Game on September 10, 2015 at 02:50, 1 player
1. 345 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 52 52 


6F 86 138 


4C 84 222 


K5 52 274 


C2 78 352 


3I 34 386 


7F 49 435 


8J 36 471 


8A 34 505 


11E 70 575 


B6 40 615 


A1 32 647 


2H 36 683 


N7 80 763 


F2 32 795 


O12 31 826 


A10 38 864 


10D 32 896 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 3 10:26 -551 345 1.6160 faythe 3 10:26 -551 345
On 1st draw, ZANIED H4 52 --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: ZEATIN H4 50, ZANTE H4 48, ZANIED H7 36, DIZEN H4 34, ZANIED H3 34
On 2nd draw, JANISARY 6F 86 --- JANISARY a Turkish soldier [n]
Other moves: JASY I3 40, JAY I3 37, JASY G5 34, RAJAS I1 33, AJAR I2 32
On 3rd draw, O(U)TSIZED 4C 84 --- OUTSIZE an exceptionally large size [adj] --- OUTSIZED exceptionally large [adj]
Other tops: (A)ZOTISED 4G 84
Other moves: DIASTO(L)E K4 82, E(G)OTISED 8H 77, E(P)IDOTES 8H 77, E(R)OTISED 8H 77, SIDE(N)OTE 8A 77
On 4th draw, RAMAKIN K5 52 --- RAMAKIN a small dish [n]
Other moves: KAMI 5K 41, PARKIN 3I 40, IKAN 5J 39, KAM 5K 39, MAKI 5K 39
On 5th draw, SHOEHOR(N) C2 78 --- SHOEHORN to force into a small space [v]
Other moves: SHOEH(O)RN 11D 76, SH(O)EHORN 11D 76, SHO(U)(T)HER D1 64, (T)HRESH 12G 44, HOSER L8 43
On 6th draw, BEGONE 3I 34 --- BEGONE used as an order of dismissal [interj]
Other moves: BARGEE 8A 33, BERGEN 8A 33, GARBE 8A 33, GARBO 8A 33, GERBE 8A 33
BONG J10 25 faythe
On 7th draw, AXIS 7F 49 --- AXIS a straight line about which a body rotates [n] --- AXIS an Asian deer [n]
Other moves: FAX 4L 47, WAX 4L 47, WEX 4L 47, CAREX 8A 45, FARCES 8A 42
AXIS 7F 49 faythe
On 8th draw, FADEIN 8J 36 --- FADEIN a gradual increase in the brightness of an image [n]
Other tops: FUD 2J 36
Other moves: DOF 2H 35, FEND 4L 34, FOND 4L 34, FUN 2J 34, FUND 4L 34
DOF 2H 35 faythe
On 9th draw, GORIER 8A 34 --- GORY bloody [adj]
Other moves: OGEE 8E 26, GEE 8F 25, GREE 8E 25, TIGER E7 24, TOILER E7 24
TOG 2H 22 faythe
On 10th draw, RELUCENT 11E 70 --- RELUCENT reflecting light [adj]
Other moves: CLOUTER B6 33, CLOUR B6 31, CLOUT B6 31, LUTER 2J 31, CLOU B6 28
CLOUTER B6 33 faythe
On 11th draw, COOEY B6 40 --- COOEY to cry out shrilly [v]
Other moves: CIRQUE N7 37, QUERY N1 34, QUYTE E1 34, QUEY N1 32, ROQUE 12A 32
QUEY N1 32 faythe
On 12th draw, GELATO A1 32 --- GELATO an Italian ice cream [n]
Other tops: LEGATO A1 32
Other moves: TOGA 2H 26, GALE 2J 25, GATE 2J 25, DOTTEL L8 22, DOTTLE L8 22
QI G3 21 faythe
On 13th draw, BOW 2H 36 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: NOW 2H 34, TOW 2H 34, OW 2I 33, BOW 2L 32, QIS F2 32
BOW 2H 36 faythe
On 14th draw, MILLIPED N7 80 --- MILLIPED a multi-legged arthropod [n]
Other moves: UMPED H11 39, MILLED A10 37, IMPLIED N8 36, UMPIE H11 36, UPLED H11 33
UMPIE H11 36 faythe
On 15th draw, QIS F2 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TANTO 1D 30, TITAN O11 30, INTO 1E 24, IOTA 1E 24, NOTA 1E 24
QIS F2 32 faythe
On 16th draw, ATAP O12 31 --- ATAP the nipa palm tree [n]
Other moves: NAPA 10D 26, NATANT A10 26, PANT 4L 26, TAPA 10D 26, ANAN O12 25
PA 1G 24 faythe
On 17th draw, FORINT A10 38 --- FORINT a monetary unit of Hungary [n]
Other moves: FOR 1G 36, VOR 1G 36, FONT 4L 30, FORT 4L 30, FON M13 28
On 18th draw, VAW 10D 32 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: NAW 10D 29, AW 10E 28, NAW 2L 26, WAN 4L 26, AWN 2M 24
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