Game on August 19, 2015 at 06:12, 2 players
1. 242 pts kellybelly
2. 20 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


9E 26 74 


J2 75 149 


E5 36 185 


K4 33 218 


12A 35 253 


A8 27 280 


I7 40 320 


F4 33 353 


B10 37 390 


C6 34 424 


4J 26 450 


B2 30 480 


O2 30 510 


N6 52 562 


D1 31 593 


M7 90 683 


14J 37 720 


A1 46 766 


15E 34 800 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 3 6:52 -558 242 1.7419 kellybelly 3 6:52 -558 242
verelst 0 1:45 -780 20 Group: not rated
1.4527 verelst 0 1:45 -780 20
On 1st draw, QANAT H4 48 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: QANAT(S) H4 48, Q(U)ANTA H4 48
Other moves: QANA(T) H4 46, QAN(A)T H4 46, QA(N)AT H4 46, Q(A)NAT H4 46, Q(U)ANT H4 46
On 2nd draw, AVOSET 9E 26 --- AVOSET a wading bird [n]
Other tops: OVATES 9C 26, TAVS 9E 26
Other moves: VESTA 9F 25, OAVES 9D 24, SOAVE 9H 24, STAVE 9H 24, STOVE 9H 24
On 3rd draw, WOMBIEST J2 75 --- WOMBY hollow [adj]
Other moves: EMBOWS 8J 50, BIOME 8A 38, EMBOWS K4 36, BOWIE 8A 35, BOWSE 8A 35
On 4th draw, PERTAIN E5 36 --- PERTAIN to have reference or relation [v]
Other moves: PENIE K1 33, INEPT 8A 32, TRIPE 8A 32, PEEN K3 30, PEIN K3 30
On 5th draw, YITE K4 33 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: TIGERY D10 32, UEY K3 32, SURETY 8J 30, RYE K3 29, YET K4 29
On 6th draw, FLUB(S) 12A 35 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other moves: W(O)F F4 32, N(E)F F4 29, W(A)EFUL I7 28, (E)F F5 28, (I)F F5 28
On 7th draw, RA(T)AFIA A8 27 --- RATAFIA an almond-flavoured liqueur [n]
Other moves: AR(C)O L2 25, AFARA A11 24, A(F)FAIR A10 24, RAF(F)IA A10 24, (S)AFARI A10 24
On 8th draw, JEE I7 40 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEON G7 38, NOH F4 31, EH F5 30, OH F5 30, HE F6 28
On 9th draw, PEH F4 33 --- PEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: POH F4 33
Other moves: NOH F4 31, EH F5 30, MYTHOI 4J 30, OH F5 30, HE F6 28
On 10th draw, ALLOW B10 37 --- ALLOW to put no obstacle in the way of [v]
Other moves: ALOWE B11 30, ALOW B11 28, LOWE B12 26, LAW I1 24, LOW B12 24
On 11th draw, DITZY C6 34 --- DITZY eccentric [adj]
Other moves: ZANY C7 32, DAY D4 28, ZA L5 28, ZA D4 27, NAY D4 26
On 12th draw, MYOGEN 4J 26 --- MYOGEN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: GOONIE B1 23, NOOGIE B1 23, AGONE B2 21, GENOA B2 21, GENOA D1 21
On 13th draw, RAMROD B2 30 --- RAMROD to push or drive with great force [v]
Other moves: DREAM N2 28, GROGRAM M1 28, DOGMA B2 27, DOGMA D1 27, DAM 3L 25
On 14th draw, DONGING O2 30 --- DONG to ring a deep sound [v]
Other moves: TONGING O2 27, DOGGING M1 26, DOGGING M2 24, NOGGIN O4 24, ONDING O3 24
DOING O1 21 kellybelly
On 15th draw, XI N6 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: KEX C1 48, SEX C1 40, XI C3 40, EX C2 38, KI N6 34
XI N6 52 kellybelly
On 16th draw, VIDEO D1 31 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: FIVER M7 29, VIREO D1 29, DEF A1 28, DOF A1 28, FERVID M7 28
FIVER M7 29 kellybelly
On 17th draw, FORLESE M7 90 --- FORLESE to lose [v]
Other moves: RA(T)AFIAS A8 30, SWERFED 2I 28, SEFER K9 26, WOLFED 2J 26, REF A1 25
RA(T)AFIAS A8 30 kellybelly
On 18th draw, CURSI 14J 37 --- CURSUS a prehistoric earthwork [n]
Other moves: RA(T)AFIAS A8 30, RUNIC L11 28, SUCCI K9 28, CIRCUS 12H 26, INCURS 14H 25
RA(T)AFIAS A8 30 kellybelly
On 19th draw, CUKE A1 46 --- CUKE a cucumber [n]
Other moves: LEKU A1 40, LUKE A1 40, NUKE A1 40, KUNE A1 36, CLUNKS 12H 30
CUKE A1 46 kellybelly
On 20th draw, UNEATH 15E 34 --- UNEATH difficult [adj]
Other moves: NEATH 15F 31, UNETH 15F 31, HEART L11 29, EATH 15G 28, LATH 15G 28
UNEATH 15E 34 kellybelly
THANES 12H 20 verelst
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