Game on June 10, 2015 at 23:41, 1 player
1. 23 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


11E 28 50 


K4 68 118 


8A 77 195 


7C 44 239 


L4 49 288 


M1 43 331 


1G 89 420 


2A 98 518 


A4 64 582 


3B 35 617 


N1 40 657 


B10 60 717 


O4 53 770 


4D 32 802 


A13 35 837 


C13 36 873 


13G 32 905 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
mookie 0 0:53 -882 23 1.5448 mookie 0 0:53 -882 23
On 1st draw, EURIPI H8 22 --- EURIPUS a sea channel with strong currents [n]
Other moves: PUREE H4 20, EURIPI H3 18, EURIPI H4 18, EURIPI H7 18, EURIPI H5 16
On 2nd draw, ULTIONS 11E 28 --- ULTION revenge [n]
Other moves: OILNUTS 13G 18, PLUTONS 12H 18, PULTONS 12H 18, PLUTON 12H 16, POULTS 12H 16
On 3rd draw, ANAEMI(A)S K4 68 --- ANAEMIA a disorder of the blood [n]
Other tops: AMEN(T)IAS K4 68, AMNE(S)IAS K4 68, ANIMA(T)ES K4 68, AN(A)EMIAS K4 68, (A)NAEMIAS K4 68, (P)AEANISM K5 68
Other moves: AMAN(D)INE J5 67, ANAL(C)IME F8 67, AMEN(T)IA G2 64, AMEN(T)IA I2 64, AMNE(S)IA G2 64
On 4th draw, ETIOLATE 8A 77 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other moves: TOILET L4 31, LATTE L4 27, LOTTE L4 27, TOILE L4 27, MAILE 8K 24
On 5th draw, QI 7C 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT G13 43, QI G13 42, TALAQ 6J 36, QAT J2 34, QAT 6J 32
On 6th draw, DERAY L4 49 --- DERAY disorderly revelry [n] --- DERAY to go wild [v]
Other tops: DEARY L4 49
Other moves: READY L4 48, REEDY L4 48, REEKY J3 47, D*RK*YDARKEY J1 45, KYE J6 45
On 7th draw, SPAZ M1 43 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: POZ M2 41, ZAP J2 40, SAZ M2 37, MYOPS 8K 36, ZAS J2 36
On 8th draw, BEAMLESS 1G 89 --- BEAMLESS having no beam [adj]
Other tops: BEAMLESS 1F 89
Other moves: EMBALES N4 83, BELAMIES 13C 82, EMBALES I2 74, ABELES N2 46, ABELE N2 44
On 9th draw, FOXFIRE 2A 98 --- FOXFIRE a glow produced by certain fungi on decaying wood [n]
Other moves: FOXFIRE 2C 86, SIXER N1 55, SOREX N1 48, FOXIE 2F 46, TOFFIER B8 42
On 10th draw, SALIENCY A4 64 --- SALIENCY a projecting feature or detail [n]
Other moves: AMYLIC 8J 39, AYS J5 34, ANI 3A 31, SYNC J9 31, AY 2I 30
On 11th draw, RU(E)D 3B 35 --- RUE to feel sorrow or remorse for [v]
Other tops: DU(A)N 3B 35
Other moves: WINDGU(N) 13G 32, DU(E) 3B 31, WI(N)DGUN 13G 30, W(E)ND N3 29, (O)W 1A 29
On 12th draw, SINEW N1 40 --- SINEW to strengthen [v]
Other moves: TEWING 4D 36, SAGE N1 35, EWT J5 34, WEAN 4D 34, WENA 4D 34
On 13th draw, HOVED B10 60 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HAVEN B10 58, HOVEA B10 58, HOVEN B10 58, DEVON O4 56, DONAH O4 56
On 14th draw, DEGOUT O4 53 --- DEGOUT distaste [n]
Other moves: DEGOUT 4D 34, EWT J5 34, GED O2 34, OWT J5 34, WED 4D 34
OUTED O5 23 mookie
On 15th draw, GENTOO 4D 32 --- GENTOO a Falkland Island penguin [n]
Other moves: COGENT M8 30, GENT 4D 26, EN 1A 24, ET 1A 24, GEN 4D 24
On 16th draw, HOW A13 35 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other tops: HEW A13 35
Other moves: EWT J5 34, OWT J5 34, HEW C13 31, HOW C13 31, NOWT 3G 30
On 17th draw, RAJ C13 36 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: TAJ C13 36
Other moves: JA 3I 34, CIGARET 13G 30, HEJRA 13A 30, ACT J5 28, AJAR 6I 27
On 18th draw, VINEGAR 13G 32 --- VINEGAR a sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative [n] --- VINEGAR to treat with a sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative [v]
Other moves: AB J5 24, EN 1A 24, CHANGE 10A 21, CHARGE 10A 21, ENG 3G 21
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