Game on September 27, 2015 at 01:05, 2 players
1. 414 pts verelst
2. 236 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 70 70 


15H 101 171 


8A 83 254 


11E 48 302 


N8 76 378 


O8 37 415 


O13 42 457 


F2 70 527 


3E 71 598 


6F 72 670 


C7 80 750 


L1 48 798 


M11 31 829 


3C 104 933 


H1 63 996 


1L 66 1062 


4C 37 1099 


A8 89 1188 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
verelst 1 18:55 -774 414 1.6996 dannyboy 2 5:29 -952 236
dannyboy 2 5:29 -952 236 Group: not rated
1.4649 verelst 1 18:55 -774 414
On 1st draw, NUTMEAL H8 70 --- NUTMEAL meal made from nuts [n]
Other tops: NUTMEAL H2 70, NUTMEAL H3 70, NUTMEAL H4 70, NUTMEAL H6 70, NUTMEAL H7 70
Other moves: NUTMEAL H5 68, AMULET H3 22, MANTEL H4 22, MANTLE H4 22, MENTAL H4 22
On 2nd draw, SAL(T)IRE 15H 101 --- SALTIRE a heraldic design [n]
Other tops: AERI(A)LS 15B 101, AIRLES(S) 15C 101, AIRLE(S)S 15B 101, ALI(N)ERS 15B 101, EARLI(E)S 15B 101, E(C)LAIRS 15B 101, LAIR(I)SE 15C 101, LAI(K)ERS 15B 101, LA(I)RISE 15C 101, RAILE(R)S 15B 101, RAL(L)IES 15B 101, REALIS(E) 15C 101, REALIS(M) 15C 101, REALIS(T) 15C 101, RE(V)ISAL 15D 101, SAILER(S) 15H 101, SAL(L)IER 15H 101, SAL(T)IER 15H 101, SA(L)LIER 15H 101, SERAIL(S) 15H 101, SERIAL(S) 15H 101, SER(K)ALI 15H 101, SI(D)ERAL 15H 101, SLA(T)IER 15H 101, S(C)ALIER 15H 101, S(H)ALIER 15H 101, S(W)ALIER 15H 101, (A)ERIALS 15B 101, (B)AILERS 15B 101, (C)LARIES 15B 101, (D)ERAILS 15B 101, (D)IALERS 15B 101, (E)ARLIES 15B 101, (G)LAIRES 15B 101, (G)RAILES 15B 101, (H)AILERS 15B 101, (J)AILERS 15B 101, (M)AILERS 15B 101, (N)AILERS 15B 101, (P)ARLIES 15B 101, (R)AILERS 15B 101, (R)ERAILS 15B 101, (S)AILERS 15B 101, (S)ERAILS 15B 101, (S)ERIALS 15B 101, (T)AILERS 15B 101, (W)AILERS 15B 101
Other moves: AIRLES(S) 15B 98, AIRLE(S)S 15C 98, RA(L)LIES 15B 98, RESAIL(S) 15B 98, RESAIL(S) 15F 98
SIRE 15H 42 verelst
On 3rd draw, DOOR(S)MAN 8A 83 --- DOORSMAN a porter [n]
Other moves: DA(Y)ROOM I6 75, (L)ORDOMA G4 75, (L)ORDOMA I4 75, DA(Y)ROOM G3 74, DA(Y)ROOM I3 74
MOOD 11H 14 verelst
On 4th draw, WORMIER 11E 48 --- WORMY infested with worms [adj]
Other moves: WOORARI C7 30, WARRIOR M9 28, WORRIER M9 28, AWARER 13H 26, OWRIER C8 26
WORE C7 12 verelst
On 5th draw, UNGULATE N8 76 --- UNGULATE a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: UNGULATE J4 65, GUTTA 10F 27, LAG 10D 20, NAG 10D 20, NUTGALL 14B 20
TUNG 9G 10 verelst
On 6th draw, PEIN O8 37 --- PEIN to beat with a rounded hammer head [v]
Other moves: INEPT O4 30, NEPIT O4 30, VINE O6 29, VITE O6 29, NEP O6 27
NIP O6 27 verelst
On 7th draw, BAS O13 42 --- BA the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythology [n]
Other tops: BES O13 42
Other moves: AAS O13 34, EAS O13 34, ABETS 10E 32, ABET 10E 29, AS O14 29
BAS O13 42 dannyboy
AS O14 29 verelst
On 8th draw, GREWSOME F2 70 --- GREWSOME repugnant [adj]
Other moves: SEWER M11 40, RESOW 10B 36, SEROW 10B 36, EWER M12 35, GROW 10C 34
W*GS M5WOGS M5 15 verelst
On 9th draw, FRIGHTED 3E 71 --- FRIGHT to make afraid, to scare [v]
Other moves: DEF M11 36, HOGTIED C7 36, FED M11 34, FEG M11 34, GIFTED 12A 34
FEED 4D 16 verelst
On 10th draw, SPROCKET 6F 72 --- SPROCKET a toothlike projection that engages with the links of a chain [n]
Other moves: POCKETER J5 70, TWOCKER 5E 64, PRECOOK C3 42, TOPEK 4K 40, PERTOOK C3 38
KEG H1 24 verelst
On 11th draw, COOSINED C7 80 --- COOSIN to cheat [v]
Other moves: CODEINAS 13B 76, COOSINED B7 76, COOSINED C6 76, DIOCESAN 13B 76, COOSINED B6 69
DICES N2 39 dannyboy, verelst
On 12th draw, QADI L1 48 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: VOGIER H1 33, ENVOY 12B 32, TAY 10H 29, TOY 10H 29, YAE 10J 29
VIDEO 14A 18 verelst
On 13th draw, BED M11 31 --- BED to provide with a bed (a piece of furniture used for sleeping) [v]
Other moves: BODE B11 29, BET M11 27, VEGO H1 27, BENTO 12A 25, TED M11 25
DOGE H1 21 verelst
Other moves: AFFRIGHTED 3C 42, LADIFY 14A 42, ATAXY 2J 40, AXIL D12 40, EXULT 9F 38
FAG H1 21 verelst
On 15th draw, JAGHIR H1 63 --- JAGHIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: JOTA 4A 50, HAJI 2A 42, JANE 12A 38, HAJ B13 37, RAJ G11 37
JANE 12A 38 dannyboy
JOG H1 33 verelst
On 16th draw, QUIZ 1L 66 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: ZETA 4A 58, ZITE 4A 58, ZOEA 4A 58, ZANTE 12A 53, ZONAE 12A 53
QUIZ 1L 66 verelst, dannyboy
On 17th draw, TYEE 4C 37 --- TYEE a food fish [n]
Other moves: TINY 4A 34, TOEY 4A 34, TONY 4A 34, YATE 4A 34, YITE 4A 34
YET 10J 29 dannyboy
TAY 2A 17 verelst
On 18th draw, DEVOTION A8 89 --- DEVOTION the act of devoting [n]
Other moves: VOLTE 14F 24, ENVOI 12B 23, VENT 12A 22, VINE 12A 22, VINO 12A 22
VINE 12A 22 dannyboy
NODE 14A 10 verelst
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