Game on August 30, 2015 at 16:45, 4 players
1. 167 pts Blouberg
2. 26 pts dannyboy
3. 18 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 38 38 


4H 26 64 


6E 73 137 


3I 61 198 


2F 38 236 


1E 28 264 


2L 43 307 


E6 24 331 


O1 36 367 


N4 60 427 


O7 47 474 


D12 34 508 


3A 79 587 


A1 51 638 


8A 66 704 


15A 27 731 


B2 40 771 


B10 34 805 


M10 26 831 


12J 24 855 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Blouberg 1 9:46 -688 167 1.7069 dannyboy 1 0:38 -829 26
dannyboy 1 0:38 -829 26 2.7497 PIThompson 0 0:49 -837 18
PIThompson 0 0:49 -837 18 3.7072 sicilianc5 0 1:36 -837 18
sicilianc5 0 1:36 -837 18 Group: novice
1.5085 Blouberg 1 9:46 -688 167
On 1st draw, JILL(S) H4 38 --- JILL a unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: JIM(P) H5 24, JIM(P) H6 24, JIM(P) H7 24, JIM(P) H8 24, J*sMJI(S)M H5 24
J(A)IL H5 20 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, JERID 4H 26 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: AREAD I1 19, READ I2 18, DEAIR G5 17, RAD I3 17, AD I4 15
JADE 4H 12 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, CHALONES 6E 73 --- CHALONE a hormone [n]
Other moves: CHALONES 7E 65, CHAINES 5E 56, HOSEN 3I 40, OSHAC M3 40, CHOSEN M1 36
COSH M2 32 Blouberg
On 4th draw, WAXES 3I 61 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: AXLE 7F 45, TAXES 3I 43, TEXAS 3I 43, WETAS 3I 40, WAX 3I 37
TAX 3I 25 Blouberg
On 5th draw, SOOEY 2F 38 --- SOOEY used for calling pigs [interj]
Other moves: SEY 2H 34, SOY 2H 34, UEY 2H 34, OY 2I 33, OILY 7F 29
SOY 2H 34 Blouberg
On 6th draw, RUND 1E 28 --- RUND a list or selvage [n]
Other tops: RAND 1E 28, REND 1E 28
Other moves: DUENNA 1A 26, AND 1F 25, END 1F 25, ALDER 7G 21, ANN 1F 19
RAND 1E 28 Blouberg
On 7th draw, ZEP 2L 43 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: ZEP(S) 2L 43
Other moves: PO(T)ZER 3B 41, ZERO 2L 41, Z(A)P 2L 40, Z(E)P 2L 40, Z(I)P 2L 40
On 8th draw, CENTAVO E6 24 --- CENTAVO a coin of various Spanish-American nations [n]
Other moves: AVOCET E3 22, COVENT E6 22, OCTAVE E5 22, ELUANT 7G 20, NOVAE 3B 19
On 9th draw, ISBA O1 36 --- ISBA a Russian log hut [n]
Other moves: OSTIA O1 33, ABSIT 13C 29, BASTI 13C 29, BASTO 13C 29, OBOIST 13A 29
On 10th draw, EU(C)AINE N4 60 --- EUCAINE an anaesthetic safer than cocaine [n]
Other tops: EU(G)ENIA N4 60, (M)AUVEINE 11B 60
Other moves: EU(C)AINE G8 59, EU(G)ENIA G8 59, EN(S)UE 13C 22, UNEA(S)E 13A 22, EU(G)ENIA(S) 8A 21
On 11th draw, MOATED O7 47 --- MOAT to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) [v]
Other moves: DOTAGE O8 43, TAMED O8 42, DAME O8 36, DEMO O8 36, DOME O8 36
On 12th draw, PROF D12 34 --- PROF a professor [n]
Other moves: FORGOER 12A 30, FRORNE 8A 30, FORGER 3B 29, FREON 8A 27, FRORN 8A 27
On 13th draw, WARTIER 3A 79 --- WARTY covered with warts [adj]
Other moves: STRAWIER L6 74, FETWA 15D 33, WAIFT 15A 33, WAIF 15A 30, AW F9 28
On 14th draw, MOWBURN A1 51 --- MOWBURN to heat and ferment [v]
Other moves: BUMF 15A 33, VROOM 14B 32, BOWR A1 30, BROOM 14B 30, FORUM 15D 30
On 15th draw, TYG 8A 66 --- TYG an old drinking-cup [n]
Other moves: TYE 8A 63, TEG 8A 57, TUG 8A 57, TEE 8A 54, TEN 8A 54
On 16th draw, GLIFT 15A 27 --- GLIFT a fright [n]
Other moves: ALIF 15A 21, ATIGI M9 21, GLIAL 7G 21, GLIA 7G 18, ILIAL 7G 17
On 17th draw, FAINE B2 40 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: KNIFE M10 31, FAIN B2 30, KENAF 10B 30, KIEF M10 29, FIKE M10 28
On 18th draw, HIATAL B10 34 --- HIATAL pertaining to a hiatus [adj] --- HIATUS a gap or missing section [adj]
Other moves: AAH F8 31, AH F9 28, AGOUTA 14B 27, AGOUTI 14B 27, AGITA M9 22
On 19th draw, GUCK M10 26 --- GUCK a messy substance [n]
Other moves: KUDO M10 25, ICK F12 24, KI A12 24, COD A10 22, GOUK M10 22
GUCK M10 26 dannyboy
On 20th draw, VOICED 12J 24 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: VICED 12K 22, VOGIE C6 22, DEV F12 21, DIV F12 21, LEV F12 19
QADI 10D 18 PIThompson, sicilianc5
OD F9 16 Blouberg
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