Game on September 3, 2015 at 00:34, 1 player
1. 106 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 70 70 


7G 69 139 


8A 90 229 


6J 31 260 


10A 65 325 


5J 52 377 


O1 33 410 


8M 51 461 


A10 42 503 


9J 34 537 


2J 34 571 


4C 42 613 


E7 30 643 


C2 30 673 


12C 38 711 


13G 80 791 


13C 34 825 


H12 30 855 


12L 24 879 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 1 4:37 -773 106 1.6168 faythe 1 4:37 -773 106
On 1st draw, DETORTS H4 70 --- DETORT to distort [v]
Other tops: DOTTERS H4 70
Other moves: DETORTS H2 68, DETORTS H3 68, DETORTS H6 68, DETORTS H7 68, DETORTS H8 68
On 2nd draw, MONEYMA(N) 7G 69 --- MONEYMAN a person who invests large sums of money [n]
Other moves: MO(N)EYMAN 7G 68, MER(R)YMAN 8F 65, ME(R)RYMAN 8E 65, MAMEYE(S) 5E 52, MAMEY G3 37
On 3rd draw, PLAGU(I)ER 8A 90 --- PLAGUEY vexatious [adj]
Other tops: PU(C)ELAGE 5E 90
Other moves: PLU(M)AGED 4A 78, PLUMAGE(D) L4 76, PLUMAGE(S) L4 76, PU(C)ELAGE 5A 70, EA(R)PLUG G9 66
On 4th draw, DOAB 6J 31 --- DOAB land between two rivers [n]
Other moves: BOA 6J 30, POA 6J 30, AGON 8L 27, BAP 8M 26, BOP 8M 26
On 5th draw, TOURNEYS 10A 65 --- TOURNEY to compete in a tournament [v]
Other moves: ONY 5J 36, TROY 5K 36, BARYTONE M6 34, TRONE 5K 32, EYOT 5H 30
On 6th draw, OFLAGS 5J 52 --- OFLAG a prisoner of war camp for officers [n]
Other moves: OFLAG 5J 50, FLAGS 5K 46, FLOGS 5K 46, FLAG 5K 44, FLOES 5K 44
On 7th draw, DEEPS O1 33 --- DEEP the place far down under the sea [n]
Other moves: NEAPS O1 30, NEEPS O1 30, PANDS O1 30, PENDS O1 30, QUENA E7 28
On 8th draw, CAZ 8M 51 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other moves: ZA 7C 45, SAZ 8M 43, SEZ 8M 43, ACES 8L 37, SCAN 8L 37
On 9th draw, TOWARD A10 42 --- TOWARD in the direction of [prep]
Other moves: DISA 9L 29, DROWSE 2J 28, ISO 9M 27, DRAW 9K 24, TRIADS A10 24
On 10th draw, TALKS 9J 34 --- TALK to communicate by speaking [v]
Other tops: LAIKS 9J 34
Other moves: AUKS 9K 33, ILKS 9K 33, TAKS 9K 33, LAIK 9J 31, LISK 9J 31
On 11th draw, VENIRE 2J 34 --- VENIRE a type of judicial writ [n]
Other moves: UNRIVET 6B 25, REVENUE 2I 24, UNREEVE 2I 24, WIVERN 12A 24, ENERVE 2J 22
On 12th draw, JINXED 4C 42 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: EX 11E 31, JET 6F 31, JIBED 4D 30, NIXED 1K 30, JIB G3 27
On 13th draw, QUINTE E7 30 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other moves: QUINE E7 28, QUINO E7 28, QUINT E7 28, QI 3D 24, ROTE 5B 23
On 14th draw, FUJIS C2 30 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other tops: FIST 13C 30, FITS 13C 30, FUST 13C 30, WIST 13C 30, WITS 13C 30
Other moves: SWIFT 13E 29, FIT 13C 28, FUJI C2 28, IFS 13C 28, RIFTS D10 28
WINS D12 26 faythe
On 15th draw, HEEHAW 12C 38 --- HEEHAW to bray like a donkey [v]
Other tops: HATH D12 38, HETH D12 38
Other moves: HATH 13C 36, HETH 13C 36, REWTH D10 34, HEEHAW 12D 32, THAW D12 32
HATH D12 38 faythe
On 16th draw, LORICAE 13G 80 --- LORICA the case or shell of a protozoan [n]
Other moves: ECLAIR 13H 27, WICE H12 27, ACER 13A 24, ALEC 13F 23, ALEXIC F1 23
WILE H12 21 faythe
On 17th draw, ORT 13C 34 --- ORT a scrap of food [n]
Other moves: VIN B1 24, AVO 13A 22, VOX F2 21, WONT H12 21, WOON H12 21
WORN H12 21 faythe
On 18th draw, WOVE H12 30 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: VIXEN F2 25, BEIN 12L 24, BENI 12L 24, BONE 12L 24, VIN B1 24
On 19th draw, BOUN 12L 24 --- BOUN to prepare [v]
Other moves: OB 3F 23, BIN B1 22, BIO B1 22, BON B1 22, BOI 12L 20
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