Game on May 24, 2015 at 23:01, 3 players
1. 407 pts roocatcher
2. 47 pts mookie
3. 35 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


15H 42 106 


N9 87 193 


O7 32 225 


M11 37 262 


8A 101 363 


I9 30 393 


C8 84 477 


L8 39 516 


A3 65 581 


J10 25 606 


E5 36 642 


15A 45 687 


M7 29 716 


B2 34 750 


6E 63 813 


C1 37 850 


H1 30 880 


5K 39 919 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
roocatcher 2 12:36 -512 407 1.6867 roocatcher 2 12:36 -512 407
mookie 0 2:28 -872 47 2.6831 s.martin 0 0:43 -884 35
s.martin 0 0:43 -884 35 Group: novice
1.5518 mookie 0 2:28 -872 47
On 1st draw, RELEA(S)E H8 64 --- RELEASE to set free [v]
Other tops: EEL(F)ARE H2 64, EEL(F)ARE H3 64, EEL(F)ARE H4 64, EEL(F)ARE H6 64, EEL(F)ARE H7 64, EEL(F)ARE H8 64, RELEA(S)E H2 64, RELEA(S)E H3 64, RELEA(S)E H4 64, RELEA(S)E H6 64
Other moves: EEL(F)ARE H5 62, RELEA(S)E H5 62, RELEA(S)E H7 62, ALER(C)E H3 12, ALER(C)E H4 12
On 2nd draw, EOSINE 15H 42 --- EOSINE a red dye [n]
Other tops: EOSINE 15C 42
Other moves: AEONS 15D 39, AINEE 15D 39, ANISE 15D 39, EOSIN 15H 39, EOSINE 15F 39
NOISE 15E 36 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, EPINAOS N9 87 --- EPINAOS a rear vestibule [n]
Other moves: PAEONIES 14B 76, PAEONIES 11B 70, PAEONIES 11F 70, SENOPIA(S) 13A 70, (S)ENOPIAS 13H 70
PIANOS N10 35 roocatcher, s.martin
On 4th draw, INNATE O7 32 --- INNATE inborn [adj]
Other moves: INANE O8 29, UNITE O8 29, INNATE O5 24, AUNTIE O4 23, INNATE O4 23
TUNE O7 18 roocatcher
On 5th draw, WAY M11 37 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other moves: ABYE M12 34, BAY M11 34, BOY M11 34, NOWAY G7 34, WADY G9 34
WAY M11 37 roocatcher
On 6th draw, WAMB(L)IER 8A 101 --- WAMBLY unsteady [adj]
Other moves: MI(C)AWBER 8A 95, WEBMAI(L) N1 81, WEBMAI(L)(S) 13A 76, WEBMAIL(S) 10B 74, WAMBLIE(R) 10D 72
WEMB G9 34 roocatcher
On 7th draw, FOAM I9 30 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: MOTIF(S) 13C 28, FIAT I9 26, MOAT 7C 25, MOAT 9C 25, MOIT 9C 25
FEM 9G 24 roocatcher
On 8th draw, MUDFLAPS C8 84 --- MUDFLAP a flap hung behind a rear wheel of a vehicle to prevent splashing [n]
Other moves: UPLEADS 11E 40, MUDFLAP C8 32, FAULDS N2 30, UPSWAY M8 30, DUPS J10 29
FAP M7 23 roocatcher
On 9th draw, YETTS L8 39 --- YETT a gate [n]
Other moves: SEITY J6 38, TESTY J6 38, STY(L)ITE E5 36, STY J8 34, EYOTS L8 33
TESTY J6 38 roocatcher
On 10th draw, HALLOWER A3 65 --- HALLOWER one that hallows [n]
Other moves: LASHER 15A 39, LASH 15A 33, LOSH 15A 33, RASH 15A 33, RESH 15A 33
LASHER 15A 39 roocatcher
On 11th draw, DUIT J10 25 --- DUIT an old Dutch coin [n]
Other moves: DISEUR 15A 24, DUI J10 24, DUSTER 15A 24, RUSTED 15A 24, URITES J10 23
RUSTED 15A 24 roocatcher
On 12th draw, BUI(L)DER E5 36 --- BUILDER one that builds [n]
Other moves: BUSIED 15A 30, BUSED 15A 27, BUSIER 15A 27, BRED G11 25, BURDIE M3 25
BUSIED 15A 30 roocatcher
On 13th draw, CUSK 15A 45 --- CUSK a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: DISK 15A 42, DUSK 15A 42, RISK 15A 39, RUSK 15A 39, D*CKDICK K5 31
CUSK 15A 45 roocatcher
On 14th draw, GOV M7 29 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: VIGOR F2 27, VIROID N2 27, GROVED G4 26, GIVED G5 25, VIGOR K5 25
VILD 12A 24 roocatcher
On 15th draw, ZAG B2 34 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: GAZER G5 33, ZAG D4 33, ZOA B2 31, JAG B2 30, JOG B2 30
ZO B2 27 mookie
On 16th draw, UNROTTED 6E 63 --- UNROTTED not rotted [adj]
Other moves: RODENT C1 43, DONER C1 39, DOTER C1 39, NODE C1 39, NOTED C1 39
HATRED 3A 20 mookie
On 17th draw, COG C1 37 --- COG to cheat at dice [v]
Other moves: CON C1 33, NOG C1 33, GON C1 31, ION C1 29, GORI C3 28
On 18th draw, VIRINO H1 30 --- VIRINO a hypothetical organism [n]
Other moves: VIROID L1 28, QI 14K 24, RIVO 5K 21, BRIO D8 20, ION D11 18
On 19th draw, HOX 5K 39 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: HO D1 32, HOX G2 31, OX D12 31, ROJI 5K 29, HORI 5K 27
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