Game on August 25, 2015 at 15:32, 1 player
1. 425 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 76 76 


7F 63 139 


8L 62 201 


O6 70 271 


14J 39 310 


15H 64 374 


9D 71 445 


13J 28 473 


8A 51 524 


B2 78 602 


C1 32 634 


11E 32 666 


12L 28 694 


N2 42 736 


2H 66 802 


1F 35 837 


4K 40 877 


12A 30 907 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
Blouberg 0 20:45 -482 425 1.5003 Blouberg 0 20:45 -482 425
On 1st draw, O(M)NEITY H6 76 --- OMNEITY allness [n]
Other tops: O(M)NIETY H6 76
Other moves: O(M)NEITY H2 70, O(M)NEITY H4 70, O(M)NEITY H7 70, O(M)NEITY H8 70, O(M)NIETY H2 70
NOI(S)Y H5 14 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, CA(M)OGIES 7F 63 --- CAMOGIE a type of game [n]
Other moves: COINAGES 8E 62, CAGEY 12D 22, YOGIC 12H 22, AGIOS G9 21, CAGIEST 11B 20
ACE G12 13 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, HICK 8L 62 --- HICK a rural person [n]
Other moves: HIKE 8L 56, HIVE 8L 53, HIRE 8L 44, CHEEK L4 38, RICK 8L 38
CHECK F4 18 Blouberg
On 4th draw, TAKEDOWN O6 70 --- TAKEDOWN an article that can be easily taken apart [n]
Other moves: WAITED K5 34, WAITE K5 30, DITONE K6 28, WAIT K5 28, DAWNEY 12C 26
WAITED K5 34 Blouberg
On 5th draw, APODES 14J 39 --- APODE an animal without feet or fins [n]
Other moves: FADES 14K 35, FADOS 14K 35, FEODS 14K 35, FOPS 14L 35, APODS 14K 33
FES 14M 29 Blouberg
On 6th draw, JOBED 15H 64 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOBE 13J 49, JUBE 13J 49, JOBED 15F 48, JOBE 15H 47, JUBE 15H 47
JO 13L 33 Blouberg
On 7th draw, ANTHEMED 9D 71 --- ANTHEM to praise in a national song [v]
Other moves: ANTHEMED 9B 70, DAME 13J 37, HITMAN K6 36, HITMEN K6 36, MEITH K5 34
TAME 13J 34 Blouberg
On 8th draw, LARE 13J 28 --- LARE learning [n]
Other tops: LARI 13J 28
Other moves: ALIEN 13K 27, AUREI 8A 23, LAREE 8A 23, RAILE 8A 23, URAEI 8A 23
REEL 8A 18 Blouberg
On 9th draw, WANY 8A 51 --- WANY waning in some parts [adj]
Other tops: AWNY 8A 51, WALY 8A 51
Other moves: AW(A)Y 8A 48, AW(N)Y 8A 48, AW(R)Y 8A 48, N(O)WY 8A 48, WA(D)Y 8A 48
(S)WAY 8A 48 Blouberg
On 10th draw, PATAGIA(L) B2 78 --- PATAGIAL pertaining to a patagium [adj]
Other moves: PATAGIA(L) B7 74, PATAGIA(L) B5 64, PATTI(N)G 11E 36, APATIT(E) 11E 32, PA(R)TITA 11E 32
GAP 10B 18 Blouberg
On 11th draw, QIS C1 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LESION C3 28, AIOLIS 10G 24, SOLA A1 24, SOLE A1 24, SOLI A1 24
ATE 4A 4 Blouberg
On 12th draw, LENTIGO 11E 32 --- LENTIGO a freckle [n]
Other tops: GENTILE 11E 32
Other moves: EIGNE N2 20, ELOGE N2 20, GENIE N2 20, HOING G9 20, IN D1 20
IN D1 20 Blouberg
On 13th draw, TROW 12L 28 --- TROW to suppose [v]
Other tops: FORAY 12D 28
Other moves: FAVOR 12B 26, FAVOR 5A 22, NAFF G11 19, OAF 12D 19, *F*YOFAY 12E 19
FAR 12D 16 Blouberg
On 14th draw, FRIZE N2 42 --- FRIZE a frieze [n]
Other moves: FEZ A3 36, FIZ A3 36, LAZIER 5A 30, L*ZLEZ A3 30, RANZEL 5A 30
ZO N11 22 Blouberg
On 15th draw, FORELIFT 2H 66 --- FORELIFT to raise in front [v]
Other moves: FRITZ 5J 34, FRIZ 5K 32, FIRLOT 12A 30, FOLEY 12D 28, FILTER 3I 26
FORT 3L 14 Blouberg
On 16th draw, BREN 1F 35 --- BREN a light machine-gun [n]
Other moves: NEB 1G 34, REB 1G 34, RUBE 1E 33, UNBE 1E 33, BEN 1G 32
RUBE 1E 33 Blouberg
On 17th draw, SALIX 4K 40 --- SALIX a willow tree [n]
Other moves: MAX 12D 35, EXAM 12C 32, MALAXES 5A 32, VEXIL 4K 32, LAX 12D 31
MAX 12D 35 Blouberg
On 18th draw, ERUVIM 12A 30 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: VIM 5J 24, MAUVER 5A 22, VIM 12D 22, VIM A3 22, VUM A3 22
VIM 12D 22 Blouberg
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