Game on September 17, 2015 at 19:03, 5 players
1. 628 pts OrangeCup
2. 343 pts Blouberg
3. 106 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


10F 21 49 


9E 24 73 


D6 80 153 


K4 86 239 


L1 50 289 


8J 36 325 


N1 70 395 


L11 37 432 


O7 63 495 


15L 60 555 


O1 57 612 


M11 35 647 


E11 36 683 


15B 48 731 


C2 76 807 


4A 42 849 


B6 41 890 


2B 40 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 6 10:35 -302 628 1.7923 OrangeCup 6 10:35 -302 628
Blouberg 1 20:53 -587 343 2.7766 PIThompson 0 2:50 -824 106
PIThompson 0 2:50 -824 106 3.7042 queen66 0 2:45 -842 88
queen66 0 2:45 -842 88 4.7310 sicilianc5 0 0:39 -895 35
sicilianc5 0 0:39 -895 35 Group: novice
1.5167 Blouberg 1 20:53 -587 343
On 1st draw, VENDIS H4 28 --- VENDIS a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: VENDS H4 26, VINED H4 26, VISED H4 26, GIVED H4 24, GIVED H8 24
GIVEN H4 22 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, RUSTRE 10F 21 --- RUSTRE a pierced lozenge (heraldry) [n]
Other moves: RUERS 10D 18, STURE 10H 18, SURER 10H 18, TRUES 10D 18, VERTUS 4H 18
TRUES 10D 18 OrangeCup
VERTS 4H 16 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, BEYS 9E 24 --- BEY a Turkish governor [n]
Other tops: BANTY 6F 24, BAYS 9E 24, BENTY 6F 24
Other moves: ATABEG 11B 23, GAYS 9E 23, ABYE 11K 22, GYBE 11C 22, TAYS 9E 22
BAYS 9E 24 OrangeCup
GET K9 8 Blouberg
On 4th draw, REGOSOL D6 80 --- REGOSOL a type of soil [n]
Other moves: REGOSOL D4 78, REGOSOL L6 77, SORGO 8A 28, GOELS D8 26, GOERS D8 26
GORES D8 26 OrangeCup
LEG 11E 18 Blouberg
On 5th draw, ASTUNNED K4 86 --- ASTUN to astonish [v]
Other moves: DUNNARTS J5 61, SAUNTED K5 32, STANDEN K5 32, STUNNED K5 32, UNSATED K5 32
DAUTS E11 20 OrangeCup
DUNG 8A 18 Blouberg
On 6th draw, QOP(H) L1 50 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: Q(U)AG 8A 39, QOR(M)A 6B 35, (W)AQF E11 34, FANGO(S) 8A 33, Q(U)A J2 33
Q(U)AG 8A 39 OrangeCup
FANG 8A 24 Blouberg
On 7th draw, ENFA(N)T 8J 36 --- ENFANT a child [n]
Other tops: QAT(S) 1L 36, Q(U)AT 1L 36
Other moves: W(O)WF E11 35, WA(I)FT M2 34, FATW(A) E11 32, WAFE(R) E11 32, WAFT E11 32
QAT(S) 1L 36 OrangeCup
Q(U)AT 1L 36 Blouberg
On 8th draw, IDEATIO(N) N1 70 --- IDEATION the act of ideating [n]
Other moves: IODI(N)ATE N4 64, TAE(N)IOID N5 62, QADI 1L 42, QAID 1L 42, IDEA M1 34
QADI 1L 42 OrangeCup
QAID 1L 42 PIThompson
DOTE E11 18 Blouberg
On 9th draw, AWMRY L11 37 --- AWMRY a cupboard for sacred vessels [n]
Other moves: WARY E11 32, WIRY E11 32, CYMAR C3 31, WARM E11 30, WAY E11 30
WARY E11 32 OrangeCup
MARG 8A 21 Blouberg
On 10th draw, ETRANGER O7 63 --- ETRANGER a foreigner [n]
Other moves: ENLARGER 12B 60, NARRE O1 34, ANERGY 15G 30, ENERGY 15G 30, GREENY 15G 30
GREENY 15G 30 Blouberg
NEAR O1 29 OrangeCup
On 11th draw, YOWE 15L 60 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other moves: YULE 15L 51, QUIM 1L 45, WE 15N 45, ME 15N 42, WEM M11 40
YOWE 15L 60 OrangeCup
EE M13 14 Blouberg
On 12th draw, TAXI O1 57 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: TAX O1 48, TIX O1 48, XI E11 38, AX O3 36, XI O4 36
TAXI O1 57 OrangeCup
XI E11 38 Blouberg
On 13th draw, KOI M11 35 --- KOI a large and colorful fish [n]
Other moves: FINK E11 34, FOLK E11 34, KI N10 34, KO N10 34, KLOOF 11B 30
FINK E11 34 OrangeCup
KING 8A 27 queen66
DOW N13 21 Blouberg
On 14th draw, HIMBO E11 36 --- HIMBO a superficial, stupid man, who is overly concerned with his looks [n]
Other moves: HOMIE E11 32, HOME E11 30, BIOME E11 28, HIM E11 28, HOB E11 28
HIMBO E11 36 OrangeCup
MEW N13 28 Blouberg
HAM M7 25 queen66
On 15th draw, PIVOTAL 15B 48 --- PIVOTAL critically important [adj]
Other moves: TALAQ 1H 42, VOILA 15D 36, VOLTA 15D 36, VOLTI 15D 36, LOVAT 15D 27
TALAQ 1H 42 OrangeCup
VOILA 15D 36 queen66
PA F12 13 Blouberg
On 16th draw, EUGLENA C2 76 --- EUGLENA a freshwater protozoan [n]
Other moves: PLEX 3L 26, LAW N13 22, LEW N13 22, NAW N13 22, NEW N13 22
LUG 14A 19 OrangeCup
GANG 8A 18 Blouberg
On 17th draw, JUGAL 4A 42 --- JUGAL pertaining to the cheek or cheekbone [adj] --- JUGAL the cheek bone [n]
Other moves: JUGA 4A 40, FUJI B8 37, JAI M7 37, FAN B6 35, JA M7 35
JUGAL 4A 42 OrangeCup
JAI M7 37 PIThompson
JA M7 35 sicilianc5
On 18th draw, FEH B6 41 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: CHEFED 2A 38, FED B6 37, FEND B6 37, HEND B6 37, FENI B6 36
CHEFED 2A 38 OrangeCup
FAH M7 27 PIThompson
On 19th draw, DEZINC 2B 40 --- DEZINC to remove zinc from [v]
Other moves: ZINC 6F 35, DZOS 10A 34, ZIN J2 34, ZONER F6 34, ZIN 6F 32
ZIN J2 34 OrangeCup
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