Game on September 20, 2015 at 16:31, 5 players
1. 378 pts worsie
2. 377 pts Blouberg
3. 333 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 34 34 


11D 82 116 


12A 34 150 


A10 30 180 


8C 61 241 


J4 81 322 


13C 31 353 


B9 50 403 


C3 97 500 


4H 34 534 


15A 80 614 


H1 27 641 


B6 65 706 


1H 86 792 


3G 34 826 


3L 40 866 


4A 26 892 


O3 36 928 


5E 22 950 


A1 33 983 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
worsie 2 13:29 -605 378 1.7801 PIThompson 5 8:18 -650 333
Blouberg 2 19:40 -606 377 2.7358 queen66 0 8:22 -820 163
PIThompson 5 8:18 -650 333 3.7317 sicilianc5 0 1:41 -947 36
queen66 0 8:22 -820 163 Group: intermediate
sicilianc5 0 1:41 -947 36 1.6323 worsie 2 13:29 -605 378
Group: novice
1.5090 Blouberg 2 19:40 -606 377
On 1st draw, RIGHTY H7 34 --- RIGHTY a right-handed person [n]
Other moves: YIRTH H4 30, YIRTH H8 30, RIGHTY H3 28, RIGHTY H4 28, RIGHTY H8 28
On 2nd draw, GA(R)OTTES 11D 82 --- GAROTTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other tops: GA(V)OTTES 11D 82, GOAT(I)EST 11E 82, (B)OTTEGAS 11E 82, (C)OTTAGES 11E 82, (P)OTTAGES 11E 82
Other moves: GATE(P)OST 11A 66, GATE(P)OST 11F 66, GA(R)OTTES 11C 66, GA(V)OTTES 11C 66, GOAT(I)EST 11A 66
On 3rd draw, K(R)OON 12A 34 --- KROON a former monetary unit of Estonia [n]
Other tops: KO(R)UN 12A 34
Other moves: KENO(S) 12A 33, KNOU(T) 12A 33, KENO 12A 32, KE(N)O 12A 30, KE(R)O 12A 30
NOOK 12J 20 Blouberg
KEN J10 17 worsie
On 4th draw, ALKIES A10 30 --- ALKIE an alcoholic [n] --- ALKY one who is habitually drunk [n]
Other tops: ALSIKE A8 30, SALUKI A8 30
Other moves: SKAIL A11 27, UKASE A11 27, KAES A12 24, KAIE A12 24, KAIL A12 24
KALE A12 24 worsie
EGO D10 4 Blouberg
On 5th draw, OUABAINS 8C 61 --- OUABAIN a cardiac stimulant [n]
Other moves: BA(R)NS B10 42, BA(R)ON B10 42, BO(R)NA B10 42, BONUS 13C 31, HABUS 10H 30
BA(R)NS B10 42 PIThompson
HUB 10H 26 queen66
BASH 10E 21 Blouberg
On 6th draw, LIFESAVER J4 81 --- LIFESAVER [n]
Other moves: FAVRILES J1 68, FAVEL 10J 36, FAVER 10J 36, FIVER 10J 36, FRAIL 13C 35
FIVER 10J 36 queen66
FAVEL 10J 36 sicilianc5
FILER 10J 33 worsie
FIVER 12J 29 Blouberg
On 7th draw, WEEN 13C 31 --- WEEN to suppose [v]
Other tops: WEET 13C 31, WENT 13C 31
Other moves: TEW 9A 30, WEE 13C 29, WEN 13C 29, WET 13C 29, TWINE 9A 27
WEET 13C 31 PIThompson
WEB F6 16 worsie
On 8th draw, AX B9 50 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX B9 50
Other moves: DEX K5 42, JINXED 5I 42, JAXIE 5G 38, JADE K3 37, JINX 5I 36
JINX 5I 36 worsie
