Game on June 4, 2015 at 23:14, 3 players
1. 350 pts s.martin
2. 149 pts mookie
3. 46 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 78 78 


15H 110 188 


11E 32 220 


N10 44 264 


O5 90 354 


13K 30 384 


14A 72 456 


A10 39 495 


14J 56 551 


4J 35 586 


N6 53 639 


5G 35 674 


H1 36 710 


9B 63 773 


8A 46 819 


A1 83 902 


6J 26 928 


12D 38 966 


M7 25 991 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
s.martin 3 8:21 -641 350 1.6700 s.martin 3 8:21 -641 350
mookie 0 7:30 -842 149 2.6933 GLOBEMAN 0 2:21 -945 46
GLOBEMAN 0 2:21 -945 46 Group: novice
1.5468 mookie 0 7:30 -842 149
On 1st draw, ANALYSE H8 78 --- ANALYSE to separate a whole into parts [v]
Other moves: ANALYSE H2 72, ANALYSE H3 72, ANALYSE H4 72, ANALYSE H6 72, ANALYSE H7 72
LEANY H4 18 mookie
On 2nd draw, ROOPIE(R) 15H 110 --- ROOPY hoarse [adj]
Other tops: P**(F)**RPOO(F)IER 15B 110, POO(V)IER 15B 110, (G)OOPIER 15B 110, (L)OOPIER 15B 110, (R)OOPIER 15B 110
Other moves: OPORI(C)E 15E 107, ROOPIE(R) 15B 107, (R)OOPIER 15H 107, POORLIE(R) 11D 86, POO(R)LIER 11D 86
ANALYSER H8 33 mookie
On 3rd draw, DROLEST 11E 32 --- DROLE amusing [adj]
Other moves: DROVE(R) N10 26, VERDOY 12C 26, DOSE 14J 24, DOST 14J 24, DOTE 14J 24
VOES 14F 17 s.martin
DEVOTES 14C 15 mookie
On 4th draw, PANZE(R) N10 44 --- PANZER an armoured combat vehicle [n]
Other moves: PANZERS 13B 38, PREZ 14L 38, ZONAE G10 36, ZONER G10 36, RANZELS 13B 34
ZEE 14F 32 s.martin
REZ 14M 28 mookie
On 5th draw, T(U)MBLED O5 90 --- TUMBLE to fall or roll end over end [v]
Other moves: T(R)EMBLED 14B 89, T(U)MBLED G2 65, T(U)MBLED I2 65, BEDL(A)M O6 37, BELD(A)M O6 37
M(A)TED O7 28 mookie
On 6th draw, GLOZE 13K 30 --- GLOZE to explain away [v]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ 13L 24, LUZ 13L 24, GEO N6 22, GUL 14J 21, LUGE N4 21
GLOZE 13K 30 s.martin
GUILE N1 14 mookie
On 7th draw, ENRAUNGE 14A 72 --- ENRAUNGE to arrange [v]
Other moves: GUNNERAS 13A 70, GUNNERA I3 67, GUNNERA M4 65, GUNNERAS J4 63, GUNNERA G2 62
GAE 14J 24 s.martin
RAGE 12B 13 mookie
On 8th draw, TOWNEE A10 39 --- TOWNEE a townsman [n]
Other moves: OWLET A11 36, TWEEL A11 36, TWEEN A11 36, WOWEE A11 36, WEEL A12 33
TWEEN A11 36 s.martin
On 9th draw, JA 14J 56 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: HAJES 4K 45, JAMES 4K 43, JAWS 4L 43, J*WSJEWS 4L 43, HAWMS 4K 41
JA 14J 56 s.martin
On 10th draw, OGIVES 4J 35 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other moves: GIVES 4K 33, KEGS 4L 33, VEGOS 4K 33, EIKS 4L 31, GOVS 4L 31
GIVES 4K 33 s.martin
On 11th draw, XU N6 53 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: NEXUS 5H 41, EX 15C 36, UNVEXT M2 34, XU 5J 33, ENUF 5I 27
XU N6 53 s.martin
On 12th draw, TAKHI 5G 35 --- TAKHI a wild horse [n]
Other tops: MACHI 5G 35
Other moves: HAICKS J6 33, CHIMAR C9 32, CHIT 5I 31, KHI 5I 31, MIHA M7 31
HIM M7 27 s.martin
On 13th draw, CAUDAD H1 36 --- CAUDAD towards the tail [adv]
Other moves: CAUDA H1 30, BUDA M7 27, CAUDAD 10D 25, CAW M7 25, ADAW D12 24
BAC M7 23 s.martin
On 14th draw, TAILBONE 9B 63 --- TAILBONE the coccyx [n]
Other moves: BLEAT M7 30, BLOAT M7 30, DIOTA 6H 26, ABATE 10F 25, BETA M7 25
BAT M7 19 s.martin
On 15th draw, SINH 8A 46 --- SINH a hyperbolic function of an angle [n]
Other moves: RAHS 8A 34, HINS 8A 31, ASH 8A 25, ISH 8A 25, NAH 8A 25
On 16th draw, MURIATES A1 83 --- MURIATE chloride [n]
Other moves: MURIATED 4A 80, MURIATED 6A 67, MURICATE 1D 65, DIMER 6H 38, DAME 6H 37
On 17th draw, OFF 6J 26 --- OFF to go away [v]
Other moves: QI 12D 25, FIDO 6F 24, RUFF 3G 24, FIR M7 23, FOR M7 23
On 18th draw, VIEWY 12D 38 --- VIEWY showy [adj]
Other moves: WEIR 10C 32, WRY 15D 29, YEW M7 29, WEARY 2F 27, WIVED 4D 26
On 19th draw, CRY M7 25 --- CRY to weep [v]
Other moves: IVY M3 18, RICY 3A 18, BYRE F9 17, RACY 2G 17, Y*DYID 6F 17
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