Game on September 27, 2015 at 17:41, 5 players
1. 665 pts OrangeCup
2. 324 pts Blouberg
3. 323 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 36 36 


5D 82 118 


4H 25 143 


D3 70 213 


F1 65 278 


1F 33 311 


C9 73 384 


12C 76 460 


K3 68 528 


E9 21 549 


8J 39 588 


L10 30 618 


15H 33 651 


J7 47 698 


7M 44 742 


B13 31 773 


A14 35 808 


C1 26 834 


10C 35 869 


1A 21 890 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 13 14:57 -225 665 1.7925 OrangeCup 13 14:57 -225 665
Blouberg 0 16:20 -566 324 2.7557 SQUAW1 8 9:40 -567 323
SQUAW1 8 9:40 -567 323 3.7804 PIThompson 0 3:42 -831 59
PIThompson 0 3:42 -831 59 4.7440 sicilianc5 0 0:47 -861 29
sicilianc5 0 0:47 -861 29 Group: novice
1.5108 Blouberg 0 16:20 -566 324
On 1st draw, (S)HEAFY H3 36 --- SHEAFY like sheafs [adj]
Other tops: (S)HEAFY H7 36, (S)HEAFY H8 36
Other moves: HEF(T)Y H4 34, HEF(T)Y H8 34, FEGA(R)Y H4 32, FEGA(R)Y H7 32, F*GgYFAG(G)Y H4 30
(S)HEAFY H3 36 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, LOITERER 5D 82 --- LOITERER one that loiters [n]
Other moves: LOITERER 5B 66, RETAILOR 6E 62, TROELIE 5E 28, HERITOR 4H 20, ORLE G4 20
HOLIER 4H 18 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, HADES 4H 25 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other moves: HOAED 4H 24, ADIOS L1 23, AIDES L1 23, AIDOS L1 23, ASIDE L4 23
ADIOS L1 23 OrangeCup
AIDES L1 23 Blouberg
On 4th draw, DELATION D3 70 --- DELATION the act of delating [n]
Other moves: IDEATION F5 65, IODINATE F2 63, IODINATE F5 63, TAENIOID F1 63, INTOED 6A 24
TONED 4A 21 Blouberg
NOTED 4A 21 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, FENNIEST F1 65 --- FENNY having fens [adj]
Other moves: FEASE 6F 42, FEENS 6J 36, FENTS 6J 36, FETES 6J 36, NEAFES 6F 34
FEASE 6F 42 OrangeCup
FEND 3A 16 Blouberg
On 6th draw, FRIGID 1F 33 --- FRIGID chillingly stiff [adj]
Other moves: FARDS 1F 27, FRAGS 1F 27, FR*GSFRIGS 1F 27, TRIADS G5 26, DARGS C9 25
FRIGID 1F 33 OrangeCup
FARDS 1F 27 PIThompson
FAGS 1F 24 Blouberg
On 7th draw, JUMPY C9 73 --- JUMPY nervous [adj]
Other moves: JUMPS C9 67, JUPES C9 63, YUMPS C9 43, JUMP C6 42, JUMP C9 42
JUMPY C9 73 OrangeCup
On 8th draw, PILEWOR(T) 12C 76 --- PILEWORT a medicinal plant [n]
Other tops: PILEWOR(K) 12C 76
Other moves: (S)WI(P)ER 3H 40, WEL(D)OR 6J 36, WRI(T)E 6J 35, WRO(K)E 6J 35, WRO(T)E 6J 35
W(A)LIER 6J 35 OrangeCup
WIL(L)ER E9 32 PIThompson
PLOWER 12C 24 Blouberg
On 9th draw, SERRATION K3 68 --- SERRATION [n]
Other moves: STRON(T)IA J7 61, RIALTOS E9 27, AORIST K8 25, ARISTO K9 25, ARSINO K10 25
RATIOS K7 25 OrangeCup
ROANS H11 15 Blouberg
On 10th draw, RIAL E9 21 --- RIAL a monetary unit of Iran [n]
Other tops: RIEL E9 21
Other moves: IRE G7 18, IRONE E3 18, TENIA 8K 18, TERAI 8K 18, TINEA 8K 18
RIAL E9 21 OrangeCup
RUIN L10 12 Blouberg
On 11th draw, ATWAIN 8J 39 --- ATWAIN asunder [adv]
Other moves: TWAIN 8K 36, TWINE 8K 36, AWA(T)O J9 32, AWE(T)O J9 32, WI(T)AN J10 32
ATWAIN 8J 39 OrangeCup
WI(T)E J10 29 sicilianc5
SOWN 3K 16 Blouberg
On 12th draw, BOVATE L10 30 --- BOVATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other tops: BRAVE 6J 30, BRAVO 6J 30, VROT 6J 30, VROU 6J 30
Other moves: BA(T)TUE J10 27, BRUTE 6J 27, BA(T)TU J10 26, BE(T)TA J10 26, BO(T)TE J10 26
BRAVE 6J 30 SQUAW1, OrangeCup
SAVE 3K 16 Blouberg
On 13th draw, BOGGED 15H 33 --- BOG to impede [v]
Other tops: BEGGED 15H 33, BUGGED 15H 33
Other moves: BOUGED 15H 30, BROGUE 6J 29, BODGE 15H 27, BODGE H11 27, BUDGE 15H 27
BUGGED 15H 33 OrangeCup
DEBUG 15K 27 Blouberg
On 14th draw, HASK J7 47 --- HASK a fish-basket [n]
Other moves: ASK J8 38, HO(T)E J10 33, HO(T)S J10 33, OKEH C1 33, SHEAVE F10 33
HASK J7 47 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
SOAKS 3K 20 Blouberg
On 15th draw, ZA 7M 44 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZEAL 14F 39, LEAZE F11 36, TEAZE F11 36, ZEA 14F 36, ZEA 6B 32
ZA 7M 44 SQUAW1, OrangeCup
TAD M13 14 Blouberg
On 16th draw, MUX B13 31 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: LEX 13F 28, TEX 13F 28, EXAM 13J 27, ZAX M7 27, ME B10 26
MUX B13 31 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
TEX 14L 23 Blouberg
On 17th draw, OE A14 35 --- OE a whirlwind off the Faeroe islands [n]
Other moves: EXO 15A 30, EX 15A 27, OX 15A 27, VIOL 14F 21, CALVE 13K 20
OE A14 35 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
OX 15A 27 Blouberg
On 18th draw, CLOP C1 26 --- CLOP to make the sound of a hoof striking pavement [v]
Other moves: CEP C2 24, COP C2 24, LOPE 13F 23, NOPE 13F 23, CLOP 14F 22
CLOP C1 26 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
PACE 13K 16 Blouberg
On 19th draw, UNIQUE 10C 35 --- UNIQUE existing as the only one of its kind; very unusual [adj] --- UNIQUE existing as the only one of its kind [adj] --- UNIQUE something that is unique [n] --- UNIQUE something that is rare or the only one of its kind [n]
Other moves: QUA 6B 32, SUQ 3K 26, QAT 13K 24, LICE 1A 21, LUCE 1A 21
QUA 6B 32 OrangeCup
QAT 13K 24 Blouberg
On 20th draw, UNCE 1A 21 --- UNCE an ounce [n]
Other tops: LICE 1A 21, LUCE 1A 21, NICE 1A 21, TICE 1A 21, UNCI 1A 21
Other moves: ENATIC 13J 17, EXCITE 15A 16, EXEC 15A 16, SINCE 3K 16, SULCI 3K 16
TICE 1A 21 OrangeCup
TAIL N6 6 Blouberg
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