Game on August 10, 2015 at 14:07, 1 player
1. 21 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 88 88 


8G 63 151 


11D 78 229 


J1 63 292 


O4 69 361 


10J 63 424 


M8 52 476 


1I 39 515 


4F 74 589 


L12 39 628 


15G 27 655 


3G 44 699 


14J 49 748 


O11 36 784 


12A 32 816 


A7 30 846 


5E 51 897 


6C 31 928 


F9 27 955 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
Blouberg 0 3:34 -934 21 1. - Blouberg 0 3:34 -934 21
On 1st draw, PRAVITY H6 88 --- PRAVITY wickedness [n]
Other moves: PRAVITY H4 86, PRAVITY H2 82, PRAVITY H3 82, PRAVITY H7 82, PRAVITY H8 82
On 2nd draw, LAUGHTER 8G 63 --- LAUGHTER the act or sound of one that laughs [n]
Other moves: GUTTLER 11E 32, TEUGHLY 12B 28, THEURGY 12B 28, HUGELY 12C 26, HURLEY 12C 24
On 3rd draw, AE(R)ATION 11D 78 --- AERATION exposure to the action of air [n]
Other moves: AE(R)ATION L4 64, (M)ETANOIA 11F 64, (M)ETANOIA L6 64, EGO(M)ANIA J7 60, AERA(T)ION N6 59
On 4th draw, REOILING J1 63 --- REOIL to oil again [v]
Other moves: OILERY 12C 27, ELOIN 12A 18, ELOINER M3 18, IRONE 12A 18, IRONIER N2 18
On 5th draw, FONT(S) O4 69 --- FONT a receptacle for the water used in baptism [n]
Other moves: BLOT(S) O4 63, BOLT(S) O4 63, FOB(S) O5 60, LOFT(S) O4 60, FON(S) O5 54
On 6th draw, JORUM 10J 63 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: JOUR 10J 54, JURE 10J 54, JEU 10J 53, JOE 10J 53, JOR 10J 53
On 7th draw, EQUATES M8 52 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other moves: EQUATE M8 50, QATS 12A 50, SCRAW 1H 42, SCREW 1H 42, RAWEST 1J 39
On 8th draw, DROMONS 1I 39 --- DROMON a large fast-sailing medieval galley [n]
Other moves: BOOMS 12A 34, BOSTON 12J 33, DSOBO N2 33, DSOMO N2 33, BONDS 12A 30
On 9th draw, PALLIDER 4F 74 --- PALLID pale [adj]
Other moves: PEDALLER E5 72, PREDELLA E7 61, PALELY 12C 31, PARSED 14J 30, PALED 12A 29
On 10th draw, SWEY L12 39 --- SWEY to sway [v]
Other tops: SWAY L12 39
Other moves: WESTIE 12J 36, WEISES 14J 34, SWAY 12A 32, SWEY 12A 32, WAYS 12A 32
On 11th draw, NINETY 15G 27 --- NINETY a number [n]
Other tops: NINETY 12C 27
Other moves: TENNY 15H 24, TINNY 15H 24, ALANE 5I 22, ALATE 5I 22, ALINE 5I 22
On 12th draw, ZA 3G 44 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: BWAZI 10D 44
Other moves: BWAZI 5B 42, BWAZI 14C 41, ZOWIE 2F 40, BWAZI D9 38, WHIZ 10A 38
On 13th draw, FEESES 14J 49 --- FEESE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: FEESE 14J 47, FASH 12A 38, SHEAF 12A 33, FAH 2M 32, FAHS 12A 32
On 14th draw, AVISE O11 36 --- AVISE to advise [v]
Other tops: AVISO O11 36
Other moves: VERB 12A 34, AEROBE 2I 33, VASE O12 33, VISA O12 33, VISE O12 33
On 15th draw, CADGE 12A 32 --- CADGE to get by begging [v]
Other moves: CAGED 12A 31, CAG 5E 29, CIG 5E 29, CADIE 12A 28, DAG 5E 27
On 16th draw, BIOTIC A7 30 --- BIOTIC pertaining to life [adj]
Other moves: BORIC A8 27, BOART B10 26, BIO 13B 24, CRIB A12 24, CURB A12 24
On 17th draw, KEX 5E 51 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: IBEX 5D 49, ILEX 5I 39, KEX 14F 35, LEX 5J 35, KEG 5E 33
On 18th draw, URIC 6C 31 --- URIC pertaining to urine [adj]
Other moves: BID 6D 26, CID 6D 26, RID 6D 24, ID 6E 23, BUD 3L 20
DUB C12 12 Blouberg
On 19th draw, WA(R)DOG F9 27 --- WARDOG a dog used in war [n]
Other moves: WAB 3L 25, BOA 13B 24, BOW 3L 24, YOW 12H 24, WAD 3L 23
DAB B11 9 Blouberg
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