Game on August 30, 2015 at 04:34, 1 player
1. 371 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


4H 28 54 


I8 72 126 


15C 97 223 


12H 82 305 


3I 42 347 


O8 42 389 


N6 53 442 


5E 35 477 


11B 75 552 


10A 27 579 


12A 50 629 


2J 38 667 


1L 34 701 


L8 61 762 


E1 60 822 


A5 39 861 


1D 75 936 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 2 15:39 -565 371 1.4553 verelst 2 15:39 -565 371
On 1st draw, CATNIP H4 26 --- CATNIP an aromatic herb [n]
Other tops: CATNIP H7 26
Other moves: PANIC H4 24, PANIC H8 24, CATNIP H3 22, CATNIP H8 22, TANNIC H7 22
On 2nd draw, COMFITS 4H 28 --- COMFIT a candy [n]
Other moves: TOFUS 10D 27, COMFIT 4H 26, FIST 10F 26, FUST 10F 26, MUSIT 10F 26
On 3rd draw, FARRIER I8 72 --- FARRIER one that shoes horses [n]
Other moves: AIRFARE 5D 26, EF 5K 25, AREA 5H 24, ARIA 5H 24, AFIRE I7 23
On 4th draw, BALLUPS 15C 97 --- BALLUP a botched confusion [n]
Other moves: BAPUS 15E 38, PAUL H12 38, BAPS 15F 35, PUBS 15F 35, BALLS 15E 32
PLUS 15F 29 verelst
On 5th draw, HIDAL(G)OS 12H 82 --- HIDALGO a minor Spanish nobleman [n]
Other moves: SHI(P)LOAD 12G 80, SHI(T)LOAD 12G 80, AS(P)HODEL 13C 74, HALIDO(M)S 12F 74, HA(P)LOIDS 12D 74
HID 12H 11 verelst
On 6th draw, J(A)I 3I 42 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other tops: JI(G)(G)Y M9 42, JO(E) 3I 42, JO(E)YS O8 42
Other moves: DAI(M)YO 5G 41, JIM(M)Y J2 40, JIM(P)Y J2 40, JOC(K)S O8 39, J(U)COS O8 39
JOB C13 24 verelst
On 7th draw, BOXES O8 42 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other tops: COXES O8 42
Other moves: COXAE 5E 38, COXAL 5E 38, BIFLEX K2 36, LOXES O8 36, BELOWS O7 33
COXES O8 42 verelst
On 8th draw, ZLOTE N6 53 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: REZ 11I 49, TOZE 14B 43, TOZE N7 41, ZHO N6 39, ZOEAL 5E 38
ZOO 9M 22 verelst
On 9th draw, NOWAY 5E 35 --- NOWAY in no way [adv]
Other moves: YAWNER 11D 29, RUNWAY 14I 28, WIFEY K2 28, WAY 14B 27, WA(G)ON M10 27
WEB C13 16 verelst
On 10th draw, STEAMIER 11B 75 --- STEAMY covered with vapour [adj]
Other moves: METALISE L8 64, MISEATEN 7A 62, MATINEES E1 60, SEMINATE E1 60, METS 6F 41
TE(A)MS J1 20 verelst
On 11th draw, GUINEA 10A 27 --- GUINEA a former British coin [n]
Other moves: GIED 12A 26, GAINED 4A 25, GAUNTED C7 24, IDEA 12C 24, UNGATED C7 24
DAB C13 12 verelst
On 12th draw, WEAK 12A 50 --- WEAK lacking strength [adj]
Other moves: REAK 12A 38, WAKENER D6 38, AWOKE 14A 36, WROKE 14A 36, RAGWORK 14I 34
WAG A8 21 verelst
On 13th draw, YGOE 2J 38 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: DOGEY 6B 37, YGO 2J 37, EYOT 6E 35, YET 6F 32, GOEY 6C 31
DAY K11 14 verelst
On 14th draw, DECO 1L 34 --- DECO a decorative style [n]
Other tops: DOUC 1L 34
Other moves: CUDDEN 4A 30, CODED 6B 28, DOEN 1L 28, DONE 1L 28, DOUN 1L 28
DEN 1M 15 verelst
On 15th draw, RADULATE L8 61 --- RADULATE like a radula [adj]
Other moves: WADE A12 24, WADT A12 24, WARD A12 24, GIFTED K2 22, AREAD 6B 21
WADE A12 24 verelst
On 16th draw, UNRINGED E1 60 --- UNRINGED not ringed [adj]
Other moves: GRUEING A4 33, EDGING A5 27, GIRNED 4A 25, GURNED 4A 25, DERING A5 24
WING A12 24 verelst
On 17th draw, HIVING A5 39 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: HIRING A5 30, RIVING A5 30, VIRID 8A 30, VIRING A5 30, WHIN A12 30
QI 4D 22 verelst
On 18th draw, QUOTER 1D 75 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other tops: TORQUE 1A 75
Other moves: QUERN 1D 72, QUOTE 1D 72, OUVERT 1D 30, WOVE A12 30, ROVEN B2 29
QUOTER 1D 75 verelst
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