Game on August 30, 2015 at 23:38, 1 player
1. 489 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 44 44 


12D 28 72 


13C 28 100 


14B 68 168 


13I 27 195 


10E 63 258 


J12 30 288 


O7 95 383 


15H 30 413 


K5 40 453 


6E 69 522 


L1 35 557 


15A 36 593 


3E 64 657 


5A 75 732 


8B 66 798 


2G 58 856 


H1 54 910 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 1 17:20 -421 489 1.6177 faythe 1 17:20 -421 489
On 1st draw, CULEX H8 44 --- CULEX a mosquito [n]
Other moves: CULEX H4 34, EXCEL H4 30, EXCEL H8 30, CULEX H5 28, CULEX H6 28
EXCEL H4 30 faythe
On 2nd draw, ADNEXA 12D 28 --- ADNEXA conjoined anatomical parts [n]
Other moves: GADE G9 27, GANE G9 25, GENA G9 25, ADAGE G10 23, NADA G9 23
ADAGE G10 23 faythe
On 3rd draw, ABEAR 13C 28 --- ABEAR to bear [v]
Other tops: BARQUE 9D 28, BEARE 11D 28, QADI E10 28, QAID E9 28
Other moves: BRAAI 13I 27, ERBIA 11B 26, AQUAE 9F 25, QUAIR 9G 25, QUARE 9G 25
QUIRE 9G 25 faythe
On 4th draw, DEAWY 14B 68 --- DEAWY covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: YEWS 14D 47, SWY 14D 43, YEW 14D 43, WYES 14E 42, DEAWS 14B 41
DEAWY 14B 68 faythe
On 5th draw, REFECT 13I 27 --- REFECT to refresh with food and drink [v]
Other moves: FETOR 11G 24, TERFE 13I 21, REFLECT 10E 20, ERECT 13I 19, FELTER 10F 19
FE 15A 18 faythe
On 6th draw, OUTLINED 10E 63 --- OUTLINE to indicate the main features or different parts of [v]
Other moves: EDUCTION 8E 62, DEN 14J 22, DEUTON N10 22, DUETTI N10 22, DUETTO N10 22
DEN 14J 22 faythe
On 7th draw, LEVO J12 30 --- LEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other tops: VOLT(A) N10 30, VOLT(E) N10 30, VOLT(I) N10 30, VOLT(S) N10 30
Other moves: LEV J12 29, LEV(A) J12 29, LEV(E) J12 29, LEV(O) J12 29, LEV(Y) J12 29
(S)OB O13 23 faythe
On 8th draw, WRITERS O7 95 --- WRITER one that writes [n]
Other moves: REWRITES K4 94, TWIERS O8 42, TWIRES O8 42, WERRIS O8 42, WIRERS O8 42
SEW O13 30 faythe
On 9th draw, G(L)OOP 15H 30 --- GLOOP to bubble slowly [v]
Other moves: (S)APOTA N9 29, APO(L)OG 15H 27, A(P)OOP 15H 27, PAGO(D)A 15G 27, POA(K)A N6 26
POGO(S) 15G 21 faythe
On 10th draw, DERBIES K5 40 --- DERBY a type of hat [n]
Other tops: BREDIES K5 40
Other moves: BIDETS N9 35, G(L)OOPIER 15H 30, HERSE 11K 29, HIREE 11K 29, HID 11K 27
HIDER K7 18 faythe
On 11th draw, O(U)TGIVEN 6E 69 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: G(L)OOPING 15H 33, G(L)OOPI(N)G 15H 30, G(L)OOP(I)NG 15H 30, G(L)OOPIN(G) 15H 27, VOGI(E) L1 26
VOTING 9A 16 faythe
On 12th draw, FOGMAN L1 35 --- FOGMAN one who sets fog-signals [n]
Other tops: GLIOMA N2 35
Other moves: FLAGON L1 31, FOAM N6 28, GLIOMA 5B 27, FILM 5B 26, FLAM 5B 26
FILM 5B 26 faythe
On 13th draw, QI 15A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HIREAGE 3G 32, G(L)OOPIER 15H 30, AHI M1 28, QI N9 28, HIE M2 27
QI N9 28 faythe
On 14th draw, YEASTING 3E 64 --- YEAST to ferment [v]
Other moves: SAFETY 1J 36, SANIFY 1H 36, SAYING H1 33, STYING H1 33, SYEING H1 33
YA K2 13 faythe
On 15th draw, PURLINE 5A 75 --- PURLINE a horizontal supporting timber [n]
Other moves: PURLINE 7A 67, PIONER 2J 40, G(L)OOPIER 15H 30, LINEUP 5D 30, PREIF 1H 30
PE F2 10 faythe
On 16th draw, MANIHOCS 8B 66 --- MANIHOC a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: MONISH 2E 51, HANSOM 2A 49, HOONS 2J 47, SHIPMAN A2 45, SHOPMAN A2 45
HOONS 2J 47 faythe
On 17th draw, ZOUK 2G 58 --- ZOUK a dance music of the French West Indies [n]
Other moves: LAZE 7A 50, LAZO 7A 50, ZOUK N6 50, AZO 7B 49, FAZE 1L 48
MAZE B8 35 faythe
On 18th draw, JOSH H1 54 --- JOSH to tease [v]
Other moves: JALOP A1 45, HAJ 7A 42, TAJ 7A 39, HO 1H 36, JA 7C 36
JA 7C 36 faythe
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