Game on September 10, 2015 at 06:36, 1 player
1. 241 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 52 52 


4H 28 80 


6H 33 113 


N2 55 168 


O6 40 208 


N8 85 293 


15L 57 350 


5A 68 418 


A4 42 460 


B8 81 541 


13G 84 625 


D2 72 697 


O1 44 741 


A12 46 787 


12J 48 835 


14I 35 870 


11H 29 899 


2A 22 921 


C10 28 949 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 0 12:14 -708 241 1.4563 verelst 0 12:14 -708 241
On 1st draw, DZEREN H3 52 --- DZEREN an Asian antelope [n]
Other tops: ZANDER H4 52
Other moves: ZERDA H4 50, DZEREN H4 36, RAZEED H7 36, DAZER H4 34, DZEREN H7 34
On 2nd draw, ZO(A)RIA 4H 28 --- ZOARIUM a colony of bryozoans [n]
Other tops: ZOARI(A) 4H 28, ZOOI(E)R 4H 28, ZORI(N)O 4H 28
Other moves: ZAIR(E) 4H 26, ZIRA(M) 4H 26, ZOOI(D) 4H 26, ZOO(E)A 4H 26, ZORI(L) 4H 26
On 3rd draw, ROQ(U)E 6H 33 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: Q(U)(A)G J2 32, G(L)OVE N3 30, Q(U)(A) J2 30, (L)EVO N4 28, (L)OVE N4 28
On 4th draw, BELCH N2 55 --- BELCH to expel gas through the mouth [v]
Other moves: COHABS M1 40, COBLES N1 39, BELAHS M1 36, OBEAHS M1 36, BHELS N1 35
On 5th draw, MYOID O6 40 --- MYOID resembling muscle [adj]
Other moves: ANOMY O6 35, MANY O6 34, MAYO O6 34, MINY O6 34, MONY O6 34
On 6th draw, SPAIRGE N8 85 --- SPAIRGE to sprinkle [v]
Other moves: GASPIER N9 82, GASPIER 9F 81, PRISAGE 9E 79, SPAIRGED 3A 76, PIERAGES 7B 68
On 7th draw, FADY 15L 57 --- FADY wearing away [adj]
Other moves: BYDE 15L 51, BEADY 15K 48, FADE 15L 48, BADE 15L 42, BEDU 15L 42
YE O1 19 verelst
On 8th draw, AIGRETTE 5A 68 --- AIGRETTE a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament [n]
Other moves: AIGRETTE 7A 62, ARETTING 8B 60, TREATING 8B 60, GRITTED 3B 20, GRITTER 12H 20
TRIAGE 13J 14 verelst
On 9th draw, VADOSE A4 42 --- VADOSE located above the permanent groundwater level [adj]
Other tops: AVALED A3 42, VALSED A4 42
Other moves: AVALES A3 39, VADES A4 39, SALVOED A4 36, SELVA A1 36, VALES A4 36
VALSE A4 36 verelst
On 10th draw, HEALEES B8 81 --- HEALEE someone who is being healed [n]
Other moves: HEALEES B9 79, HEALEES G7 77, SHEA M10 31, HEALEE 3J 30, LEASH 9E 30
HAGS C3 16 verelst
On 11th draw, FLOATING 13G 84 --- FLOAT to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid [v] --- FLOATING the act of floating [n]
Other moves: INFLATOR 12G 74, OLEFIANT E3 61, FAIL A12 46, FAIN A12 46, FOAL A12 46
FLIRT D2 16 verelst
On 12th draw, ABORTION D2 72 --- ABORTION induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus [n]
Other moves: LOBATION 11B 70, ABOON A11 43, BAIT A12 38, BOAT A12 38, BOON A12 38
BENT 12A 18 verelst
On 13th draw, JAM O1 44 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAM 12J 43, JEAN 12A 38, MAIN A12 38, MAIR A12 38, JAR O1 36
RAJ J12 26 verelst
On 14th draw, WREN A12 46 --- WREN a small songbird [n]
Other tops: WEIR A12 46
Other moves: VEINS C9 45, SWARVE 2B 40, REWINS 7G 37, REWIN 7G 34, SEWIN 7G 34
SEW 10D 25 verelst
On 15th draw, PAX 12J 48 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: TAX 12J 42, TUX 12J 42, APEX 7F 41, AX 12K 38, PANAX J10 36
LAX H13 30 verelst
On 16th draw, EWT 14I 35 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: EWT C12 33, WITE C10 33, WE 14J 32, WILLER H10 30, WILLET H10 30
WAIL 2C 9 verelst
On 17th draw, CIST 11H 29 --- CIST a prehistoric stone coffin [n]
Other moves: ABORTIONIST D2 26, SCUT 9H 26, CIST 9F 25, CUITS 15E 24, CUTIS 15E 24
SCAD 10L 7 verelst
On 18th draw, UNVAIL 2A 22 --- UNVAIL to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: VIRTU F2 18, INVAR 2A 16, NIVAL 2A 16, RIVAL 2A 16, VINAL 2A 16
VIA 2B 12 verelst
On 19th draw, RING C10 28 --- RING to form a ring (a circular band) around [v] --- RING to give forth a clear, resonant sound [v]
Other tops: RONG C10 28
Other moves: GORA M1 25, RENIG 7G 24, ORA M2 21, GI 1A 20, GO 1A 20
QUIN J6 13 verelst
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