Game on August 27, 2015 at 20:02, 5 players
1. 713 pts OrangeCup
2. 676 pts musdrive
3. 526 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 74 74 


8A 86 160 


C3 32 192 


D1 36 228 


E2 46 274 


11E 78 352 


L7 78 430 


15D 54 484 


14J 32 516 


14B 52 568 


M7 32 600 


15L 38 638 


12A 49 687 


N2 44 731 


K4 28 759 


O1 58 817 


M1 32 849 


1G 27 876 


L3 24 900 


1A 27 927 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 11 10:46 -214 713 1.7781 OrangeCup 11 10:46 -214 713
musdrive 5 17:26 -251 676 2.7583 musdrive 5 17:26 -251 676
scrab21 4 17:50 -401 526 3.7565 SQUAW1 0 1:30 -853 74
worsie 0 6:17 -779 148 Group: intermediate
SQUAW1 0 1:30 -853 74 1.6676 scrab21 4 17:50 -401 526
2.6233 worsie 0 6:17 -779 148
On 1st draw, TONEP(A)D H8 74 --- TONEPAD an electronic device [n]
Other tops: NOTEP(A)D H8 74, PENTOD(E) H4 74, PO(I)NTED H4 74, PO(R)TEND H4 74, PO(Y)NTED H4 74, P(E)NTODE H4 74, P(R)OTEND H4 74
Other moves: NOTEP(A)D H6 72, PENTOD(E) H7 72, PO(I)NTED H6 72, PO(R)TEND H6 72, PO(Y)NTED H6 72
PO(I)NTED H4 24 musdrive, OrangeCup, scrab21
On 2nd draw, VAIRIEST 8A 86 --- VAIRY variegated with vair [adj]
Other moves: (A)VIARIES 13H 78, VAIRS 15D 66, VARES 15D 66, VIERS 15D 66, VIRES 15D 66
VIRES 15D 66 OrangeCup, scrab21
VARES 15D 66 musdrive
On 3rd draw, FANATIC C3 32 --- FANATIC a zealot [n]
Other moves: FAB I11 26, ABAC I12 24, FANATIC E3 24, FAA I9 23, FAB G13 23
FANATIC C3 32 musdrive
FAB G13 23 OrangeCup
FAN I9 23 scrab21
On 4th draw, GOARY D1 36 --- GOARY bloody [adj]
Other moves: GRAY D1 35, WAY D4 35, YAW D4 35, YOW D4 35, WARY D2 34
WAY D4 35 musdrive
GRAY D1 35 OrangeCup, scrab21
On 5th draw, FAME E2 46 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other tops: FEME E2 46
Other moves: DEFAMER 14H 42, FREE E2 40, RAMEE E2 39, FERMI E4 38, REEF E3 35
FAME E2 46 OrangeCup, musdrive
FRAG 1A 24 scrab21
On 6th draw, (U)NREELER 11E 78 --- UNREELER one that unreels [n]
Other tops: (U)NREELER 11D 78
Other moves: PREREN(A)L 12H 70, LE(A)RNER(S) 13F 66, L(A)R(C)ENER 13G 66, NE(A)RL(I)ER 13F 66, (P)REREN(A)L 13B 66
LEER(S) 15D 42 OrangeCup
REEL(S) 15D 42 scrab21, SQUAW1
LERE(S) 15D 42 musdrive
On 7th draw, ADHERENT L7 78 --- ADHERENT a supporter [n]
Other moves: NEATHERD L5 76, NETHEADS G1 65, PEAHEN 12H 35, DEATH 12K 33, HEARTED L8 30
HEARTED L8 30 musdrive
DEATH 12A 26 scrab21
HEED 12K 25 OrangeCup
On 8th draw, DOITS 15D 54 --- DOIT a former Dutch coin [n]
Other tops: DIOLS 15D 54, DIRLS 15D 54, DIRTS 15D 54, DOLTS 15D 54, DORIS 15D 54, DORTS 15D 54, DROILS 15C 54, DROITS 15C 54
Other moves: IDOLS 15D 51, LIDOS 15D 51, LOIDS 15D 51, LORDS 15D 51, TRIOLS 15C 51
