Game on September 7, 2015 at 00:50, 2 players
1. 358 pts faythe
2. 267 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 78 78 


3F 96 174 


L1 30 204 


5F 78 282 


8F 62 344 


1J 51 395 


N3 30 425 


O7 47 472 


M8 72 544 


14J 38 582 


15K 28 610 


L10 26 636 


K11 39 675 


9F 32 707 


2A 28 735 


10D 66 801 


D8 34 835 


A1 39 874 


8A 27 901 


13B 28 929 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
faythe 2 14:19 -571 358 1.7140 dannyboy 1 9:03 -662 267
dannyboy 1 9:03 -662 267 Group: intermediate
1.6173 faythe 2 14:19 -571 358
On 1st draw, NEWSIES H2 78 --- NEWSIE a newsboy [n] --- NEWSY a newsboy [n]
Other moves: NEWSIES H3 72, NEWSIES H4 72, NEWSIES H6 72, NEWSIES H7 72, NEWSIES H8 72
SINEWS H8 26 faythe
WEENS H4 24 dannyboy
On 2nd draw, REEX(P)ORT 3F 96 --- EXPORT to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] --- REEXPORT to export again [v]
Other moves: EXTER(I)OR 3H 94, EXTOR(T)ER 3H 94, EXTROR(S)E 3H 94, EX(H)ORTER 3H 94, EX(P)ORTER 3H 94
REX I1 37 faythe
TEX I1 37 dannyboy
On 3rd draw, KARATE L1 30 --- KARATE a Japanese art of self-defense [n]
Other moves: AKATEA 2A 28, KARAT L1 28, AKELA 2B 26, KAAL 2K 26, KARA L1 26
KAAL 2K 26 dannyboy
AXE I2 17 faythe
On 4th draw, UNSHIFTE(D) 5F 78 --- UNSHIFT to release the shift key on a typewriter [v]
Other moves: FU(C)HSINE 8D 67, UNFISHE(D) 8D 64, FUNKIE(R) 1I 39, HUNKIE(R) 1I 39, H*NK**sHUNKIE(S) 1I 39
FOH(S) K2 30 dannyboy
HE(S) N1 24 faythe
On 5th draw, RESPLEND 8F 62 --- RESPLEND to shine brilliantly [v]
Other moves: KEEP 1L 30, KELP 1L 30, DEERE 6J 29, NEEDER 6J 26, KEEL 1L 24
KELP 1L 30 dannyboy
NEP 6D 21 faythe
On 6th draw, JOKERS 1J 51 --- JOKER one that jokes [n]
Other moves: JUVES 6B 37, JUS N1 35, JOURS 6B 34, FEVEROUS K5 30, JUVES 9C 29
JOKERS 1J 51 dannyboy, faythe
On 7th draw, SI(D)HA N3 30 --- SIDHA one who has attained perfection [n]
Other moves: HOI 6F 29, SI(D)H N3 29, ANOA 2G 28, AAH 6D 27, ASH 6D 27
HOI 6F 29 dannyboy
AH 6E 26 faythe
On 8th draw, EQUID O7 47 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUIET 6B 40, CLIQUED J7 39, CLIQUE J7 37, QUITE 2B 36, REQUIT F8 35
EQUID O7 47 faythe
QUIET 6B 40 dannyboy
On 9th draw, DRAGONET M8 72 --- DRAGONET a marine fish [n]
Other moves: NEGATRON L8 70, GARNET N10 32, GAROTE N10 32, GATER N10 30, GATOR N10 30
GARNET N10 32 faythe
On 10th draw, WIPED 14J 38 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: WADI L12 36, PAWED 14J 34, TABID L10 34, WITED 14J 34, PAW L10 33
TAW 15M 18 faythe
On 11th draw, TOTER 15K 28 --- TOTER one that totes [n]
Other tops: TITER 15K 28
Other moves: TOPE L12 23, TOPI L12 23, TOURIE 15E 23, TERNE 2E 22, ERNE 2F 21
TREE 15G 17 faythe
On 12th draw, DAB L10 26 --- DAB to touch lightly [v]
Other tops: CABILDO 12G 26
Other moves: BAD L10 25, TAIL 9H 25, DICTA 2B 24, ABA 2J 23, LAB L10 23
CLAD 13H 17 faythe
On 13th draw, VOMIT K11 39 --- VOMIT to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v]
Other moves: OVA K10 35, VOMICA 2A 34, OCA K10 31, CAMEO 7E 27, MA K11 25
MA K11 25 faythe
On 14th draw, EFT 9F 32 --- EFT a newt [n]
Other tops: FEE 6J 32
Other moves: FEU 7G 25, FIENT 9D 25, FENT 9E 24, FEINT 6B 22, FEINT G7 22
On 15th draw, BLANCO 2A 28 --- BLANCO to coat a military belt [v]
Other moves: BANCO 2B 26, BANC 10C 25, BLOC 10C 25, BAC 10D 24, CAB 10D 24
On 16th draw, CAZ 10D 66 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other moves: ZAYIN 10B 44, ZAYIN 6B 43, ZAYIN C1 34, TREZ F7 33, NIZAM 13G 32
On 17th draw, VICUGNA D8 34 --- VICUGNA a ruminant mammal [n]
Other moves: VICUNA D8 30, CAVING D10 28, COVING D10 28, OBANG A1 27, INCAVO D8 24
On 18th draw, ABLY A1 39 --- ABLY in an able manner [adv]
Other moves: LOAMY 14B 36, YAM 3A 33, YOM 3A 33, OILY 3A 29, ANOMY 13C 28
On 19th draw, OMOV 8A 27 --- OMOV a voting system of one man, one vote [n]
Other moves: GONIUM 13B 24, LIMO 3A 24, MOI 6F 23, GUM 6D 22, IONIUM 13B 22
On 20th draw, TINGLY 13B 28 --- TINGLY tingling [adj]
Other moves: GUY 7A 27, TINILY 13B 26, LILY 3A 25, GUILT C11 24, GUY 11C 24
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