Other tops: AUNE O1 25, OURN O1 25, ROAN O1 25, RONE O1 25, RUNE O1 25
Other moves: EA L3 21, NEUROMAS 12C 20, UNROBE L10 18, NEAR 7D 17, ONER 7D 17
RONE O1 25 dannyboy
On 13th draw, FOG F6 28 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other tops: FIG F6 28
Other moves: FIR F6 27, FIT F6 27, FOG 13K 27, FOR F6 27, FRO F6 27
FIG F6 28 dannyboy
On 14th draw, JUDOKA 13C 46 --- JUDOKA one skilled in judo [n]
Other moves: ROJAK 13E 40, JAK 13G 38, RAJ 13G 36, TAJ 13G 36, ATOK G10 30
On 15th draw, TAX 14D 56 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: NOX 14D 56
Other moves: AX 14E 53, OX 14E 53, NOX 13K 42, TAX 13K 42, AX 13L 38
On 16th draw, OBEAH 15A 44 --- OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n] --- OBEAH to bewitch with obia [v]
Other tops: HOB 12D 44, HOP 12D 44
Other moves: BOH 12D 43, POH 12D 43, BOP 12D 40, EPHA 15A 34, HOPE 15A 34
On 17th draw, ZINEB L10 32 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: CERING 8A 30, ZINCY 1D 29, CEILI 11D 27, SIZE 12J 26, LINIER 11E 25
On 18th draw, PUTTI 11B 25 --- PUTTO an infant boy in art [n]
Other moves: OP 12E 24, PTUI 11C 23, TOPI 11C 23, COT M9 21, POI 11D 21
On 19th draw, CAROL 7C 23 --- CAROL to sing joyously [v]
Other tops: COLOR 7C 23, CROOL 7C 23
Other moves: AUREI K11 21, COOL 7D 19, COL 7E 18, COR 7E 18, LOOR 7D 17
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