DIRTS 15D 54 OrangeCup
DOLTS 15D 54 scrab21
DOITS 15D 54 musdrive
On 9th draw, QAT 14J 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI F14 31, PAEON I9 26, QAT K5 26, QANAT 7I 25, QAT 12C 25
QAT 14J 32 OrangeCup, scrab21
QI F14 31 worsie, musdrive
On 10th draw, DIAZO 14B 52 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: DIAZOS K4 51, ROZIT G11 51, DZOS 6E 45, ZIT G13 45, AZIDO 14B 44
ZOEA F6 33 OrangeCup, musdrive
ZA 6B 31 worsie
ZO 14E 28 scrab21
On 11th draw, WAIN M7 32 --- WAIN a large, open wagon [n] --- WAIN to convey [v]
Other tops: OBA 13C 32, OCA 13C 32, WAB 13D 32
Other moves: CAB 13D 30, COBIA K5 30, COBIA M5 29, WAI M7 29, ADOWN 8K 27
WAB 13D 32 OrangeCup, scrab21
COWAN 12A 27 musdrive
DOWN 8L 24 worsie
On 12th draw, SHIN 15L 38 --- SHIN to climb by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs [v]
Other tops: SHUN 15L 38, SINH 15L 38
Other moves: NEBISH N9 37, SHEA B5 37, BEDASH 8J 36, SNEB 15L 35, SNIB 15L 35
SHUN 15L 38 musdrive, OrangeCup, scrab21
ADHERENTS L7 14 worsie
On 13th draw, JOUKS 12A 49 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: KOJIS 12A 43, SKUA B5 43, JOIST 12A 41, JOUST 12A 41, JOUK K4 40
JOUKS 12A 49 musdrive
TOSH M12 33 OrangeCup
JO 15A 30 worsie
DAKS 8L 27 scrab21
On 14th draw, OUTBYE N2 44 --- OUTBYE outby [adv]
Other moves: LYTE N7 33, YELT N6 31, BOYG 1A 30, BLUEY K3 29, OUTBY K3 29
OUTBYE N2 44 OrangeCup
OBEY N5 28 musdrive
BOY K5 25 scrab21
YO 15A 18 worsie
On 15th draw, BLEW K4 28 --- BLOW to damn [v]
Other tops: CLEW K4 28
Other moves: LUGE O1 26, BEG O1 23, BUG O1 23, CUBEB 5J 22, ECU O7 22
BLEW K4 28 OrangeCup
LUGE O1 26 musdrive
BUG 3M 12 scrab21
On 16th draw, EXPO O1 58 --- EXPO a public exhibition [n]
Other moves: COX M1 44, PIX M1 44, POX M1 44, TIX M1 40, OX M2 38
EXPO O1 58 OrangeCup
POX M1 44 musdrive
XI 14N 38 scrab21
On 17th draw, ECO M1 32 --- ECO ecology [n]
Other moves: COME L1 30, MICE L1 30, MICO L1 30, COMBE 4H 28, COMBI 4H 28
ECO M1 32 OrangeCup
COME L1 30 musdrive
On 18th draw, GUERITE 1G 27 --- GUERITE a turret [n]
Other moves: REI L3 22, GRIG 1A 18, RE L3 18, RIGG 1A 18, TEGG 1A 18
REI L3 22 musdrive
GIRT N10 17 OrangeCup
On 19th draw, MI L3 24 --- MI the third tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: MIGG 1A 24, MUGG 1A 24
Other moves: GLIM N10 19, GLUM N10 19, GRIM N10 19, GRUM N10 19, GISM G6 18
MUGG 1A 24 OrangeCup
GRIM N10 19 musdrive
On 20th draw, VUGG 1A 27 --- VUGG a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: GUV N10 19, GLUG 1A 18, GRIG 1A 18, RIGG 1A 18, GILL N10 17
VUGG 1A 27 OrangeCup
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