Game on September 15, 2015 at 01:34, 1 player
1. 330 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 76 76 


13H 44 120 


9B 63 183 


D4 50 233 


12L 40 273 


11E 44 317 


B8 46 363 


6A 64 427 


A4 57 484 


8H 82 566 


15A 90 656 


10J 37 693 


14J 36 729 


15L 32 761 


K1 70 831 


O1 92 923 


J6 65 988 


N2 48 1036 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 2 7:33 -706 330 1.6212 faythe 2 7:33 -706 330
On 1st draw, ALARMED H8 76 --- ALARM to frighten by a sudden revelation of danger [v]
Other moves: ALARMED H6 74, ALARMED H2 72, ALARMED H3 72, ALARMED H4 72, ALARMED H7 72
On 2nd draw, EXOGEN 13H 44 --- EXOGEN a plant which grows by thickening its outer layer [n]
Other moves: EXON I12 43, OXEN I12 43, EXO I12 42, EX I12 38, OX I12 38
On 3rd draw, OCOTI(L)LO 9B 63 --- OCOTILLO a Mexican shrub [n]
Other moves: OCOTIL(L)O 9C 61, COO(P)TION M6 60, COO(S)T N10 38, OCTROI(S) 11E 32, CIT(S) N10 25
On 4th draw, STANZO D4 50 --- STANZO a pattern of verse [n]
Other tops: ZONATE L8 50
Other moves: AZONS N9 49, ZOONS D8 48, F*TS*FATSO N10 47, ZAS 8D 47, AZONS J5 44
On 5th draw, WARY 12L 40 --- WARY watchful [adj]
Other tops: WANY 12L 40
Other moves: TOWY E4 36, WAY 12J 36, YAW 12J 36, NOWY 12L 34, TOWY 12L 34
On 6th draw, EMBRUES 11E 44 --- EMBRUE to drench [v]
Other moves: BURSE N10 41, MERSE N10 41, EMBUSY O7 39, SEBUM 11K 38, SEDUM 14F 35
On 7th draw, DOVEKIE B8 46 --- DOVEKIE a seabird [n]
Other moves: BYKED O11 45, D*K*YDIKEY O8 39, VIBEY O8 39, BIDE 14J 36, KIEVE 12A 36
On 8th draw, INFAUN(A)L 6A 64 --- INFAUNA fauna living on a soft sea floor [adj] --- INFAUNAL pertaining to infauna [adj]
Other moves: (U)NSINFUL 4B 61, UNSINF(U)L 4B 60, FUNN(E)L 14J 57, FINN(Y) 14J 55, FUNN(Y) 14J 55
FUNNY O8 33 faythe
On 9th draw, CHIVE A4 57 --- CHIVE an herb used as a seasoning [n] --- CHIVE to knife [v]
Other moves: CHAINE A3 54, CHEVAL H1 54, ECHINI A3 51, CHEVY O8 48, CHINA A4 48
HEAVY O8 42 faythe
On 10th draw, ASTEROID 8H 82 --- ASTEROID a rocky object found in orbits [n]
Other moves: EDITORS J3 70, TIERODS J3 70, TRIODES J3 70, EDITORS 5H 68, STEROIDS K4 68
DESTROY O6 33 faythe
On 11th draw, OSTIATE 15A 90 --- OSTIATE having an ostium [adj]
Other moves: TOASTIER L1 68, OSTIA 15A 34, IOTAS 14J 30, EARST N10 29, TARSI N10 29
YETI O12 21 faythe
On 12th draw, BEADY 10J 37 --- BEADY resembling beads [adj]
Other tops: BADLY 10J 37, BALDY 10J 37
Other moves: BELAY 10J 36, BAYLE 7K 34, BELADY 10J 34, BYDE 14L 34, BAYED 10J 33
BADLY 10J 37 faythe
On 13th draw, WIN 14J 36 --- WIN to winnow [v] --- WIN to be victorious [v]
Other tops: JO 7M 36, WON 14J 36
Other moves: YOWL O12 30, JIRD 14E 29, WO 14J 29, JOT J6 26, NOWL 7K 26
JO 7M 36 faythe
On 14th draw, THRU 15L 32 --- THRU through [prep]
Other tops: TEHR 15L 32, THEN 15L 32
Other moves: JEHU C1 30, KUEH 12B 27, UNETH 15I 27, HENT 15I 26, JET J6 26
HENT 15I 26 faythe
On 15th draw, LEPORINE K1 70 --- LEPORINE resembling a rabbit or hare [adj]
Other moves: PROEM 12D 28, PENILL H1 27, REPOLL H1 27, KIORE 12B 24, KOINE 12B 24
On 16th draw, FOLIAGED O1 92 --- FOLIAGE the growth of leaves of a plant [adj] --- FOLIAGED having foliage [adj]
Other moves: FOLIAGE 1I 36, ALEF L1 35, ALIF L1 35, FOG J2 35, LIFE L2 32
FILLO 1H 27 faythe
On 17th draw, QAT J6 65 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUAIL 1G 42, QI 6J 31, QUOP 4I 30, PUG J2 29, QUAI C1 28
QUAIL 1G 42 faythe
On 18th draw, JAP N2 48 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JAG N2 45, JUGAL 1G 39, JA N2 38, JARUL 1G 36, JURAL 1G 36
JAIL 1H 33 faythe
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