Game on August 10, 2015 at 18:40, 5 players
1. 706 pts OrangeCup
2. 567 pts scrab21
3. 338 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


5D 30 54 


F5 72 126 


12D 104 230 


9A 73 303 


H12 45 348 


15H 83 431 


A8 48 479 


14H 33 512 


B7 44 556 


M8 74 630 


6H 69 699 


O1 66 765 


A8 45 810 


8L 36 846 


N1 30 876 


K2 30 906 


13C 31 937 


L1 35 972 


D2 26 998 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 8 14:02 -292 706 1.7943 OrangeCup 8 14:02 -292 706
scrab21 4 16:49 -431 567 2.7578 PIThompson 1 2:06 -923 75
3. -
Blouberg 1 23:05 -660 338 3.7028 sicilianc5 0 1:49 -964 34
PIThompson 1 2:06 -923 75 Group: intermediate
sicilianc5 0 1:49 -964 34 1.6577 scrab21 4 16:49 -431 567
Group: not rated
1. - Blouberg 1 23:05 -660 338
On 1st draw, FILLE H4 24 --- FILLE a girl [n]
Other tops: FILLO H4 24, FOLIE H4 24, VOILE H4 24
Other moves: FIVE H5 20, FIVE H6 20, FIVE H7 20, FIVE H8 20, FILLE H8 18
FILLE H4 24 OrangeCup
FIVE H5 20 Blouberg, scrab21
On 2nd draw, JARVI(E) 5D 30 --- JARVIE a driver of a horse-drawn taxi [n]
Other tops: JOVIA(L) 5E 30
Other moves: FJOR(D) 4H 28, JIV(E)R 5G 28, JALO(P) 6F 27, JA(T)O I3 26, JOL 6F 26
JIV(E)R 5G 28 OrangeCup, Blouberg
JOL 6F 26 scrab21
On 3rd draw, RONDACHE F5 72 --- RONDACHE a buckler, a small shield used in parrying [n]
Other moves: CHODE 6B 35, ACNODE 6A 33, HODJA D2 32, HADJ D2 30, CAJON D3 28
CHODE 6B 35 OrangeCup
CHAD 6B 28 scrab21
HAND 9E 19 Blouberg
On 4th draw, SLEAZIER 12D 104 --- SLEAZY shoddy [adj]
Other moves: REALIZES 12E 86, LAZIED 8A 51, LIZARD 8A 51, IZARS J1 50, SLEAZE 12D 50
LAZIED 8A 51 scrab21
ZEAS J2 49 OrangeCup
RAILS 13B 25 Blouberg
On 5th draw, RECUSANT 9A 73 --- RECUSANT one who refuses to accept established authority [n]
ZEST H12 39 OrangeCup, scrab21
RENTS 9H 15 Blouberg
On 6th draw, ZIPS H12 45 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other moves: KOWS J2 37, KIPS J2 36, KOPS J2 36, SKIP J5 36, WORKS A7 36
ZIPS H12 45 OrangeCup, scrab21
WO 13C 12 Blouberg
On 7th draw, SEMANTRA 15H 83 --- SEMANTRON a makeshift bell [n]
Other tops: SARMENTA 15H 83
Other moves: PARAMENT 14H 78, EMANATE B9 30, RAMENTA A9 30, RAMJET D2 30, REMANET B8 30
EM 8A 22 scrab21
EM 10A 22 OrangeCup, Blouberg
On 8th draw, PRONK A8 48 --- PRONK to show off [v]
Other moves: PUNKER A4 45, TRONK A8 42, TRUNK A8 42, KOPJE D2 36, PROKE A8 36
PUNKER A4 45 OrangeCup
TRONK A8 42 PIThompson
PORK A7 30 scrab21
OPT 11K 14 Blouberg
On 9th draw, PEH 14H 33 --- PEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: POH 14H 33
