Game on June 25, 2015 at 17:25, 1 player
1. 12 pts boyerdan
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 78 78 


2G 70 148 


7B 66 214 


B2 74 288 


A1 41 329 


O2 96 425 


1I 30 455 


E3 34 489 


C3 35 524 


10E 36 560 


A9 76 636 


K6 45 681 


L1 32 713 


H10 39 752 


M1 36 788 


13G 26 814 


14F 35 849 


12L 28 877 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
boyerdan 0 0:36 -865 12 1. - boyerdan 0 0:36 -865 12
On 1st draw, T(H)YROID H2 78 --- THYROID a ductless gland in the neck [n]
Other tops: TRI(P)ODY H6 78
Other moves: TRI(P)ODY H7 74, T(H)YROID H6 74, TRI(P)ODY H2 72, TRI(P)ODY H3 72, TRI(P)ODY H4 72
On 2nd draw, ETIOLATE 2G 70 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other tops: ETIOLATE 2B 70
Other moves: AEROLITE 5F 66, ETOILE G5 18, EYALET 4G 18, TAILYE 4D 18, ETOILE I6 16
TAILOR 5C 12 boyerdan
On 3rd draw, EUPHONIA 7B 66 --- EUPHONIA an agreeable sound [n]
Other moves: HAPU 1L 54, HEAP 1L 52, PUHA 1L 50, HAEN 1L 46, PANE 1L 38
On 4th draw, PLOUTERS B2 74 --- PLOUTER to potter [v]
Other tops: POULTERS B2 74
Other moves: PURL 1L 38, PURS 1L 38, PUTS 1L 38, SPOOL 6E 32, SPOOT 6E 32
On 5th draw, WOAD A1 41 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other moves: DEAW 1L 39, WOOED 6F 38, WOOLD 6F 38, LEWD 1L 37, WAGED 3J 37
On 6th draw, DINKU(M)S O2 96 --- DINKUM the truth [n]
Other tops: DUSKIN(G) O2 96
Other moves: DU(C)KPINS D3 80, DUSKIN(G) J5 79, DUSKIN(G) 9F 78, NUDNI(C)KS G4 75, KIDS 1L 58
On 7th draw, GLEBAE 1I 30 --- GLEBA a spore-bearing mass of some fungi [n]
Other moves: BEG C3 29, EAGLE A8 29, BIGA 3J 27, GLEBA 1I 27, GLEBE 1I 27
On 8th draw, CUMSHAW E3 34 --- CUMSHAW a gift [n]
Other moves: AW 6E 31, CAWS J4 31, CWMS J4 31, MAWS J4 31, SCAW J7 31
On 9th draw, FY C3 35 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: EFT C2 33, FET C3 30, TAY C2 30, TEF C2 30, YAE N6 30
On 10th draw, SMIDGE 10E 36 --- SMIDGE a very small amount [n]
Other moves: DISME 10C 32, GISM 10C 31, ISM 10D 29, MIBS J4 28, SMIDGE J7 28
On 11th draw, ARENITE A9 76 --- ARENITE rock made up chiefly of sand grains [n]
Other moves: ARENITE K7 75, RETINAE K6 75, TRAINEE K6 75, ARENITE N8 70, TRAINEE C9 69
On 12th draw, VEXING K6 45 --- VEX to annoy [v] --- VEXING the act of vexing [n]
Other moves: XENIA B11 43, WAX 9E 42, WEX 9E 42, AXING K7 37, EXING K7 37
On 13th draw, BAZAR L1 32 --- BAZAR an Eastern market-place [n]
Other moves: AZLON 4K 28, NAZIR G7 27, AZON 4L 26, IZAR 13A 26, NAZI G7 26
On 14th draw, DETACH H10 39 --- DETACH to unfasten and separate [v]
Other moves: EPHA D6 29, HOA F6 29, HOE F6 29, HOT F6 29, HATE B11 27
On 15th draw, ATONE M1 36 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other moves: FENI B11 27, FONE B11 27, FIN L7 24, FEN B13 23, FIE B13 23
On 16th draw, TABLIER 13G 26 --- TABLIER an apron [n]
Other moves: TRIVET 14A 22, WEB 9E 22, GLIB I10 21, CIT(H)ER 3E 20, VIBE G9 19
On 17th draw, JOCO 14F 35 --- JOCO cheerful [adj]
Other moves: ROJI 12L 30, RAJ 12L 26, JEAN L12 24, JEON L12 24, NINJA 12A 24
On 18th draw, FAIN 12L 28 --- FAIN joyful [adj] --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other tops: FAIR 12L 28, NAIF 12L 28
Other moves: FAN 12L 24, FAR 12L 24, FIN L7 24, RIF L7 24, FAN B13 23
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