Game on May 31, 2015 at 23:29, 2 players
1. 316 pts dannyboy
2. 50 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 28 28 


12G 24 52 


13B 80 132 


K5 82 214 


B8 74 288 


A4 53 341 


J5 35 376 


N10 50 426 


J9 58 484 


C3 81 565 


D1 38 603 


E3 76 679 


11B 32 711 


15A 39 750 


1D 36 786 


8K 42 828 


L1 32 860 


2J 34 894 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
dannyboy 2 10:25 -578 316 1.7344 dannyboy 2 10:25 -578 316
mookie 0 2:00 -844 50 Group: novice
1.5471 mookie 0 2:00 -844 50
On 1st draw, REGLOW H7 28 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v] --- REGLOW to glow again [v]
Other moves: GLOWER H4 24, GLOWER H3 22, GLOWER H7 22, GLOWER H8 22, GROWL H4 22
On 2nd draw, TWIDDLE 12G 24 --- TWIDDLE to play idly with something [v]
Other tops: WIELDED 12H 24
Other moves: WELDED 12H 22, WIDDLE 12H 22, WILDED 12H 22, WELTED 12H 20, WILTED 12H 20
On 3rd draw, ANNATES 13B 80 --- ANNATES the first year's revenue of a bishop paid to the pope [n]
Other moves: ANNATES N6 74, ANNATES I2 64, TANNAGES 9C 62, ANSATE N10 29, TANNAS 13C 28
On 4th draw, AIR(B)OUND K5 82 --- AIRBOUND stopped up by air [adj]
Other moves: RAINOU(T) A7 78, (M)AINOUR N6 71, (D)OUANIER M6 68, RI(G)AUDON K7 66, (M)AINOUR G2 63
On 5th draw, MOINEAUS B8 74 --- MOINEAU a small flat bastion [n]
Other moves: MOINEAUS E8 70, MONSIEUR 7A 62, MOINEAUS 5F 60, MOUSIE 14B 41, MESON N10 39
(B)ONUS 8K 15 mookie
On 6th draw, FALLEN A4 53 --- FALL to descend freely by force of gravity [v]
Other moves: FALLEN A7 51, FELLA A4 48, FELLA A7 42, FETAL A5 38, FALL A7 37
FELLA A7 42 dannyboy
FLAT A6 35 mookie
On 7th draw, PHO J5 35 --- PHO expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: OUPH J3 34, SHOVED M8 34, SOPH J3 34, UPDOS N10 34, HOVED M9 32
SHOP N12 31 dannyboy
On 8th draw, CO(R)KY N10 50 --- CORKY like cork [adj]
Other moves: SICKOU(T) 15B 45, KIC(K)Y L1 44, YUCKIE(R) M7 44, YOICK(S) C3 42, (E)SKY 15A 42
(B)(R)ICK 8K 27 dannyboy
On 9th draw, OXIDE J9 58 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: OXID J9 57, YEX O13 53, OX J9 52, YEX C7 48, ONYX B2 45
OX J9 52 dannyboy
On 10th draw, BARRIOS C3 81 --- BARRIO a Spanish-speaking district [n]
Other moves: BARRIOS C2 75, SORBARIA E6 70, SOAR O12 40, ISOBARS 15A 36, BRIARS L1 33
BRIARS L1 33 dannyboy
On 11th draw, WEEM D1 38 --- WEEM a subterranean dwelling [n]
Other moves: REWET L3 33, TWEE L4 31, MEW D2 30, REMET L3 30, TREW D1 30
TREW D1 30 dannyboy
On 12th draw, TINDERS E3 76 --- TINDER readily combustible material [n]
Other moves: SIEN O12 40, REWINDS 1B 33, WINDERS 1D 33, DWINES 1C 30, TWINED 1C 30
WIDEST 1D 30 dannyboy
On 13th draw, NIQAB 11B 32 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: QAT L3 29, BEGAT L1 27, WAITE 1D 24, BATE L3 23, BITE L3 23
On 14th draw, ESPY 15A 39 --- ESPY to catch sight of [v]
Other tops: WEEPY 1D 39
Other moves: YEP O13 38, YUP O13 38, WEEDY 1D 36, EYED L4 34, YEVE L3 34
WEEPY 1D 39 dannyboy
On 15th draw, WIGHT 1D 36 --- WIGHT a living being [n] --- WIGHT to blame [v]
Other moves: TOUGH O6 34, DZO 6E 33, OUGHT L2 32, GOTH O7 31, ZIT L3 29
On 16th draw, (B)UAZE 8K 42 --- BUAZE an African shrub [n]
Other moves: ZEA B1 30, AUF O13 29, ZA B2 28, HAZE G1 26, FATE L3 25
On 17th draw, FATED L1 32 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other tops: FARED L1 32
Other moves: FADER L1 31, DEAF F4 29, FADE L3 28, FARD L3 28, DEFAT L1 27
FARED L1 32 dannyboy
On 18th draw, CRAVAT 2J 34 --- CRAVAT a necktie [n]
Other moves: FACT 1L 27, ATOC 14D 25, FRAG 1L 24, FROG 1L 24, COTTAR 3I 22
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