Game on August 28, 2015 at 00:32, 1 player
1. 104 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 78 78 


13H 82 160 


O8 33 193 


8A 83 276 


N10 66 342 


15D 72 414 


L8 76 490 


C3 86 576 


E5 40 616 


B2 41 657 


F2 57 714 


J7 65 779 


A1 34 813 


B10 37 850 


A12 33 883 


14E 31 914 


D12 24 938 


M2 75 1013 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 1 7:42 -909 104 1.6136 faythe 1 7:42 -909 104
On 1st draw, (S)POOFE(R) H8 78 --- SPOOFER one that spoofs [n]
Other tops: FO(R)E(T)OP H4 78, *P(G)*F*(K)OP(G)EFO(K) H8 78, P(R)OOFE(D) H8 78, P(R)OOFE(R) H8 78, (R)EP(R)OOF H6 78, (S)POOFE(D) H8 78
Other moves: FO(R)E(T)OP H6 76, *Pg*F*kOP(G)EFO(K) H3 76, P**Fi*rPOOF(I)E(R) H4 76, P**Ft*rPOOF(T)E(R) H4 76, P(R)OOFE(D) H4 76
On 2nd draw, EVANGELS 13H 82 --- EVANGEL a preacher of the gospel [n]
Other moves: EVANGELS 13C 80, VANGS 15D 72, VEGAS 15D 72, VALES 15D 69, VANES 15D 69
On 3rd draw, CROMES O8 33 --- CROME to draw by a crook [v]
Other tops: COMERS O8 33
Other moves: CONNERS O7 30, MERLON N10 28, CENSOR O10 27, CONNES O8 27, CRONES O8 27
On 4th draw, PREEDIT(S) 8A 83 --- PREEDIT to edit beforehand [v]
Other moves: PERIDOTE 11C 72, PROTEIDE 11F 72, PROTEIDE 10F 69, PERIDOTE 10C 65, PREEDIT I2 63
On 5th draw, ZO N10 66 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: BORTZ B6 42, ZOOID 10F 39, DZHO 10E 37, ZHO G10 36, BOZO 10L 35
On 6th draw, BHELS 15D 72 --- BHEL a thorny Indian tree [n]
Other tops: BUHLS 15D 72, SHLUB 15H 72
Other moves: HULES 15D 69, BUSHEL 15F 66, WELSH 15E 66, BLUES 15D 63, BLUSH 15E 63
On 7th draw, DIALOGUE L8 76 --- DIALOGUE to carry on a conversation [v]
Other moves: DOULEIA M4 72, DOULA 14J 38, ALOED 14B 36, ALOUD 14B 36, LAUDE(R) 14C 28
On 8th draw, GOATHERD C3 86 --- GOATHERD one who tends goats [n]
Other moves: GOATHERD D3 76, TROAD 14B 36, DOURA 14J 35, GOURA 14J 35, HAUD 14J 34
On 9th draw, TEDDING E5 40 --- TED to spread hay for drying [v]
Other moves: EDENIC 15J 27, COIGNED 4B 26, DINGE D2 26, CIDE D2 25, EDICT B10 25
On 10th draw, BALKS B2 41 --- BALK to stop short and refuse to proceed [v]
Other moves: KIBLA D2 39, LAIKS B2 37, BLEAKS 15J 36, KIBLA K7 35, BEAKS 15K 33
On 11th draw, SOREX F2 57 --- SOREX the common shrew [n]
Other moves: RAX F4 53, REX F4 53, SAX F4 53, SEX F4 53, SOX F4 53
On 12th draw, INFAUNAE J7 65 --- INFAUNA fauna living on a soft sea floor [n]
Other moves: AUF 14D 36, FAINNE K10 33, EF 14E 31, FA(R) 14F 28, FE(R) 14F 28
On 13th draw, VAC A1 34 --- VAC a vacuum cleaner [n] --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: ACTIVE M3 33, ACTIVE B10 31, CAM A1 31, MAC A1 31, ACMITE B10 29
On 14th draw, OJIME B10 37 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other moves: EEJIT 15K 36, JETON 15K 36, JET D2 33, MENO G3 31, OME(R) 14E 28
EM 14E 25 faythe
On 15th draw, TUNY A12 33 --- TUNY tuneful [adj]
Other moves: AW 14E 31, AY 14E 31, YUAN F10 31, YIN F10 30, YU F10 29
ANY A13 24 faythe
On 16th draw, AY 14E 31 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: UEY D2 31, YITE F10 31
Other moves: YU F10 29, AYU D2 28, YA(R) 14F 28, YU D3 26, YET D2 25
AY 14E 31 faythe
On 17th draw, WARB D12 24 --- WARB a dirty or insignificant person [n]
Other tops: REWAN 15K 24, REWIN 15K 24
Other moves: NAW 13D 21, RAW 13D 21, TAW 13D 21, AW 13E 20, RAWIN M5 19
WORT 3E 8 faythe
On 18th draw, TINWARE M2 75 --- TINWARE articles made of tinplate [n]
Other moves: ANEW D1 35, AREW D1 35, TREW D1 35, NEW D2 31, REW D2 31
WANT K4 16 faythe
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