Game on May 5, 2015 at 05:39, 1 player
1. 38 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 78 78 


4H 20 98 


3J 28 126 


10B 78 204 


K1 82 286 


J6 35 321 


E5 78 399 


D1 48 447 


1D 48 495 


G8 70 565 


15A 149 714 


13F 80 794 


12L 33 827 


1K 57 884 


2B 69 953 


K1 38 991 


8A 30 1021 


O8 27 1048 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 2:09 -1010 38 1.5555 mookie 0 2:09 -1010 38
On 1st draw, SWAG(G)IE H3 78 --- SWAGGIE a swagman [n]
Other tops: GAWSIE(R) H2 78, GAW(K)IES H2 78, SWA(G)GIE H3 78
Other moves: EA(R)WIGS H7 74, GAWSIE(R) H4 74, GAW(K)IES H4 74, SWA(G)GIE H8 74, EA(R)WIGS H3 72
On 2nd draw, WAITED 4H 20 --- WAIT to stay in expectation of [v] --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: DAUTIES 3B 18, TAUIWI 4D 18, TEIIDS 3C 18, WAIDE 4H 18, WITED 4H 18
On 3rd draw, BARER 3J 28 --- BARE naked [adj]
Other moves: ADVERB M3 26, BARE 3J 26, BRAVERS 3B 26, VERBALS 3B 26, BRAVES 3C 24
On 4th draw, CITOLAS 10B 78 --- CITOLA a pear-shaped guitar [n]
Other moves: STOICAL 10H 74, COATTAILS K1 72, STOICAL G8 66, STOICAL I8 66, STOICAL I9 66
On 5th draw, FEATHERED K1 82 --- FEATHER to cover with feathers (horny structures that form the principal covering of birds) [v]
Other moves: FEH 11C 35, REFED 2K 35, DEF 5J 32, EDH 5K 31, FERE 2K 31
On 6th draw, HETE J6 35 --- HETE to command [v]
Other tops: HATE J6 35, HOTE J6 35
Other moves: HAE J6 31, HAO J6 31, HAT J6 31, HET J6 31, HOA J6 31
On 7th draw, ANTLION(S) E5 78 --- ANTLION a predatory insect [n]
Other tops: L(U)NATION E4 78, (M)ANNITOL E4 78
Other moves: ANTLI(O)NS 3A 66, NATI(O)NAL 5B 66, NATION(A)L E6 64, N(A)TIONAL E6 64, N(O)TIONAL E6 64
On 8th draw, JORAM D1 48 --- JORAM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: JAME(S) 12A 42, JATO(S) 12A 38, JEAT(S) 12A 38, JOTA(S) 12A 38, JORAMS 3C 36
On 9th draw, JOKOL 1D 48 --- JOKOL certainly [adv]
Other moves: JOINT 1D 36, KLOOF 1G 36, EIKON 2K 33, KILOTON C9 32, KNOLL 8A 30
On 10th draw, BOATINGS G8 70 --- BOATING the sport of travelling by boat [n]
Other tops: BOASTING G8 70
Other moves: OBSIGN C3 35, FIGOS 1K 30, GOBS C2 30, BITINGS C7 28, BOTS C2 27
On 11th draw, MATINESS 15A 149 --- MATINESS friendliness [n]
Other moves: MANTISES 15B 83, MINIATES C7 78, MINTAGES 14B 76, TEAMINGS 14A 76, MANGIEST 14D 65
On 12th draw, UNPROVED 13F 80 --- PROVE to establish the truth or validity of [adj] --- UNPROVED not proved [adj]
Other moves: UROPOD 2B 37, OPED 14A 31, DUPE 14B 28, PODGE 14D 28, PUDGE 14D 28
On 13th draw, WOAD 12L 33 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other tops: WAND 12L 33, WANG 12L 33
Other moves: FANGO 1K 30, FONDA 1K 30, NAW L6 29, GONAD C2 28, WARDOGS 3B 28
On 14th draw, FLAXY 1K 57 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: EX 14I 52, YEX L6 51, OXY 2D 47, YEX 14B 47, DEXY O12 45
On 15th draw, ZOOEY 2B 69 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other moves: DOZY O12 51, ZEIN(S) 12A 46, ZINE(S) 12A 46, ZONE(S) 12A 46, VINYL 8A 45
On 16th draw, FEATHEREDGE K1 38 --- FEATHEREDGE [v]
Other moves: FIGURED O6 36, FRIGID O7 33, FEG 14B 29, FIG 14B 29, FUG 14B 29
On 17th draw, PICUL 8A 30 --- PICUL an Asian unit of weight [n]
Other tops: CUPID O8 30
Other moves: DRIP O12 21, DUCI O12 21, NIP 14B 20, PTUI D9 20, UP 14A 20
PICNIC B5 14 mookie
On 18th draw, VIRID O8 27 --- VIRID verdant [adj]
Other moves: DIVI O12 24, FINI(S) 12A 22, FIRN(S) 12A 22, VIRU(S) 12A 22, UNRID O8 18
DIVI O12 24 mookie
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