Game on May 6, 2015 at 23:53, 2 players
1. 55 pts iwhist
2. 42 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


I5 29 59 


6E 88 147 


K1 66 213 


2H 42 255 


1D 48 303 


8K 39 342 


N4 63 405 


1K 25 430 


E5 86 516 


D9 30 546 


O11 39 585 


3B 85 670 


C10 41 711 


7E 30 741 


14J 32 773 


15H 39 812 


13K 21 833 


4A 25 858 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
iwhist 0 4:55 -803 55 1.6338 iwhist 0 4:55 -803 55
mookie 0 2:48 -816 42 Group: novice
1.5531 mookie 0 2:48 -816 42
On 1st draw, IMP(L)Y H8 30 --- IMPLY to indicate or suggest indirectly [v]
Other tops: PI(G)MY H8 30, P(R)IMY H8 30, T(U)MPY H8 30, (E)MPTY H8 30, (G)IMPY H8 30, (J)IMPY H8 30, (U)MPTY H8 30, (W)IMPY H8 30
Other moves: PI(G)MY H4 28, P(R)IMY H4 28, TIT(U)PY H7 28, TYPI(S)T H3 28, MI(F)TY H8 26
On 2nd draw, GAUDY I5 29 --- GAUDY a festival [n] --- GAUDY tastelessly showy [adj]
Other tops: GANDY I5 29, GUNDY I5 29
Other moves: GANDY 7E 28, GAUDY 7E 28, GUNDY 7E 28, UNDY I6 27, AUNTY I5 26
On 3rd draw, OZONATE(S) 6E 88 --- OZONATE to treat or combine with ozone [v]
Other tops: OZONATE(D) 6E 88
Other moves: (M)ETAZOON 6F 86, ENTOZO(A)(L) 11A 80, (S)O(L)ONETZ 11F 80, ENTOZO(A) G2 70, E(C)TOZOAN 6C 70
On 4th draw, LAIRIEST K1 66 --- LAIRY flashy [adj]
Other tops: LISTERIA K2 66
Other moves: REALIST K5 28, RETAILS K5 28, LIRAS 7C 23, LIAR 7D 21, LIAS 7D 21
On 5th draw, ALKANET 2H 42 --- ALKANET a Mediterranean plant [n]
Other tops: KANTED 2J 42
Other moves: KANAE 2J 38, KAE J2 37, ANKLED 1H 36, KNEAD 7C 35, KA J2 34
On 6th draw, CLOOP 1D 48 --- CLOOP the sound of a cork leaving a bottle [n]
Other moves: COOPT 1D 42, COPLOT 1C 39, CLOOT 1D 36, CLOP 1E 36, COOP 1E 36
On 7th draw, TAJES 8K 39 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: TAJ 5C 38, TAJ 1M 34, JASEYS 12D 32, SOJAS O2 32, SOJA O2 31
LEAST 1K 25 mookie
On 8th draw, UNREELED N4 63 --- UNREEL to unwind from a reel [v]
Other tops: UNREELED N5 63
Other moves: LOUNDER E5 32, ROUNDEL E5 32, ROUNDLE E5 32, DUE(L)LER 11E 28, LERED 1K 28
DUE 1M 17 mookie
On 9th draw, LANES 1K 25 --- LANE a narrow passageway [n]
Other tops: LENIS 1K 25, LIEUS 1K 25, LINES 1K 25, LUNAS 1K 25, LUNES 1K 25
Other moves: INU(L)ASE 11E 24, ISNAE 7C 23, SANE O2 22, SENA O2 22, SINE O2 22
SEAN 7D 21 iwhist
On 10th draw, ROOTAGES E5 86 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other tops: ROOTAGES E4 86
Other moves: TOERAGS 3B 75, GAROTES 3B 73, ORGEATS 3B 73, ROOTAGE E5 32, TOERAGS E5 32
GATES 5A 16 iwhist
On 11th draw, MUDIR D9 30 --- MUDIR a local governor [n]
Other moves: MURID D9 29, MURID D11 28, MIRV D11 26, MIRVS 12A 26, MUDIR D11 26
On 12th draw, AFORE O11 39 --- AFORE before [adv]
Other tops: AFIRE O11 39
Other moves: ROOF 7D 31, OAF 7E 30, OOF 7E 30, IF 2E 28, OF 2E 28
On 13th draw, BRECHAN 3B 85 --- BRECHAN a horse-collar [n]
Other moves: BRANCHER 14H 84, REHAB 2B 51, ACHE F8 45, CHE F9 42, ACH F8 40
On 14th draw, HIVE C10 41 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: THE F9 38, ETH F8 36, HINTER 14J 34, EH F9 33, HE F10 32
On 15th draw, OOF 7E 30 --- OOF money [n]
Other tops: OAF 7E 30
Other moves: FOIN M10 23, OAF N13 23, FOU 2A 22, UNFAIR 14J 22, AUF F12 21
FAN B13 18 iwhist
On 16th draw, BODGER 14J 32 --- BODGER a type of pedlar [n]
Other tops: GOBBED B1 32
Other moves: BONDER 14J 30, BOET 4A 28, BONGED M10 28, BEGOT B6 26, BODGE M10 26
On 17th draw, VIEW 15H 39 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: WIVE 15G 34, EQUID L10 30, QUID L11 28, QI 4A 25, WE F9 25
On 18th draw, TAU 13K 21 --- TAU a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ATT B9 20, INTUIT B5 20, ITA B9 20, UNBITT B1 20, UTA B9 20
On 19th draw, QI 4A 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: INWIT B6 22, XI 4A 21, XI M4 20, EX D3 18, TUX 4M 18
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