Game on September 28, 2015 at 04:13, 1 player
1. 432 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


12G 24 52 


8D 58 110 


M9 37 147 


14J 37 184 


D1 88 272 


15G 36 308 


N8 43 351 


13B 90 441 


O3 60 501 


1A 30 531 


15N 44 575 


B10 80 655 


N4 38 693 


K1 68 761 


D12 52 813 


1H 24 837 


4H 44 881 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 1 12:27 -449 432 1.4626 verelst 1 12:27 -449 432
On 1st draw, (A)MOOVE H8 28 --- AMOOVE to rouse [v]
Other tops: VOWE(D) H4 28, VOWE(L) H4 28, VOWE(R) H4 28, WOVE(N) H4 28, WO(L)VE H4 28
Other moves: EM(B)OW H8 26, MOOVE H4 26, MOOVE(D) H4 26, MOOVE(S) H4 26, VE(N)OM H4 26
On 2nd draw, EVOLVE 12G 24 --- EVOLVE to develop [v]
Other tops: EVOLVE 12D 24, VEEP G7 24, VEEP I7 24, VELVET 12H 24
Other moves: VOLVE 12H 22, ELOPE I7 21, P**V*POOVE 11G 20, LEEP I8 19, LEPT G8 19
LOVE 10G 9 verelst
On 3rd draw, SARR(A)SIN 8D 58 --- SARRASIN buckwheat [n]
Other tops: S(A)RRASIN 8G 58
Other moves: SIRRAS M9 27, SAIRS M9 25, SARINS M10 25, SIRRA M9 25, SIRRAS M10 25
SIRS M12 21 verelst
On 4th draw, YEARN M9 37 --- YEARN to have a strong or deep desire [v]
Other moves: EYRY M10 33, AIERY M9 31, AYRIE M10 29, YARE F10 28, YARN F10 28
RYE M12 25 verelst
On 5th draw, PERSON 14J 37 --- PERSON a human being [n]
Other moves: BORANES E5 36, BROSE 14J 35, ORBS N9 35, PRONES N7 35, PROSE 14J 35
OPENS D4 14 verelst
On 6th draw, B(E)THINKS D1 88 --- BETHINK to consider [v]
Other moves: B(E)THINKS I1 72, B(E)THINK O9 57, (U)NTHINK O9 51, KIT(C)HEN 13C 48, THINK O11 48
THINKS D3 26 verelst
On 7th draw, MUNITE 15G 36 --- MUNITE to fortify [v]
Other tops: MUTINE 15G 36
Other moves: BITUMEN 1D 33, BUTMENT 1D 33, MINUET 15F 30, MITTEN 15F 30, TITMEN 15F 30
EMIT 3A 12 verelst
On 8th draw, WADDS N8 43 --- WADD an earthy ore [n]
Other moves: DIWANS O10 42, WADIS N8 41, ADDS N9 39, LAWINS O10 39, WALDS N8 37
WIND O12 36 verelst
On 9th draw, CARPETED 13B 90 --- CARPET to cover a floor with a heavy woven fabric [v]
Other tops: PREACTED 13B 90
Other moves: PR(E)ACTED 2B 86, PICRATED 5C 76, CARPED O4 64, CRAPED O4 64, CARTED O4 58
CAPER O5 48 verelst
On 10th draw, TUXEDO O3 60 --- TUXEDO a man's semiformal dinner coat [n]
Other moves: EX 14E 54, OX 14E 54, BOXED 1D 45, EXO O6 45, XU 15N 42
DOTE O5 30 verelst
On 11th draw, GEEBAG 1A 30 --- GEEBAG (Irish slang) a disagreeable woman [n]
Other tops: BOGGLE 1D 30
Other moves: BEAGLE 1D 27, GLEBAE 1A 27, GAGE N2 26, AGEE N3 25, BAGEL 1D 24
BOGGLE 1D 30 verelst
On 12th draw, FY 15N 44 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FANCY B10 42, FARCY B10 42, BY 15N 40, NAY N4 38, AY N5 35
FANCY B10 42 verelst
On 13th draw, QUICHE B10 80 --- QUICHE a custard-filled pastry [n]
Other moves: QUICH B10 78, QUETHE 6J 46, QUOTH 10F 45, QUETCH B9 44, QUITCH B9 44
REQUIT 3J 30 verelst
On 14th draw, NOW N4 38 --- NOW the present time [n]
Other moves: OW A14 35, OW N5 35, WINO 12A 28, TEWIT 15A 27, WINO N2 27
WELT 15A 24 verelst
On 15th draw, GELATION K1 68 --- GELATION the process of gelling [n]
Other tops: LEGATION K1 68
Other moves: LATIGOES I1 61, OTALGIES I1 61, AIGLET M2 36, AGLET M3 34, TAIGLE M1 34
LEGIT 15A 21 verelst
On 16th draw, FRIZ D12 52 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: ZEBU 15A 48, REZ F12 47, FEZ 15A 45, BEZ 15A 42, FRIZE 2G 37
BRIG 1H 21 verelst
On 17th draw, LAOGAI 1H 24 --- LAOGAI the system of forced labor camps in China [n]
Other tops: AGOUTA 1J 24, AGOUTI 1J 24, ALOGIA 1H 24
Other moves: AITU E3 21, AULA C3 21, AUTO C3 21, GALUT 1K 21, GAULT 1K 21
GLOAT 1K 21 verelst
On 18th draw, JACAL 4H 44 --- JACAL a hut [n]
Other moves: JAB J4 39, JABOT 11E 37, JARUL F6 30, JUNTA 6B 30, JURAL F6 30
JAIL 5B 22 verelst
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