Game on May 3, 2015 at 05:26, 1 player
1. 24 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


4H 32 62 


K3 72 134 


8K 45 179 


N8 76 255 


8A 95 350 


O13 29 379 


E5 48 427 


D11 39 466 


13C 70 536 


A1 77 613 


15A 36 649 


3I 41 690 


M12 29 719 


2H 40 759 


1E 42 801 


H12 36 837 


14G 36 873 


6H 37 910 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 0:47 -886 24 1.5534 mookie 0 0:47 -886 24
On 1st draw, Y(R)IVD H4 30 --- RIVE to tear apart [v]
Other tops: DIV(V)Y H8 30, DI(V)VY H8 30
Other moves: EVE(R)Y H8 28, VEE(R)Y H4 28, VEE(R)Y H8 28, VEI(L)Y H4 28, VEI(L)Y H8 28
On 2nd draw, YEXED 4H 32 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EXEDRA G8 26, EXEDRA I8 26, EXED(R)A 5D 26, (R)ADIX 5H 24, (R)AXED 5H 24
On 3rd draw, NEL(U)MBOS K3 72 --- NELUMBO an aquatic herb [n]
Other tops: BENOM(Y)LS K3 72
Other moves: NOMB(R)ILS 6C 69, BOM(A)S 3I 44, BON(I)SM 3I 44, MOB(E)S 3I 44, M(E)BOS 3I 44
On 4th draw, BAJRA 8K 45 --- BAJRA a type of millet [n]
Other tops: BAJAN 8K 45
Other moves: JAGERS 10F 32, JAGRAS 10F 32, AJAR J8 30, INJ(U)RE 6H 28, JAGER J9 28
On 5th draw, RIGATONI N8 76 --- RIGATONI a tubular pasta [n]
Other moves: TONING 3I 31, ANOINT 3J 24, ANION 3J 22, T(R)AILING 5G 22, (R)AILING 5H 21
On 6th draw, ECHOISED 8A 95 --- ECHOISE to repeat another person's words [v]
Other moves: ECHOISES 10D 73, COHESIVE 7B 69, ECHOISE G8 69, ECHOISE I8 69, HONES 3I 45
On 7th draw, DAD O13 29 --- DAD father [n] --- DAD to dash against [v]
Other moves: TIDAL M11 26, DITAL M11 25, ADIT M10 22, ADIT M12 22, DAD M11 21
On 8th draw, SCRIEVE E5 48 --- SCRIEVE to move along swiftly and smoothly [v]
Other moves: CREESHY C3 40, CHEVRES C7 38, RENEYS 3I 35, RENEY 3I 33, YE J6 29
On 9th draw, FREAK D11 39 --- FREAK to streak with color [v]
Other moves: KETA M11 35, TAK M13 33, FANE 3I 32, FETA M11 32, FRACK 6B 32
On 10th draw, TENTORIA 13C 70 --- TENTORIUM the internal skeleton of the head of an insect [n]
Other moves: TRACTION B5 64, TENTORIA A7 59, KATION 15D 30, KIRTAN 15D 30, NONART 3I 29
RINK 15A 24 mookie
On 11th draw, ETIOLATE A1 77 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other tops: ETIOLATE A8 77
Other moves: KEITLOA 15D 33, KITTEL 15D 30, KITTLE 15D 30, TALKIE 15A 30, TENAIL 3I 29
On 12th draw, POUKIT 15A 36 --- POUK to pluck [v]
Other moves: PROB H12 33, PUB M11 32, BILK 15A 30, BOUK 15A 30, BUIK 15A 30
On 13th draw, MANIES 3I 41 --- MANY a great number [n]
Other moves: MANES 3I 39, MANIS 3I 39, MENES 3I 39, SEMIARID 15H 36, RENAMES 3I 35
On 14th draw, EGAL M12 29 --- EGAL equal [adj]
Other moves: GAG M13 28, ANGEL 2F 27, ELAN M12 25, ELEGANT 12H 25, GAL M13 25
On 15th draw, NEW 2H 40 --- NEW existing only a short time [adj] --- NEW something that is new [n] --- NEW to renew [v]
Other tops: LEW 2H 40, REW 2H 40
Other moves: Q(U)ERN 6J 35, WREN H12 33, NOW B4 31, ROW B4 31, WAXEN J2 30
On 16th draw, GROUF 1E 42 --- GROUF the face [n]
Other moves: FROG H12 36, FRUG H12 36, FUROL 1E 36, BUFO 1E 33, FOUL 1F 33
On 17th draw, PROW H12 36 --- PROW brave [adj] --- PROW the forward part of a ship [n]
Other moves: POW B4 35, Q(U)OP 6J 34, NOW B4 31, ROW B4 31, OWN 14I 29
On 18th draw, BONY 14G 36 --- BONY full of bones [adj]
Other moves: HUB L10 31, ONY 14H 29, YU J6 29, BURQA J9 26, BUSHY N1 26
On 19th draw, INQ(U)IRE 6H 37 --- INQUIRE to ask about [v]
Other moves: Q(U)ERN 6J 35, Q(U)INE 6J 35, Q(U)IRE 6J 35, INQUIRE 3A 34, RISQUE N1 34
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