Game on August 31, 2015 at 18:26, 6 players
1. 386 pts scrab21
2. 112 pts remij
3. 100 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 64 64
2. 15D 72 136
3. D8 74 210
4. C10 35 245
5. E11 35 280
6. B8 53 333
7. A4 51 384
8. 11G 74 458
9. N10 36 494
10. 15L 44 538
11. B2 28 566
12. E2 70 636
13. D1 37 673
14. 14J 37 710
15. F3 44 754
16. 8H 89 843
17. N4 37 880
18. O1 33 913
19. 2J 28 941
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6681 scrab21 4 14:41 -555 386 1.7497 PIThompson 1 1:48 -841 100
2.4780 remij 0 8:24 -829 112 2.7072 sicilianc5 1 3:29 -848 93
3.7497 PIThompson 1 1:48 -841 100 Group: intermediate
4. - queen66 0 4:44 -843 98 1.6681 scrab21 4 14:41 -555 386
5.7072 sicilianc5 1 3:29 -848 93 Group: not rated
6.4243 mordeckhi 0 1:31 -928 13 1.4780 remij 0 8:24 -829 112
2. - queen66 0 4:44 -843 98
3.4243 mordeckhi 0 1:31 -928 13
On 1st draw, OUTRI(D)E H8 64 --- OUTRIDE to ride faster or better than [v]
Other tops: ETOUR(D)I H2 64, ETOUR(D)I H3 64, ETOUR(D)I H4 64, ETOUR(D)I H6 64, ETOUR(D)I H8 64, IO(D)URET H3 64, IO(D)URET H4 64, IO(D)URET H6 64, IO(D)URET H7 64, IO(D)URET H8 64, OURIE(S)T H2 64, OURIE(S)T H3 64, OURIE(S)T H4 64, OURIE(S)T H6 64, OURIE(S)T H8 64, OUTRI(D)E H2 64, OUTRI(D)E H3 64, OUTRI(D)E H4 64, OUTRI(D)E H6 64, OUT(F)IRE H2 64, OUT(F)IRE H3 64, OUT(F)IRE H4 64, OUT(F)IRE H6 64, OUT(F)IRE H7 64, OUT(F)IRE H8 64, OUT(H)IRE H2 64, OUT(H)IRE H3 64, OUT(H)IRE H4 64, OUT(H)IRE H6 64, OUT(H)IRE H7 64, OUT(H)IRE H8 64, OUT(L)IER H2 64, OUT(L)IER H3 64, OUT(L)IER H4 64, OUT(L)IER H6 64, OUT(L)IER H7 64, OUT(L)IER H8 64, ROUTI(N)E H2 64, ROUTI(N)E H3 64, ROUTI(N)E H4 64, ROUTI(N)E H6 64, ROUTI(N)E H8 64, ROUT(H)IE H2 64, ROUT(H)IE H3 64, ROUT(H)IE H4 64, ROUT(H)IE H6 64, ROUT(H)IE H7 64, TOURIE(S) H2 64, TOURIE(S) H3 64, TOURIE(S) H4 64, TOURIE(S) H7 64, TOURIE(S) H8 64, TOU(S)IER H2 64, TOU(S)IER H3 64, TOU(S)IER H4 64, TOU(S)IER H6 64, TOU(S)IER H7 64, TOU(S)IER H8 64, TOU(T)IER H2 64, TOU(T)IER H3 64, TOU(T)IER H4 64, TOU(T)IER H6 64, TOU(T)IER H7 64, TOU(T)IER H8 64, TOU(Z)IER H2 64, TOU(Z)IER H3 64, TOU(Z)IER H4 64, TOU(Z)IER H6 64, TOU(Z)IER H7 64, TOU(Z)IER H8 64, (G)OUTIER H2 64, (G)OUTIER H3 64, (G)OUTIER H6 64, (G)OUTIER H7 64, (G)OUTIER H8 64, (P)OUTIER H2 64, (P)OUTIER H3 64, (P)OUTIER H6 64, (P)OUTIER H7 64, (P)OUTIER H8 64, (Q)UOITER H2 64, (Q)UOITER H3 64, (Q)UOITER H6 64, (Q)UOITER H7 64, (Q)UOITER H8 64, (S)TOURIE H2 64, (S)TOURIE H3 64, (S)TOURIE H6 64, (S)TOURIE H7 64, (S)TOURIE H8 64, (T)OUTIER H2 64, (T)OUTIER H3 64, (T)OUTIER H6 64, (T)OUTIER H7 64, (T)OUTIER H8 64, (V)OITURE H2 64, (V)OITURE H3 64, (V)OITURE H6 64, (V)OITURE H7 64, (V)OITURE H8 64
Other moves: ETOUR(D)I H5 62, ETOUR(D)I H7 62, IO(D)URET H2 62, IO(D)URET H5 62, OURIE(S)T H5 62
On 2nd draw, MUXES 15D 72 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: DUXES 15D 66, SEDUM 15H 54, SEX 15H 51, MEWS 15E 48, SMEW 15H 48
TEX 10H 26 remij
On 3rd draw, ALGORISM D8 74 --- ALGORISM the Arabic system of arithmetic notation [n]
Other moves: GOLIAR(D)S 13B 70, GIRASOL G2 62, GLORIAS G2 62, GLORIAS I2 62, GLORIOSA 8C 60
