Game on August 12, 2015 at 14:33, 1 player
1. 160 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 52 52 


4H 34 86 


8A 86 172 


3J 31 203 


D7 74 277 


13B 74 351 


14D 34 385 


2F 43 428 


5C 79 507 


1D 34 541 


O1 98 639 


A3 62 701 


3C 26 727 


6E 54 781 


B6 36 817 


1A 39 856 


N6 33 889 


B12 26 915 


M9 35 950 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
Blouberg 1 9:25 -790 160 1.4759 Blouberg 1 9:25 -790 160
On 1st draw, ZIRAM H4 52 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE H4 48, MAZIER H4 40, MAIZE H4 38, MAZER H4 38, MIRZA H4 38
On 2nd draw, ZESTY 4H 34 --- ZESTY marked by zest [adj]
Other moves: NUTSY 9E 30, SENVY 9H 29, SYEN 9H 28, SYNE 9H 28, UEYS 9E 28
On 3rd draw, NA(B)OBISM 8A 86 --- NABOBISM great wealth and luxury [n]
Other tops: NABO(B)ISM 8A 86, TABO(R)INS K4 86
Other moves: OB(T)AINS 9B 79, BASION(S) 9F 77, BA(G)NIOS 9B 77, BA(S)IONS 9B 77, BONA(C)IS 9B 77
On 4th draw, OAKER 3J 31 --- OAKER a pigment derived from natural clays [n]
Other moves: OAKS G5 28, TAKS G5 28, OAKER 5K 27, TEAK 5J 27, TOOK 5J 27
On 5th draw, DOWNIEST D7 74 --- DOWNY fluffily soft [adj]
Other moves: WINDIEST F7 68, WINDIEST F4 66, WEST 2J 44, NEWTS 2H 43, WISTED O1 43
On 6th draw, UNSPOILT 13B 74 --- SPOIL to impair the value or quality of [adj] --- UNSPOILT not spoilt [adj]
Other moves: UNSPOILT G6 70, TULIP 5K 30, TURNIP N1 28, LIPO 2H 26, TITUP 14B 26
On 7th draw, TOYO 14D 34 --- TOYO a smooth straw used for making hats [n]
Other moves: BOYO E8 32, IRONY N2 32, AYE 2I 31, NYE 2I 31, OYE 2I 31
On 8th draw, WATCH 2F 43 --- WATCH to observe carefully [v]
Other tops: WITCH 2F 43
Other moves: CRWTH N2 42, CAHOW 2F 41, TROCHI N2 38, WRATH N2 38, WROTH N2 38
On 9th draw, SAPONINE 5C 79 --- SAPONINE a soapy substance obtained from plants [n]
Other moves: PEANS 1D 43, PEONS 1D 43, PSOAE 1D 43, PAEONS 1C 40, NEAPS 1D 39
On 10th draw, AGATE 1D 34 --- AGATE a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: GATE 1E 28, BEAT E8 23, BEET E8 23, AGAPE E2 22, ATE 1F 22
On 11th draw, AR(S)HEEN O1 98 --- ARSHEEN a Russian unit of length [n]
Other moves: INHEAR(S)E 11D 90, AR(S)HEEN 3A 80, EAR(T)HEN 3A 80, HEAR(K)EN 3A 80, HEAR(T)EN 3A 80
On 12th draw, MURAENID A3 62 --- MURAENID a tropical eel [n]
Other moves: MURED 6F 46, DIRAM 3C 36, DREAM 3C 36, DARER 6F 34, EARDRUM 6F 34
RIDE 6J 17 Blouberg
On 13th draw, CORER 3C 26 --- CORER a utensil for coring apples [n]
Other moves: ROGER 3C 24, CROG B1 21, ORC N2 21, ORGUE B10 21, DOGEAR 7D 20
GEAR 7F 13 Blouberg
On 14th draw, EX 6E 54 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: DELUXE 6J 47, FLIXED 11B 34, REDUX 6H 33, FIXED 11C 32, FEUD N6 31
FIXED 11C 32 Blouberg
On 15th draw, BLADE B6 36 --- BLADE the cutting part of a kife [n] --- BLADE to skate on in-line skates [v]
Other moves: REDOUBLE 6H 33, BORED N1 32, UREDO N2 32, BEAD B6 28, BLAD B6 28
BUILD 11B 16 Blouberg
On 16th draw, DIVAGATE 1A 39 --- DIVAGATE to wander [v]
Other moves: FIDO N6 31, FIGO N6 31, FOID N6 31, FOLD N6 31, FID N6 30
FIG 11C 14 Blouberg
On 17th draw, FIVE N6 33 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FET N6 29, FEU N6 29, FIE N6 29, FIT N6 29, EF N5 28
FUR N1 21 Blouberg
On 18th draw, QUIT B12 26 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QUILT I9 24, QUOIT I9 24, BOUT E8 23, LIG 6J 16, LOG 6J 16
QUIT B12 26 Blouberg
On 19th draw, FUGIO M9 35 --- FUGIO a former coin of the United States [n]
Other moves: JOR N1 33, FUJI M9 27, JOKY L1 26, JIG 11C 22, OF E10 22
FOR N1 21 Blouberg
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