Game on August 28, 2015 at 04:22, 1 player
1. 83 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 50 50 


5E 40 90 


6B 21 111 


9D 64 175 


F8 68 243 


15D 39 282 


14H 76 358 


8J 35 393 


N5 65 458 


O1 50 508 


13I 46 554 


11B 82 636 


12A 38 674 


O12 52 726 


8A 42 768 


2J 34 802 


A12 33 835 


4A 51 886 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 1 2:39 -803 83 1.6122 faythe 1 2:39 -803 83
On 1st draw, ZOOEAL H4 50 --- ZOOEAL pertaining to zooea [adj]
Other moves: ZOEAL H4 48, ZOOEA H4 48, POZOLE H4 40, POZOLE H3 36, POZOLE H7 36
On 2nd draw, (A)PPOINT 5E 40 --- APPOINT to name or assign to a position or office [v]
Other moves: ZIPT(O)P 4H 36, WIPP(E)N G5 34, ZIPP(O) 4H 34, ZIPP(Y) 4H 34, P(O)WIN I3 33
On 3rd draw, DILDO 6B 21 --- DILDO an object used as a penis substitute [n]
Other moves: DILDO 4B 20, LOID I3 20, DIDO 4C 18, DIOL I7 18, LOIN I3 18
On 4th draw, FORELAID 9D 64 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: FEDORA 4A 36, FAIRED I3 34, FADO 7C 32, FIDO 7C 32, FARED 4A 30
On 5th draw, CROC(K)ERY F8 68 --- CROCKERY domestic pottery [n]
Other moves: (A)CCOY 8A 47, COREY 8A 44, (A)CCOY 8K 44, CO(L)EY 8A 41, CO(N)EY 8A 41
On 6th draw, BAYOU 15D 39 --- BAYOU a marshy offshoot of a lake or river [n]
Other tops: BOYAU 15D 39
Other moves: BUFO 8A 36, FAGOT 10J 35, FOUAT 10J 34, ABOUT 8K 33, AGOUTY 15A 33
On 7th draw, MESTESO 14H 76 --- MESTESO a person of mixed ancestry [n]
Other moves: TEMSES 8J 38, EMOTE 8K 33, MEETS L1 31, MESES L1 31, METES L1 31
On 8th draw, AIRBAG 8J 35 --- AIRBAG an inflatable safety device in an automobile [n]
Other moves: ABEAR 8K 33, GIBE 8A 30, RIBA 15L 30, ABEAR 13H 28, ABREGE 13C 27
On 9th draw, UNRAVELS N5 65 --- UNRAVEL to separate the threads of [v]
Other moves: VENUS L1 35, VULNS L1 35, ERUVS L1 29, NEVUS L1 29, NURSE O11 28
On 10th draw, HEXER O1 50 --- HEXER one that hexes [n]
Other moves: HEX 15M 46, HIRE 15L 46, HEX 15J 45, HIKE 8A 42, HEXER 4A 41
On 11th draw, WAIDE 13I 46 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: AWE N1 36, WIDENER 13C 34, WADE 8A 33, WADI 8A 33, WIDE 8A 33
On 12th draw, MEGACITY 11B 82 --- MEGACITY a very large city [n]
Other moves: AYE N1 36, GYTE 8A 33, YAGI 8A 33, YAMEN 6J 33, GAMEY 4A 32
On 13th draw, KATI 12A 38 --- KATI an Asian unit of weight [n]
Other moves: KAGO 8A 36, KITS 12K 34, KATI 8A 33, TAKI 8A 33, KAI 12J 32
On 14th draw, HISN O12 52 --- HISN his [pron]
Other tops: HUSO O12 52
Other moves: SHONE 13B 37, SHA N1 36, ASH 13A 35, HAINS L1 35, HUIAS L1 35
On 15th draw, JOLE 8A 42 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: REJOIN I1 34, KERF A12 33, FJELD B2 32, FJORD B2 32, JOIN I3 32
On 16th draw, VIRTUE 2J 34 --- VIRTUE moral excellence [n]
Other moves: GIRSH 12K 33, KING A12 27, KIRN A12 24, KNIT A12 24, KNUR A12 24
KNUT A12 24 faythe
On 17th draw, KNEW A12 33 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other tops: WAG 13B 33
Other moves: WAE 13B 30, WAIF I3 30, WAN 13B 30, FAINE I3 29, GANEF 4A 28
KNEW A12 33 faythe
On 18th draw, QUANT 4A 51 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: FAINT I3 29, QUA 1K 29, QUAT 4B 29, AFT 15K 27, QAT 4C 27
QUIT K11 26 faythe
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