Game on May 27, 2015 at 23:44, 4 players
1. 110 pts roocatcher
2. 74 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 21 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 40 40 


4G 32 72 


K4 98 170 


8J 33 203 


12K 53 256 


N2 35 291 


N10 68 359 


3A 74 433 


A1 39 472 


2A 51 523 


4C 35 558 


5D 35 593 


O1 34 627 


A1 36 663 


8D 27 690 


D8 32 722 


C12 22 744 


14H 60 804 


15G 27 831 


B10 34 865 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 1 5:27 -755 110 1.7018 roocatcher 1 5:27 -755 110
GLOBEMAN 1 5:11 -791 74 Group: intermediate
s.martin 0 1:36 -844 21 1.6935 GLOBEMAN 1 5:11 -791 74
mookie 0 1:43 -847 18 2.6593 s.martin 0 1:36 -844 21
Group: novice
1.5497 mookie 0 1:43 -847 18
On 1st draw, SHABBY H3 40 --- SHABBY ragged [adj]
Other tops: SHABBY H7 40
Other moves: HOBBY H4 38, HOBBY H8 38, SHABBY H8 38, SHABBY H4 34, SHABBY H5 32
BASH H5 18 mookie
On 2nd draw, WHIPCA(T) 4G 32 --- WHIPCAT a tailor [n]
Other moves: SC(R)AWP 3H 30, CHAWIN(G) 4G 28, CHINWA(G) 4G 28, INC(L)ASP 3C 28, INW(R)APS 3B 28
On 3rd draw, CL(E)VEITE K4 98 --- CLEVEITE a radioactive mineral [n]
Other tops: CLEVEIT(E) K4 98, CLEV(E)ITE K4 98
Other moves: VE(L)LEITY 8A 92, (S)TIEVELY 8A 92, VEL(L)EITY 8A 89, ELECTIV(E) K1 74, EL(E)CTIVE K1 74
On 4th draw, TEDIUM 8J 33 --- TEDIUM the state of being tedious [n]
Other moves: MENUDO 8J 30, DIMOUT L9 27, DEUTON 8J 24, DIMOUT J9 24, MOUND L11 24
On 5th draw, SOREX 12K 53 --- SOREX the common shrew [n]
Other moves: RESOW N2 49, SEX N4 43, SOX N4 43, SOREX L11 42, VEX 7K 41
On 6th draw, FUSC N2 35 --- FUSC dusky brown [adj]
Other moves: FADS N1 33, FUDS N1 33, AUFS N1 31, CADS N1 31, CAUSA N1 31
On 7th draw, ZOEAS N10 68 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZAS O1 43, ZONDAS 3C 40, ZA O1 38, STANZO 10J 37, AXONS O11 36
On 8th draw, OLEARIAS 3A 74 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: OLEARIA G8 64, OLEARIAS 14G 60, AREOLAS 3B 22, REALOS 3C 20, LAMIA O6 18
On 9th draw, AROYNT A1 39 --- AROYNT to frighten away [v]
Other tops: YARE 4A 39, YARN 4A 39, YATE 4A 39
Other moves: REPAY J2 34, TELARY B1 34, UNPAY J2 34, NARY 4A 33, TOURNEY A2 33
On 10th draw, RANKED 2A 51 --- RANK to assign to a particular place or grade [v]
Other tops: JAK 2D 51
Other moves: JAPED J2 43, JAUK 3L 41, DAK 2D 39, JEAN D1 38, LEK 2D 37
On 11th draw, WIN 4C 35 --- WIN to winnow [v] --- WIN to be victorious [v]
Other tops: WEN 4C 35
Other moves: YETI 4A 34, YETT 4A 34, WE 4D 33, PEH J4 30, PEW J4 30
On 12th draw, FEM 5D 35 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other moves: FEM O1 33, FE 5D 29, ORFE M11 28, ME 5D 26, OAF G6 24
On 13th draw, PAH O1 34 --- PAH a Maori settlement [n] --- PAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: HAP O1 33, PAH J4 30, LAH O1 28, NAH O1 28, HAN O1 25
On 14th draw, AROYNTED A1 36 --- AROYNT to frighten away [v]
Other moves: GORPED J1 24, GROPED J1 24, LOPED J2 22, ORDER M11 22, ROPED J2 22
On 15th draw, QUERY 8D 27 --- QUERY to question [v]
Other moves: QI M7 21, EAU 13M 19, GREE M11 19, EREV B6 18, BEV(E)R 6H 17
On 16th draw, QUITED D8 32 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v]
Other moves: VITAE 9C 31, QUATE D8 28, QUIET D8 28, QUITE D8 28, VITA 9C 26
VITE 9C 26 roocatcher
On 17th draw, ROVE C12 22 --- ROVE to roam a past tense of REEVE [v]
Other tops: RUNNET E7 22, TENON C10 22, TENOR C10 22, TURNON E7 22
Other moves: NONET E10 21, NOTER E10 21, TENON E10 21, TENOR E10 21, TONER E10 21
ROVE C12 22 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, LITEROSE 14H 60 --- LITEROSE affectedly literary [adj]
Other tops: TROELIES 14G 60
Other moves: EXTOL O11 42, BREVET 7H 21, EELIER 15C 21, ETOILE 15C 21, LOERIE 15A 21
REEL 15A 15 roocatcher
On 19th draw, NOOIT 15G 27 --- NOOIT (South Africa) expressing pleased or shocked surprise [interj]
Other tops: NITON 15G 27
Other moves: INGOT 15E 26, TIGON 15E 26, TOEING 15A 24, GOON 15F 23, NITON 15E 23
INGOT 15E 26 roocatcher
On 20th draw, JAIL B10 34 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JAILING 10B 33, JAI B10 29, JAP J2 28, JAIL 10B 27, JAI 10B 26
JIG M7 21 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, s.martin
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