Game on August 2, 2015 at 23:38, 2 players
1. 87 pts dannyboy
2. 14 pts mookie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 76 76 


11E 86 162 


J5 65 227 


K2 34 261 


3G 60 321 


1F 57 378 


8J 36 414 


9A 60 474 


4K 29 503 


12L 30 533 


8A 52 585 


12A 54 639 


13J 48 687 


A12 39 726 


4D 35 761 


O1 30 791 


B11 37 828 


G7 37 865 


14M 22 887 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
dannyboy 0 2:46 -800 87 1.7659 dannyboy 0 2:46 -800 87
mookie 0 1:20 -873 14 Group: novice
1.5433 mookie 0 1:20 -873 14
On 1st draw, AUSP(I)CE H7 76 --- AUSPICE a favorable omen [n]
Other tops: APE(R)CUS H3 76, APE(R)CUS H8 76, CAPSU(L)E H2 76, CAPSU(L)E H4 76, CUSPA(T)E H4 76, PAU(N)CES H4 76, PAU(N)CES H8 76, SCAUPE(D) H3 76, SCAUPE(D) H8 76, SCAUPE(R) H3 76, SCAUPE(R) H8 76, SCA(L)EUP H3 76, SCA(L)EUP H6 76, SPECU(L)A H3 76, UPSCA(L)E H3 76, U(N)CAPES H2 76, U(N)CAPES H8 76, (T)EACUPS H7 76
Other moves: APE(R)CUS H2 72, APE(R)CUS H4 72, APE(R)CUS H6 72, APE(R)CUS H7 72, AUSP(I)CE H2 72
On 2nd draw, TRO(I)LISM 11E 86 --- TROILISM sexual relations involving three persons [n]
Other moves: TROIL(I)SM 11C 68, MORALIST 7E 62, TURMOILS 8G 61, SIM(I)LOR 11E 32, MERLOTS 13G 26
On 3rd draw, FANTASIE J5 65 --- FANTASIE a free-form musical composition [n]
Other moves: CAFTANS 12H 41, CAFTAN 12H 39, FASTEN M9 36, FESTA M9 34, FASTEN 14F 30
FASTEN 14F 30 dannyboy
On 4th draw, HAVEN K2 34 --- HAVEN to shelter [v]
Other tops: HOVEA K2 34, HOVEN K2 34
Other moves: HOVEA 12A 32, HOVEA K1 32, HALE I9 31, HOLE I9 31, HULE I9 31
On 5th draw, Q(U)AYAGE 3G 60 --- QUAYAGE a charge for the use of a quay [n]
Other moves: Q(U)AYAGE 3I 58, Q(U)AYD 3I 54, (S)EDGY 1K 41, (S)AYED 1K 38, YEAD(S) 1G 35
MADE L11 14 mookie
On 6th draw, PIXELS 1F 57 --- PIXEL a basic unit of a video image [n]
Other moves: PIXES 1G 54, SIMPLEX L9 52, SILEX 1K 51, IMPLEX L10 50, LEXIS 1G 48
On 7th draw, TROKED 8J 36 --- TROKE to exchange [v]
Other moves: DIKER 13J 33, DIRKE 13J 33, DROOK 13J 33, DIKE 13J 31, DIRK 13J 31
On 8th draw, TRIOLETS 9A 60 --- TRIOLET a short poem of fixed form [n]
Other moves: VILER 4K 26, VIREO 4K 26, VOLET 4K 26, VOLTE 4K 26, VOLTI 4K 26
On 9th draw, VODUN 4K 29 --- VODUN a primitive religion of the West Indies [n]
Other moves: DOUC 13J 27, DUCT 13J 27, COUNTED 13C 26, DONG 13J 25, DONUT 13J 25
COUNT A5 21 dannyboy
On 10th draw, ANOW 12L 30 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other tops: AROW 12L 30
Other moves: WAITRON C7 28, AWATO 2B 26, ARNATTO A4 24, AWATO A6 24, TAHA 2I 24
On 11th draw, EATH 8A 52 --- EATH easy [adj]
Other moves: ERATHEM 13C 38, WHAM O12 36, REWARM O10 33, MHORR N10 32, HAEM 13K 31
WHAM O12 36 dannyboy
On 12th draw, ZEBRA 12A 54 --- ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [n]
Other moves: HAZER 2K 51, HAZE 2K 49, BRONZE N10 46, BEZ G5 45, REZ G5 43
On 13th draw, DWEEB 13J 48 --- DWEEB an unattractive or inept person [n]
Other moves: ZONE A12 39, BOWNED O1 36, BOWNED O10 36, DONEE 13J 36, WOODEN N10 36
On 14th draw, ZONA A12 39 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: ANI 13A 27, VINA 4F 23, VAIN 4E 21, VAIN O1 21, VIN 4F 20
On 15th draw, ELOIGN 4D 35 --- ELOIGN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other moves: OILING 4D 32, ENGLOBE N8 28, LOGIN 4D 27, GLOBIN N10 26, ELOIN 4D 25
On 16th draw, CRINUM O1 30 --- CRINUM a tropical herb [n]
Other tops: MUONIC O1 30
Other moves: MICRO 2B 28, MUCRO 2B 28, CRIM 5C 26, COR 10D 24, CURIO 2B 24
On 17th draw, DEFY B11 37 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other moves: NUDITY 14A 36, JUDY 3A 35, FID 14M 30, FY 9L 30, TEDY B11 29
On 18th draw, JOT G7 37 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other moves: JUTE F6 27, JO 11N 26, OUIJA 7D 26, GIO 14M 22, GIT 14M 22
On 19th draw, GIT 14M 22 --- GIT a foolish person [n] --- GIT to get, GITS, GITTED, GITTING [v]
Other moves: TIG 14M 21, GI 14M 20, TI 14M 17, RIT 9L 15, UTERI N6 15
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