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Game on August 10, 2015 at 00:22, 1 player
1. 196 pts mireille2

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aijrtu   H4    40    40   jurat
 2. aiklotv   G7    33    73   kiva
 3. aaelmnr  H10    35   108   rameal
 4. ?ilrtvy  13G    84   192   deviltry
 5. ?abdeio   L8    76   268   obviated
 6. aeinpst   5E    90   358   petunias
 7. cehiory  15B    67   425   heroicly
 8. egilort   B8    82   507   regolith
 9. deegnst   J4    66   573   signeted
10. cilnopr   A6    34   607   clop
11. abdiosw   C8    35   642   swob
12. aeginot   4H    38   680   jesting
13. aaefnou   6D    31   711   oaf
14. ddeinsx   O4    44   755   snided
15. aefruuw  F10    31   786   few
16. aemoqru   3L    43   829   qua
17. aehmnor   B2    51   880   maneh
18. eioruxz   C1    60   940   zex
19. inooruu   1C    48   988   zorino

Remaining tiles: uu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6403 Filemireille2   1  5:13  -792  196     1.6403 mireille2   1  5:13  -792  196 

On 1st draw, JURAT H4 40 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other tops: JA(B)IRU H4 40, JURAT(S) H4 40, JURA(N)T H4 40, JURI(S)T H4 40, JU(M)ART H4 40, JU(P)ATI H4 40
Other moves: JART(A) H4 38, JARU(L) H4 38, JAU(N)T H4 38, JA(G)IR H4 38, JIR(G)A H4 38

On 2nd draw, KIVA G7 33 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: JOVIAL 4H 32, KAIL G7 27, KALI G7 27, KATI G7 27, KILO G7 27

On 3rd draw, RAMEAL H10 35 --- RAMEAL of a branch [adj]
Other tops: ALMNER H10 35
Other moves: REMAN I5 30, NEMA I5 28, MAARE I7 26, MALAR I7 26, MARAE I7 26

On 4th draw, (D)EVILTRY 13G 84 --- DEVILTRY mischief [n]
Other moves: RIVAL(I)TY 14E 65, R(I)VALITY 14E 65, V(A)IRY F10 40, V(E)ILY F10 40, LITUR(G)Y 5E 36

On 5th draw, OB(V)IATED L8 76 --- OBVIATE to prevent or eliminate by effective measures [v]
Other moves: ABOIDEA(U) 11H 70, ABOIDE(A)U 5A 70, O(X)IDABLE K7 70, (A)BOIDEAU 5A 70, (V)OIDABLE K7 70

On 6th draw, PETUNIAS 5E 90 --- PETUNIA a tropical herb [n]
Other moves: PANTIES M2 72, PATINES M2 72, SPINATE M2 72, PANTIES F1 70, PANTIES K2 70

On 7th draw, HEROICLY 15B 67 --- HEROICLY (Milton) heroically [adj]
Other moves: HYDRIC 15J 45, HONEY I3 44, CONEY I3 42, HYLE K11 37, CIDERY 15J 36

On 8th draw, REGOLITH B8 82 --- REGOLITH a layer of loose rock [n]
Other moves: JOLTIER 4H 38, JILTER 4H 36, JOLTER 4H 36, GOAL 14F 29, LIONET I2 27

On 9th draw, SIGNETED J4 66 --- SIGNET to mark with an official seal [v]
Other moves: JESTED 4H 38, NESTED A4 33, SENTED A4 33, TENSED A4 33, DENSE A4 30

On 10th draw, CLOP A6 34 --- CLOP to make the sound of a hoof striking pavement [v]
Other tops: CROP A6 34
Other moves: CROP 8A 33, PROYN N10 32, COP A7 31, PRION A5 29, CION A6 26

On 11th draw, SWOB C8 35 --- SWOB to swab [v]
Other moves: AIDOS C9 32, WADIS C7 31, WAB F10 30, WAD F10 29, BAWDS L1 28

On 12th draw, JESTING 4H 38 --- JESTING the act of one who jests [n]
Other moves: TONGER D10 23, STINGO 4J 22, STOGIE 4J 22, TONIER D10 21, CATION 6A 20

On 13th draw, OAF 6D 31 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other tops: NEF 6D 31
Other moves: EF 6E 30, OF 6E 30, FAE 14J 29, FOE 14J 29, FAA F10 28

On 14th draw, SNIDED O4 44 --- SNIDE to fill or load [v]
Other tops: SINDED O4 44
Other moves: EXODES 8J 42, SIDED O4 41, SDEIN O4 38, SINED O4 38, SNIDE O4 38
XI 3L 32 mireille2

On 15th draw, FEW F10 31 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other tops: FAW F10 31, WAFERY N8 31
Other moves: FAE 14J 29, FAE F10 28, FAR F10 28, FER F10 28, FEU F10 28
FEW N8 25 mireille2

On 16th draw, QUA 3L 43 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUAY N10 36, QUEY N10 36, MORAE N6 33, GAMER N4 31, GOMER N4 31
QUA 3L 43 mireille2

On 17th draw, MANEH B2 51 --- MANEH a Greek weight [n]
Other tops: OMRAH B2 51
Other moves: HAREM N6 45, HOMER N6 43, MAHOE E9 42, MANEH N6 42, ROMNEYA N8 41
HOMER N6 43 mireille2

On 18th draw, ZEX C1 60 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: XI N6 53, OX 14E 52, REZ A1 51, OXER C2 48, ZO 2N 48
XI N6 53 mireille2

On 19th draw, ZORINO 1C 48 --- ZORINO shrunk fur used for garments [n]
Other moves: ON D1 20, OU D1 20, ODOUR 15K 18, NOIR D10 17, NORI D10 17

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