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Game on July 10, 2015 at 19:28, 4 players
1. 604 pts OrangeCup
2. 389 pts mordeckhi
3. 348 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceinot   H2    72    72   lection
 2. eelnrtt   1G   101   173   nettler
 3. ?aginrw   5D    94   267   ringtaws
 4. deeioos   4A    20   287   eidos
 5. eillosy   N1    42   329   solely
 6. deijnrt   G7    41   370   jedi
 7. aehimnr   K5    74   444   shireman
 8. ioppttu  H10    41   485   tiptop
 9. abeeior   8J    33   518   orbier
10. cdenqru   B2    46   564   quince
11. abdegvw   A7    41   605   waved
12. aaensuu   8A    24   629   asana
13. deioryz  F10    65   694   zori
14. aaefgrs  B10    48   742   fares
15. adfklvy   L8    41   783   blady
16. aeghmou   M3    36   819   ahem
17. abgkotu  E11    36   855   kob
18. afgotuv  D12    37   892   goaf
19. gituuvx   9C    36   928   xu

Remaining tiles: gituuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7845 FileOrangeCup   5  9:57  -324  604     1.7845 OrangeCup   5  9:57  -324  604 
  2.4285 Filemordeckhi   0 19:34  -539  389     2.7820 PIThompson  0  1:52  -906   22 
  3.6197 Fileworsie      0  8:47  -580  348            Group: intermediate
  4.7820 FilePIThompson  0  1:52  -906   22     1.6197 worsie      0  8:47  -580  348 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4285 mordeckhi   0 19:34  -539  389 

On 1st draw, (L)ECTION H2 72 --- LECTION a portion of sacred writing read in a church service [n]
Other tops: CENTI(M)O H4 72, COINTE(R) H4 72, CON(C)EIT H4 72, CO(O)NTIE H4 72, CTENOI(D) H4 72, C(O)ONTIE H4 72, ENTO(M)IC H6 72, ENTO(P)IC H6 72, ENTO(T)IC H6 72, EN(T)OTIC H6 72, E(X)CITON H2 72, NE(P)OTIC H6 72, NOTICE(D) H8 72, NOTICE(R) H8 72, NOTICE(S) H8 72, TONE(M)IC H6 72, TONE(T)IC H6 72, (A)CONITE H3 72, (A)NOETIC H6 72, (D)EONTIC H6 72, (H)ENOTIC H6 72, (K)ENOTIC H6 72, (K)ETONIC H6 72, (R)ECTION H2 72, (S)ECTION H2 72, (T)ONETIC H6 72
Other moves: CENTI(M)O H2 68, CENTI(M)O H3 68, CENTI(M)O H6 68, CENTI(M)O H8 68, COINTE(R) H2 68
CONE H7 12 mordeckhi

On 2nd draw, NETTLER 1G 101 --- NETTLER one that nettles [n]
Other tops: LETTERN 1D 101, LETTERN 1G 101, NETTLER 1C 101
Other moves: LETTERN G7 65, NETTLER G7 65, NETTLER I7 65, NETTLIER 6C 62, TELETRON 7B 61
E(L)ECTION H1 27 mordeckhi

On 3rd draw, RINGTAW(S) 5D 94 --- RINGTAW a game of marbles [n]
Other tops: WRAT(H)ING 5E 94, WRA(S)TING 5D 94
Other moves: REWA(K)ING 3G 82, REWA(X)ING 3G 82, WEARING(S) 3G 82, WEAR(Y)ING 3G 82, (S)WEARING 3F 82
WRA(S)TING 5D 44 OrangeCup
TRAIN 5H 10 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, EIDOS 4A 20 --- EIDOS an essence [n]
Other tops: IDEES 4A 20, OREIDES D4 20, OROIDES D4 20
Other moves: IDEES 2K 19, DESI 4C 18, DESIRE D1 18, DOO(L)EE 2E 18, DOO(L)IE 2E 18
SEED N1 18 OrangeCup
SEED 9H 16 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, SOLELY N1 42 --- SOLELY singly [adv]
Other moves: OILILY B1 34, SLILY B2 32, SOILY B2 32, SOLELY A1 27, SILLY N1 24
SOLELY A1 27 mordeckhi
SILLY N1 24 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, JEDI G7 41 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JERID G7 41
Other moves: JIRD G7 40, JET G7 38, JIN G7 38, EEJIT A4 36, JETE A1 33
JEDI G7 41 OrangeCup
ENTER A1 15 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, (S)HIREMAN K5 74 --- SHIREMAN a law-enforcement officer of a county [n]
Other moves: HAEMIN O4 61, CHAIRMEN 4H 43, MIHA F8 38, HAREM F10 37, HARIM F10 37
HAREM F10 37 OrangeCup
HAREM A1 30 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, TIPTOP H10 41 --- TIPTOP the highest point [n]
Other moves: TIPTOP F8 32, PIP F8 31, POP F8 31, TIPT F8 28, TOPI F8 28
POP F8 31 OrangeCup
POPE A1 24 mordeckhi
TOPE A1 18 worsie

