Game on August 25, 2015 at 16:16, 1 player
1. 164 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


4C 36 64 


9B 63 127 


C7 86 213 


12C 46 259 


8A 57 316 


5A 40 356 


H12 39 395 


A1 33 428 


7E 69 497 


6E 37 534 


K5 98 632 


L10 25 657 


15G 61 718 


14M 39 757 


O10 75 832 


N9 39 871 


L1 30 901 


14H 34 935 


1L 21 956 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
Blouberg 0 7:46 -792 164 1.5037 Blouberg 0 7:46 -792 164
On 1st draw, HUDNAS H4 28 --- HUDNA (Arabic) in Islam, a truce or ceasefire for an agreed duration [n]
Other tops: HAULDS H4 28
Other moves: DUNSH H8 26, HANDS H4 26, HAUDS H4 26, HAULD H4 26, HUDNA H4 26
HANDS H4 26 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, MIKVAH 4C 36 --- MIKVAH a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n]
Other moves: HAKIM I9 30, MIKVAH G8 30, MIKVAH I8 30, HAKIM 4H 28, HAKIM I1 28
KAM I3 23 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, GOLDIEST 9B 63 --- GOLDY similar to gold [adj]
Other tops: GODLIEST 9B 63
Other moves: LIDO 5B 29, LOTI 5B 26, GIED 3A 23, GLED 3A 23, KELOID E4 22
LEG 3B 19 Blouberg
On 4th draw, AZOT(I)SED C7 86 --- AZOTISE to combine with nitrogen [v]
Other moves: STANZ(A)ED 7E 78, ST(A)NZAED 7E 77, DAZE 8A 62, D(A)ZE 8A 58, (D)AZE 8A 56
On 5th draw, SVA(R)AJ 12C 46 --- SVARAJ self-government in British India [n]
Other moves: (D)AZE 8A 45, (F)AZE 8A 45, (G)AZE 8A 45, (H)AZE 8A 45, (L)AZE 8A 45
VIVA F4 18 Blouberg
On 6th draw, FAZE 8A 57 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: JAFA H12 42, JOEY H12 42, EDIFY 14B 40, FY 5D 39, FAY 11E 34
YO B13 21 Blouberg
On 7th draw, LAITY 5A 40 --- LAITY the non-clerical membership of a religious faith [n]
Other moves: JAIL H12 33, JARL H12 33, JILT H12 33, BAYT 13G 32, BAY 13G 31
BAY B13 26 Blouberg
On 8th draw, JOBE H12 39 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other tops: JIBE H12 39, JUBE H12 39
Other moves: JOUR H12 33, JURE H12 33, JUTE H12 33, ROUBLE A1 33, REDOUBT 14A 32
ORBIT 10I 11 Blouberg
On 9th draw, ORACLE A1 33 --- ORACLE a person through whom a deity is believed to speak [n] --- ORACLE to utter as an oracle [v]
Other tops: ECBOLE A1 33
Other moves: CRAB 3A 31, BAC 3B 29, CAB 3B 29, CREOLE A1 27, BEAR 3A 25
BAR B13 20 Blouberg
On 10th draw, SOWNDING 7E 69 --- SOWND to faint [v]
Other moves: WIDGEONS 15D 67, WENDIGOS 15G 65, WOODING 13G 43, BOWINGS 14H 42, BOWSING 14H 42
On 11th draw, EH 6E 37 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: UH 6E 37
Other moves: HENTING L1 30, HUNTING L1 30, HE 6J 28, HI 6J 28, AH B5 26
On 12th draw, NONTRUMP K5 98 --- NONTRUMP not having a trump [adj]
Other moves: NONTRUMP K7 74, MOUNT 6J 30, MOURN 6J 30, MOUP 6J 29, MOP 11E 27
On 13th draw, GOOR L10 25 --- GOOR sugar [n]
Other moves: GOOR J10 24, GOUT J10 24, GOO J10 23, GOO L10 23, ROOT L10 22
On 14th draw, PERENTIE 15G 61 --- PERENTIE a large Australian monitor lizard [n]
Other tops: PERENTIE 15E 61
Other moves: PIERT M11 30, PIER M11 28, PIET M11 28, PE J10 27, PIE M11 26
On 15th draw, QAT 14M 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QADI 14A 28, QAT E11 24, TEA J10 21, ATE M11 20, QAT 10A 20
On 16th draw, EXULTS O10 75 --- EXULT to rejoice greatly [v]
Other moves: CULETS O10 60, CUTS O12 60, YELTS O11 60, CELTS O11 57, CULTS O11 57
On 17th draw, EYEN N9 39 --- EYE the organ of sight [n]
Other moves: YEN N10 38, YON N10 38, EYE N9 36, NYE N9 36, OBEY 14G 36
On 18th draw, WINCE L1 30 --- WINCE to flinch [v]
Other moves: IWI J5 29, WEB B1 29, WE 14J 28, BE J10 27, WEB B13 27
On 19th draw, BUFO 14H 34 --- BUFO a black tincture [n]
Other moves: FOB 11E 31, FUB 11E 31, WOLF 1L 30, IF 10E 29, OF 10E 29
On 20th draw, WILI 1L 21 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other moves: BI J6 20, BLINI 3I 20, BO 6J 20, LOB 13G 20, ROB 13G 20
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