Game on September 16, 2015 at 04:27, 1 player
1. 207 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


5A 78 154 


10C 64 218 


K7 79 297 


7A 66 363 


A7 51 414 


C9 32 446 


8H 57 503 


15A 48 551 


14B 32 583 


L12 26 609 


12C 30 639 


15E 39 678 


9M 21 699 


4B 25 724 


N2 76 800 


O1 48 848 


5K 32 880 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 1 11:45 -673 207 1.4628 verelst 1 11:45 -673 207
On 1st draw, PROLEGS H4 76 --- PROLEG an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae [n]
Other moves: PROLEGS H7 74, PROLEGS H2 72, PROLEGS H3 72, PROLEGS H6 72, PROLEGS H8 72
On 2nd draw, JET(L)INER 5A 78 --- JETLINER a plane powered by jet engines [n]
Other tops: REINJE(C)T 5H 78
Other moves: EJE(C)TION 6B 68, EJE(C)TING 9A 67, JETLINE(R) 7E 66, JEERIN(G) 5E 52, JEN(N)ETS 10B 31
On 3rd draw, AUTOPSIA 10C 64 --- AUTOPSIA autopsy [n]
Other moves: JUPATI A5 45, JAAP A5 39, JAUP A5 39, JATO A5 33, JIAO A5 33
On 4th draw, AT(I)SHOO K7 79 --- ATISHOO sound of a sneeze [n]
Other tops: (C)AHOOTS K4 79
Other moves: P**fT*HSPOO(F)TAHS 4H 76, SA(W)TOOTH E7 70, TOHE(R)OAS B2 70, (W)OOLHATS 7E 65, TOHE(R)OAS 8E 61
On 5th draw, SAFRONAL 7A 66 --- SAFRONAL a spicy-tasting chemical [n]
Other moves: JAFAS A5 45, JAFA A5 42, AFROS L11 35, OF 6A 35, FAAN 6B 33
On 6th draw, SAMECH A7 51 --- SAMECH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: SACHEM A7 48, SCHELM A7 48, SEALCH A7 45, SCHEMA A7 42, THECA 8K 42
On 7th draw, KAGOUL C9 32 --- KAGOUL a light anorak [n]
Other tops: OULK L12 32
Other moves: GOMOKU 12H 30, MOULT L11 29, GOMOKU 12J 28, GOMOKU 13H 28, HOKUM 12A 28
On 8th draw, EROTIZED 8H 57 --- EROTIZE to give a sexual meaning to [v]
Other moves: ZOOMED 13I 56, ODORIZE 12C 54, ZOOID 13I 50, ZOOIER 13I 50, TOZED 8K 48
TIMED 8K 27 verelst
On 9th draw, QIS 15A 48 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS I3 41, SQUEG 14K 40, SUIVEZ M3 38, SQUEG 15C 37, VIES 15A 36
QIS 15A 48 verelst
On 10th draw, BLUED 14B 32 --- BLUE to make the colour of a clear sky [v]
Other tops: BLEND 14B 32, BLIND 14B 32, BLUID 14B 32, BLUNTED 14B 32
Other moves: BLUDIE 14B 30, BEND L12 28, BIND L12 28, BLUDE 14B 28, BUND L12 28
NOB 12J 10 verelst
On 11th draw, WIG L12 26 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: AW L11 25, WIT L12 24, TAUIWI L3 23, AGUTI 15F 21, WAW 13E 21
WOW 12J 18 verelst
On 12th draw, ORBITY 12C 30 --- ORBITY bereavement [n]
Other tops: ABLY 15F 30, ARTILY 15F 30, TRIABLE N2 30
Other moves: LAIRY 15E 29, LAITY 15E 29, RIYAL 15E 29, ABY 15F 27, GRAY 11C 27
GRAY 14L 16 verelst
On 13th draw, DERMIC 15E 39 --- DERMIC pertaining to the skin [adj] --- DERMIS a layer of the skin [adj]
Other moves: MEDIC 15E 37, METRIC 15E 37, DEMIC 15E 36, METIC 15E 34, MITRED 15E 34
CEDE B2 14 verelst
On 14th draw, ANE 9M 21 --- ANE one [n]
Other tops: ALA 9M 21, ALE 9M 21, ANA 9M 21, ANI 9M 21
Other moves: ALIENEE N2 18, APNEAL 4G 18, EEL M11 18, TABLED E10 18, AA 9M 17
LAZE M6 15 verelst
On 15th draw, WIEL 4B 25 --- WIEL a whirlpool [n]
Other tops: DELI M11 25, RELIT M11 25
Other moves: DEL M11 20, DWEL(L) D1 20, PEWIT 4H 20, TWIR(L)ER D1 20, WIZARD M6 20
WRITE B1 16 verelst
On 16th draw, INTERLENT N2 76 --- INTERLEND [v]
Other moves: ENLIT M11 25, RELIT M11 25, LENT 3A 22, NETT 3A 22, RENT 3A 22
PILER 4H 14 verelst
On 17th draw, NOYADE O1 48 --- NOYADE an execution by drowning [n]
Other moves: NOYED O1 43, DOYEN O1 42, DOUANE O1 35, YODE 3A 32, YEAD 3A 31
YOWE B2 20 verelst
On 18th draw, VEXED 5K 32 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: FAXED 5K 32
Other moves: NEF 3A 30, EF 3B 28, FANE 3A 28, VANE 3A 28, FAN 3A 24
VOW 12J 9 verelst
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