Game on August 29, 2015 at 02:23, 1 player
1. 27 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


G6 28 50 


11E 56 106 


H8 48 154 


H1 52 206 


13H 76 282 


O8 30 312 


1H 89 401 


5H 72 473 


15A 83 556 


12A 36 592 


F1 84 676 


15L 99 775 


N8 73 848 


2J 44 892 


6K 59 951 


1A 54 1005 


3B 28 1033 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 1:11 -1006 27 1.6177 faythe 0 1:11 -1006 27
On 1st draw, WORK H8 22 --- WORK to exert one's powers of body or mind for some purpose [v]
Other tops: WORK H5 22, WORK H6 22, WORK H7 22
Other moves: BIRK H5 20, BIRK H6 20, BIRK H7 20, BIRK H8 20, BORK H5 20
On 2nd draw, ADAW G6 28 --- ADAW to daunt [v]
Other tops: TAWA G7 28
Other moves: DAW G7 27, DOW G7 27, DOW I7 27, DRAW G6 27, DROW G6 27
On 3rd draw, YORKIES 11E 56 --- YORKIE a dog [n]
Other tops: YONKERS 11E 56
Other moves: NOYES F4 38, NYES F5 37, OYER F5 37, OYES F5 37, RYES F5 37
On 4th draw, WORKOUTS H8 48 --- WORKOUT a period of physical exercise [n]
Other moves: VAUTES 12A 33, AVOSET H1 32, OVATES H1 32, VAUTES H1 32, VAUTE 12A 29
On 5th draw, P(R)EFAB H1 52 --- PREFAB to construct beforehand [v]
Other moves: PIAF(F)E H1 44, BAF(T) F6 41, FAIB(L)E H1 41, FAP F6 40, PIA(F)FE F2 40
On 6th draw, UNLOVING 13H 76 --- LOVING affectionate [adj] --- UNLOVE to cease to love [v]
Other moves: GOV F6 33, VULNING 13G 32, LOGIN F4 29, LOVING 10A 28, LOVING 12J 28
On 7th draw, ANAGOGE O8 30 --- ANAGOGE a spiritual interpretation of words [n]
Other moves: AGEN F5 28, AGIN F5 28, AGON F5 28, AGEING O8 27, AGGIE O11 27
On 8th draw, PHONIE(S)T 1H 89 --- PHONEY phony [adj] --- PHONY not genuine or real [adj]
Other tops: PHONETI(C) 1H 89
Other moves: HENOTI(C) F2 84, (A)NTIHE(R)O 2B 84, HI(S)TONES 15A 83, O(R)NITHES 15A 83, HOT(L)INES 15A 80
On 9th draw, ALBEDOES 5H 72 --- ALBEDO the ratio of the light reflected by a planet to that received by it [n]
Other moves: DEBELS 15J 66, BEDELS 15J 63, BODLES 15J 63, BEDS 15L 60, BLEEDS 15J 60
On 10th draw, TRIDARNS 15A 83 --- TRIDARN a Welsh dresser [n]
Other moves: DAINT N10 36, INDART F4 36, IDANT F5 35, DANT F6 34, DART F6 34
On 11th draw, VERTED 12A 36 --- VERT to become a convert [v]
Other moves: DEV F6 33, METRE 4K 33, VERDET F3 33, METRED 12A 32, DEEM 6K 31
On 12th draw, CYPRINE F1 84 --- CYPRINE relating to carp [adj]
Other moves: CREPY 10B 49, PINEY 10B 45, PRICEY 10A 44, PRICEY F3 44, PINERY 10A 42
On 13th draw, QATS 15L 99 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUATS 15K 75, QUASH 10B 66, HAES 15L 63, HATS 15L 63, HETS 15L 63
On 14th draw, FIZ N8 73 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other tops: FEZ N8 73
Other moves: MIZ N8 71, FEZ 4K 52, FIZ 4K 52, MIZ 4K 49, FUZE 10J 39
On 15th draw, MATLO 2J 44 --- MATLO a seaman [n]
Other moves: ATOMIC 1A 39, AMOLE 14B 35, MALEIC 1A 33, MOTIVE A8 33, AMOLE 4J 32
On 16th draw, EAUX 6K 59 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: EX 6M 52, HEX I7 52, AX I8 44, EX I8 44, AX E4 38
On 17th draw, CHEMIC 1A 54 --- CHEMIC a chemist [n]
Other moves: CHIMERE C7 36, EH 10E 34, HM 10E 34, CHIMER 4A 32, HEM 10D 32
On 18th draw, JULEP 3B 28 --- JULEP a sweet drink [n]
Other moves: JEEL B10 27, JEEL J10 27, JELL J10 27, JEE B10 26, LEG 10D 23
JEEL J10 27 faythe
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