Game on August 28, 2015 at 01:15, 1 player
1. 343 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


7B 74 104 


11D 114 218 


B1 76 294 


A8 42 336 


L11 41 377 


15G 36 413 


1A 45 458 


8H 86 544 


B10 41 585 


O1 83 668 


9F 24 692 


9M 33 725 


15A 45 770 


13I 48 818 


C3 43 861 


6F 34 895 


14F 36 931 


3I 34 965 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 11:30 -622 343 1.6158 faythe 0 11:30 -622 343
On 1st draw, EXING H8 30 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EXING H4 28, EXING H5 26, EXING H6 26, EXING H7 26, NIXER H4 26
GOX H6 22 faythe
On 2nd draw, GENTOOS 7B 74 --- GENTOO a Falkland Island penguin [n]
Other tops: GENTOOS G4 74
Other moves: GEOGNOST 12H 72, GEOGNOST 12E 70, GOONIEST 10D 63, GENTOOS I2 62, OSTEOGEN 8B 60
NOTES G6 21 faythe
On 3rd draw, S(A)LINIZE 11D 114 --- SALINIZE to treat with salt [v]
Other tops: LI(O)NIZES 11E 114
Other moves: LIO(N)IZES F5 88, I(D)OLIZES F5 86, LI(O)NIZES D4 84, S(A)LINIZE D3 84, T(A)ILZIES E7 82
Z(O) 6F 62 faythe
On 4th draw, PLOTTAGE B1 76 --- PLOTTAGE an area of land [n]
Other moves: TOEPLATE K4 70, POTAE 8A 34, PELOTA 12A 29, POLE 8A 29, POTE 8A 29
POLE 8A 29 faythe
On 5th draw, FEH A8 42 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FILER A8 42, FLIER A8 42
Other moves: FLEG A8 39, FR*GFRIG A8 39, FEG A8 36, FIER A8 36, FIG A8 36
FEH 8A 32 faythe
On 6th draw, SNARY L11 41 --- SNARY in danger of entrapment [adj]
Other moves: SPAY 1A 39, SPRY 1A 39, SPEARY 1A 36, RESINY L9 35, SAYER L11 35
SAYER L11 35 faythe
On 7th draw, PIGSTY 15G 36 --- PIGSTY a pigpen [n]
Other moves: GASPY 15H 33, GIPSY 15H 33, PASTY 15H 30, PATSY 15H 30, PYATS 15K 30
YAPS 15L 27 faythe
On 8th draw, APAYD 1A 45 --- APAY to satisfy [v]
Other moves: APAY 1A 39, AY 6E 28, APAID 1A 27, AVIAN B10 27, DANNY D4 26
AY 6E 28 faythe
On 9th draw, EMERAUDE 8H 86 --- EMERAUDE a green gemstone [n]
Other moves: EMERAUDE K4 72, EMERAUDE 8F 69, MADRE B10 41, M*RD*MERDE B10 41, MERED B10 41
AM 6E 22 faythe
On 10th draw, MITRAL B10 41 --- MITRAL pertaining to a valve of the heart [adj]
Other moves: MAILER C3 36, MAILE C3 28, MAIRE C3 28, MIRV B10 28, VALI 12A 26
MART B10 25 faythe
On 11th draw, DECOU(P)LE O1 83 --- DECOUPLE to disconnect [v]
Other tops: ELOCU(T)ED O8 83
Other moves: COL(L)UDED N1 80, CO(L)LUDED N1 80, OC(C)LUDED N1 80, O(C)CLUDED N1 80, COLOU(R)ED 3A 72
CLOUD 15A 27 faythe
On 12th draw, REXINE 9F 24 --- REXINE a strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: EXINE 9G 23, EERIER 14J 22, NIXER 9F 21, NOR 9M 21, AINEE C1 20
On 13th draw, HER 9M 33 --- HER the objective or possessive case of the pronoun she [pron]
Other moves: EH 6E 28, HO 6F 28, OVERHOT 3B 28, THROVE 2J 28, HE A14 26
On 14th draw, FLOWN 15A 45 --- FLY to move through the air [v]
Other tops: FLAWN 15A 45
Other moves: CLOWN 15A 42, FLAW 15A 42, FLOW 15A 42, CLAW 15A 39, CLOW 15A 39
FAT K13 13 faythe
On 15th draw, QUEAN 13I 48 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: WEND 7J 30, QUAD 13J 28, QUENA L4 28, SUQ D11 24, CAWED 13K 22
On 16th draw, WAITED C3 43 --- WAIT to stay in expectation of [v] --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: WAIDE C3 35, WAITE C3 32, WAIVODE 2I 32, WOAD 7J 30, AW 6E 28
On 17th draw, KI 6F 34 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other moves: KAB 7J 23, AB 6E 22, ABAKA L4 22, BI 6F 22, BIKIE 2K 22
On 18th draw, JOB 14F 36 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: OBJURE 2J 34, OBJURE K4 30, JO 14F 29, JUVE 2L 28, JOBE 2L 26
On 19th draw, BIVOUAC 3I 34 --- BIVOUAC to spend the night in a makeshift camp [v]
Other moves: BRAVI 5G 25, BRAVO 5G 25, BRAVURE K3 24, AVOURE 2J 22, ABOVE 2K 20
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