SAGO 14C 25 PIThompson
GORES 14E 24 scrab21
OX F14 11 remij
On 4th draw, AKED C10 35 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: KADE C11 34, TAKE C11 34, DAK C11 33, AKE C12 30, KARATE 8A 30
TAKE C11 34 sicilianc5
KETA 8A 24 scrab21
KID 13C 16 remij
On 5th draw, PAN E11 35 --- PAN to criticize harshly [v]
Other moves: PACY B7 34, CAGY B7 33, GAPY B7 33, NAP E11 33, PANIC B6 33
PAN E11 35 sicilianc5
PAY B8 31 scrab21
KOP 11C 18 remij
On 6th draw, TAJ B8 53 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JEATS B6 36, JESTS B6 36, JAGS 10B 34, TAJES 10H 28, JAG 10B 27
TAJ B8 53 PIThompson, scrab21
JETS 10F 27 remij
On 7th draw, WHARE A4 51 --- WHARE a house [n]
Other tops: HOWRE A4 51, WHORE A4 51
Other moves: GERAH A5 38, WHAE A6 38, HOWE A5 36, WHAE A5 36, WHOA A5 36
WHORE A4 51 scrab21
WET 10F 14 remij
On 8th draw, DRIFTIER 11G 74 --- DRIFTY full of drifts (masses of wind-driven snow) [adj]
Other moves: FREIT B2 34, EDIFIER 14H 26, WIFTIER 4A 26, FRIED I8 25, WIFED 4A 24
WIFED 4A 24 sicilianc5
WIFIE 4A 22 PIThompson
FIRE B1 19 scrab21
On 9th draw, VRAIC N10 36 --- VRAIC a seaweed used as a fertiliser [n]
Other moves: VICTIM L10 32, VIMINA L8 30, CRIANT N10 28, VARMINT N9 28, VATIC L8 28
AMEN 14F 23 scrab21
On 10th draw, WOST 15L 44 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: WAST 15L 44
Other moves: SAWLOG 9A 43, GAST 15L 32, GOSS 15L 32, AW B5 31, OW B5 31
WAST 15L 44 scrab21
On 11th draw, OLEIN B2 28 --- OLEIN the liquid portion of a fat [n]
Other tops: ALOIN B2 28, ELOIN B2 28
Other moves: ANELE 14F 22, AEON B3 20, AINEE B1 20, EOAN B3 20, LEAN B3 20
OLEIN B2 28 scrab21
ALEE B2 18 queen66
On 12th draw, NOTABLE E2 70 --- NOTABLE a person of distinction [n]
Other moves: NOTABLE I2 63, ABET C3 33, BANE C2 32, BANT C2 32, BATE C2 32
BONE C2 32 queen66
On 13th draw, FOGIE D1 37 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: FUGIE D1 37
Other moves: BUFO D3 35, BOGIE D1 33, FIB C2 33, FOB C2 33, GIBE D1 28
GIBE D1 28 queen66
OF 12K 22 scrab21
On 14th draw, QUA 14J 37 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QAT 10F 35, QI A1 35, YA F2 31, YO F2 31, YA F6 30
QI A1 35 scrab21
On 15th draw, VA(R)Y F3 44 --- VARY to become or make different [v]
Other moves: A(N)Y F4 33, A(R)Y F4 33, Y(E)A F2 33, (S)TY F4 33, (R)YA F5 32
AY A1 20 queen66
GUY 9G 13 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, OMICRONS 8H 89 --- OMICRON a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: CRIMSON I3 71, MICRONS I3 71, CRIMSON I2 65, MICRONS I2 65, OSMIC 13K 26
On 17th draw, HIZEN N4 37 --- HIZEN a type of Japanese porcelain [n]
Other moves: DIZEN N4 35, ZIT 10F 35, ZIN N6 32, BIZ 13M 28, BIZ L10 28
ZIN N6 32 scrab21
On 18th draw, GRUED O1 33 --- GRUE to shudder [v]
Other tops: GORED O1 33, TOGED O1 33, URGED O1 33
Other moves: GODET O1 32, OUTED O1 30, ROTED O1 30, TRUED O1 30, ERGOT O1 29
On 19th draw, BOLTER 2J 28 --- BOLTER a sifting machine [n]
Other moves: BOTTE 10F 27, PETTO 10F 27, BUY 9G 26, BY A1 26, PUY 9G 26
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