Other moves: HE 14J 30, PHENE 14H 27, PHONE 14H 27, THOLE 11I 27, EH B9 26
PEH 14H 33 OrangeCup, PIThompson
EH B9 26 scrab21
PEEL 14H 18 Blouberg
On 10th draw, VIEWY B7 44 --- VIEWY showy [adj]
Other moves: VIEW B7 35, YOWIE B11 33, TOEY B7 32, YOWE B11 31, YOWIE 11J 31
TOEY B7 32 OrangeCup
EWE B9 29 scrab21
WE(E) I3 14 Blouberg
On 11th draw, OUTDWE(L)T M8 74 --- OUTDWELL to stay beyond [v]
Other moves: WE(L)DOR N10 34, WO(N)DER N10 34, WUT(H)ER N10 32, DOW(S)ET J2 30, WED(S) J2 30
WO(N)DER N10 34 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
OWED 11I 27 scrab21
OW(N)ED 11K 20 Blouberg
On 12th draw, LEMURIAN 6H 69 --- LEMURIAN an ancient Roman festival [n]
Other moves: AMOUR 8K 30, MAUNDER 11I 30, UNJAM D3 28, ENARM L4 27, INARM L4 27
AMOUR 8K 30 OrangeCup
MOAN 8L 27 scrab21
MORE 8L 27 Blouberg
On 13th draw, DIAXON O1 66 --- DIAXON a bipolar nerve-cell [n]
Other tops: DIOXAN O1 66
Other moves: AXOID 8K 63, GOX 5K 39, NOXAL O6 36, AX G12 34, XI 13G 34
AXOID 8K 63 OrangeCup
OXO 8M 30 scrab21
XI 13C 20 Blouberg
On 14th draw, PRONKING A8 45 --- PRONK to show off [v]
Other moves: SAID 13F 33, GADSMEN J2 31, D*G**SDAGOES 8J 30, GADJES D2 30, IDEA N1 30
PRONKING A8 45 OrangeCup
DONG 8L 24 scrab21
GODS 8L 24 Blouberg
On 15th draw, FOOD 8L 36 --- FOOD a substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth [n]
Other tops: FOID 8L 36, FOLD 8L 36
Other moves: ALFREDO L3 33, FOAL 8L 33, FOIL 8L 33, FOOL 8L 33, FEIJOA D2 32
FOOD 8L 36 OrangeCup
FOLD 8L 36 scrab21, Blouberg
On 16th draw, OGLE N1 30 --- OGLE to stare at lecherously [v]
Other moves: ALAE N1 26, GALAX 4K 26, GAUJE D2 26, OLEA N1 26, GAE N2 25
OGLE N1 30 OrangeCup
ALGAE E11 22 scrab21
GO 13C 8 Blouberg
On 17th draw, TORQUE K2 30 --- TORQUE to cause to twist [v]
Other moves: OBJET D3 28, ROQUE K3 28, TOQUE K3 28, BORDE 11J 24, GOB 5K 24
TORQUE K2 30 scrab21
TOQUE K3 28 OrangeCup
(L)OB 14M 16 Blouberg
On 18th draw, BIAS 13C 31 --- BIAS to prejudice [v]
Other tops: BIOS 13C 31, BOAS 13C 31, BOIS 13C 31
Other moves: GIOS 13C 29, GOAS 13C 29, AIAS 13C 27, GAJOS D3 26, ALBAS E11 24
BIOS 13C 31 OrangeCup
BOAS 13C 31 scrab21
On 19th draw, BAYE L1 35 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other moves: BEADY 11J 30, AY M3 29, BYE 11I 29, GIBE L1 28, YEAD 11J 25
BAYE L1 35 OrangeCup
BATTY 10J 24 scrab21
On 20th draw, OUTJET D2 26 --- OUTJET a projection [n]
Other moves: GEOID 11I 23, GJU D4 22, TEGU J1 22, TIGE J1 22, EGO J2 21
TEGU J1 22 OrangeCup
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