On 9th draw, ORBIER 8J 33 --- ORBY resembling a circle or sphere [adj]
Other moves: AEROBE O5 31, AEROBE O6 29, RABI F8 29, RIBA F8 29, ROBE F8 29
RIB F8 28 OrangeCup
REBAR 8K 24 mordeckhi
BEAR F10 23 worsie

On 10th draw, QUINCE B2 46 --- QUINCE a fragrant, acid fruit [n]
Other moves: QUEEN A1 42, QUEER A1 42, CONQUER 14G 38, CINQUE B3 37, CIRQUE B3 37
QUEEN A1 42 OrangeCup, mordeckhi, worsie

On 11th draw, WAVED A7 41 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: BAWD F8 40, ADVEW A7 38, GAWD F8 38, WAVED F10 38, WAVED L11 37
WAVED A7 41 OrangeCup
WAVED F10 38 worsie
VAT 13F 7 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, ASANA 8A 24 --- ASANA a posture in yoga [n]
Other moves: ASEA 8A 23, NAUSEA B10 23, SAUNA B10 21, AS 8A 20, QUINCES B2 20
QUINCES B2 20 worsie, mordeckhi, OrangeCup

On 13th draw, ZORI F10 65 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other tops: ZED F10 65, ZERO F10 65
Other moves: ZO F10 63, OYEZ L12 56, OYEZ 4L 52, DORIZE B10 50, DOZIER B10 50
ZERO F10 65 OrangeCup
ZO(L) 2F 33 worsie
DOZED 11A 32 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, FARES B10 48 --- FARE to get on or succeed [v]
Other tops: FARSE B10 48, FEARS B10 48
Other moves: AFEARS 14A 38, FRAGS 14B 38, AFARS 14B 36, FARES 14B 36, FEARS 14B 36
FRAGS 14B 38 OrangeCup
FARES 14B 36 worsie
GEARS 14B 32 mordeckhi
FEAR I11 22 PIThompson

On 15th draw, BLADY L8 41 --- BLADY s in blady grass, a coarse Australian grass [adj]
Other moves: YAK E11 38, KY 6E 37, YAK A13 37, FY 6E 35, ALKY L12 34
YAK E11 38 OrangeCup
FAY A13 34 worsie
LEAK 13A 16 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, AHEM M3 36 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: MAHOE O2 36
Other moves: MAHOE E11 35, MOHUA E11 35, HAME E11 34, HOMA E11 34, HOME E11 34
HAME E11 34 OrangeCup
HAM A13 31 worsie
QUAG 2B 14 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, KOB E11 36 --- KOB a reddish brown antelope [n]
Other tops: KAB E11 36
Other moves: KAGO E11 35, KAGU E11 35, BOK E11 34, BOK A13 33, BAUK J11 32
KAB E11 36 OrangeCup
BAG A13 24 worsie
QAT 2B 12 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, GOAF D12 37 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: FOG D12 31, FOU D12 29, FAG A13 28, FOG A13 28, FUG A13 28
FOG D12 31 OrangeCup
FAG A13 28 worsie
QUAG 2B 14 mordeckhi

On 19th draw, XU 9C 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: TIX I1 36
Other moves: TIX A13 34, TUX A13 34, XI I9 30, TAX C7 26, VEXT 3G 26
TIX I1 36 OrangeCup
HEX 4M 21 worsie
MAXI 10K 15 mordeckhi

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