AX 9B 34 Blouberg
On 9th draw, OCHIDORE C3 97 --- OCHIDORE a shore crab [n]
Other moves: CHLORIDE 4H 86, ERICOID 5E 40, CHIDER K2 39, CHIDE K2 35, CHODE K2 35
RICHED 5I 24 worsie
CHOIR 5G 20 Blouberg
On 10th draw, WOLVED 4H 34 --- WOLVE to hunt for wolves [v]
Other moves: WOLVE 4H 30, WOLVED 14E 30, COWLED 4C 28, LODEN K3 27, VINEW 6B 27
COWLED 4C 28 queen66
ROWED 12J 20 Blouberg
LOVED 4J 18 worsie
On 11th draw, SINUATED 15A 80 --- SINUATE to curve in and out [v]
Other moves: AUDIENT 14F 66, UNHIVED 10F 25, DEAW H1 24, UNHIVE 10F 23, DACITE 4A 22
DEAW H1 24 PIThompson
ANEW H1 21 worsie
DATE 3L 19 queen66
EAT 3L 14 Blouberg
On 12th draw, CLOW H1 27 --- CLOW the flower-bud of the clove-tree [n]
Other tops: CLAW H1 27
Other moves: CICALA 4A 26, ACHOLIA 5A 24, CACAO 4A 24, CACTI 4A 24, ACCOIL 4A 22
CLAW H1 27 PIThompson, Blouberg, worsie
CHALOT 5B 22 queen66
On 13th draw, QI B6 65 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: RITZ 14G 38, FRITZ 6J 37, QUIN 5E 36, RIZ B1 35, RITZ 3L 34
QI B6 65 PIThompson, worsie
RIZ 3L 32 queen66
QI 6B 31 Blouberg
On 14th draw, CODEINAS 1H 86 --- CODEINA a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: ADENOIDS M3 76, ADONISED M3 74, ADONISE 14F 73, ADONISE 14H 73, ANODISE 14H 73
ASIDE 13I 30 PIThompson
SINED 13J 28 Blouberg, worsie
On 15th draw, JOY 3G 34 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: AMITY 14F 32, JAY B1 31, ATIMY 14F 30, AYRIE 7F 29, JIBE F6 29
JOY 3G 34 Blouberg
TAJ B1 29 worsie
JAB F6 28 PIThompson
On 16th draw, PIZE 3L 40 --- PIZE a pest\v (Yorkshire) to strike somebody [n]
Other moves: MIZ B1 39, MIZ 3L 38, RITZ 14G 38, FRITZ 6J 37, REZ B1 35
PIZE 3L 40 PIThompson
RIPER 12J 16 Blouberg
On 17th draw, FACT 4A 26 --- FACT something known with certainty [n]
Other moves: FRIER 7G 25, FAIN 5E 24, FIRN 5E 24, FRAE 7G 24, FA A7 22
RIFT 12J 16 Blouberg
FAB F6 16 worsie
On 18th draw, EMULGE O3 36 --- EMULGE to drain out [v]
Other moves: GLIFT A1 27, ELEGIT O3 24, GULF A1 24, MIGG 9E 23, HILUM 5C 22
GULF A1 24 worsie, PIThompson, Blouberg
On 19th draw, PIRN 5E 22 --- PIRN a spinning-wheel bobbin [n]
Other tops: BEIN 5E 22, BETH 10E 22, BIEN 5E 22, BREN 5E 22, BRIN 5E 22, PEIN 5E 22, PERN 5E 22
Other moves: BREER 7G 21, BRIER 7G 21, INEPT 14F 21, NEIF A1 21, NIEF A1 21
BEIN 5E 22 PIThompson
REIN 5E 18 Blouberg
On 20th draw, BUMF A1 33 --- BUMF paperwork [n]
Other moves: BREEM 7G 23, BETH 10E 22, METH 10E 22, BERM 14G 21, BREER 7G 21
TURF A1 21 Blouberg
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