Game on October 9, 2015 at 19:27, 5 players
1. 424 pts OrangeCup
2. 361 pts Blouberg
3. 75 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


5D 36 56 


8A 80 136 


6D 64 200 


D2 22 222 


B2 74 296 


C7 96 392 


14A 94 486 


13G 97 583 


15H 42 625 


12A 46 671 


15H 60 731 


J6 66 797 


A12 33 830 


3A 20 850 


11F 86 936 


14M 24 960 


M4 70 1030 


8L 27 1057 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 4 10:36 -633 424 1.7949 OrangeCup 4 10:36 -633 424
Blouberg 2 16:00 -696 361 2.7896 PIThompson 1 3:45 -982 75
PIThompson 1 3:45 -982 75 3.7334 queen66 1 3:08 -995 62
queen66 1 3:08 -995 62 4.7640 sicilianc5 0 1:01 -1037 20
sicilianc5 0 1:01 -1037 20 Group: novice
1.5206 Blouberg 2 16:00 -696 361
On 1st draw, MEARE H4 20 --- MEARE to bound [v]
Other tops: MORAE H4 20
Other moves: AMEER H4 16, AMEER H8 16, MEARE H8 16, MORAE H8 16, RAMEE H4 16
On 2nd draw, FEAZES 5D 36 --- FEAZE to unsettle [v]
Other tops: FEAZES 5G 36
Other moves: FAZES 5E 34, FEAZE 5D 34, FEAZE 5G 34, FEZES 5E 34, FEZES 5G 34
On 3rd draw, CREO(S)OTE 8A 80 --- CREOSOTE to treat with a wood preservative [v]
Other moves: FOOTR(A)CE D5 76, (S)OFTCORE D3 76, (S)COOTER 9H 69, COOTER(S) 9B 67, CARETOO(K) F4 63
On 4th draw, YEX 6D 64 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other tops: (J)YNX 6C 64, (L)YNX 6C 64
Other moves: Y(E)X 6D 62, P(R)EXY 6B 57, (Y)EX 6D 56, EX 6E 52, UN(S)EXY 6A 52
YEN 4C 24 Blouberg
On 5th draw, LEAFY D2 22 --- LEAFY abounding in leaves [adj]
Other tops: LOAMIER B2 22
Other moves: MOZ G3 21, MALAX F2 20, MAMIE 4H 20, MIMEO 4H 20, EMO 9B 19
ME 9C 16 Blouberg
On 6th draw, LECANORA B2 74 --- LECANORA a lichen [n]
Other moves: ANLACE 2B 28, MANACLE 4H 24, CAZ G3 21, COZ G3 21, CALLAN 2A 20
COZ G3 21 OrangeCup
CELLO 2B 18 Blouberg
On 7th draw, WET(T)ABLE C7 96 --- WETTABLE capable of being wetted [adj]
Other moves: WE(T)TABLE C7 92, (S)TEWABL(E) E8 72, (S)T(E)WABLE E8 72, (S)T(O)WABLE E8 72, BELTWA(Y) C7 40
WEB C7 31 OrangeCup
WEB A1 30 Blouberg
On 8th draw, OVEREYES 14A 94 --- OVEREYE to survey [v]
Other moves: OVEREYE 14A 42, VEERY 14B 38, YORE D12 34, S(T)ERVE 10B 31, S(T)ROVE 10B 31
YORE D12 34 OrangeCup
MOVES 4H 22 Blouberg
On 9th draw, FAGGOTS 13G 97 --- FAGGOT to bind together in a bundle [v]
Other moves: SOFTA 15E 42, FAGGOT A10 39, FAST 15E 39, SAFT 15E 39, SOFT 15E 39
AFOOT A11 36 OrangeCup
FOGS 15G 35 Blouberg
FOOT A12 33 PIThompson
On 10th draw, HIND 15H 42 --- HIND a female red deer [n]
Other tops: HAND 15H 42, HARD 15H 42
Other moves: HAD 15H 39, HAIN 15H 39, HAIR 15H 39, HARN 15H 39, HID 15H 39
HAND 15H 42 OrangeCup
HARD 15H 42 Blouberg, PIThompson
On 11th draw, JIBB 12A 46 --- JIBB to shift from side to side while sailing [v]
Other moves: JOMON A11 45, JOB A13 36, BOOM A12 33, JAMBO 11B 32, BROOM A11 30
JIBB 12A 46 OrangeCup
JOB A13 36 Blouberg
On 12th draw, HINDHEAD 15H 60 --- HINDHEAD the back of the head [n]
Other moves: PASHED I3 39, PISHED I3 39, PUSHED I3 39, HAUD 12H 35, ASHED I4 33
HAUD 12H 35 OrangeCup
PED A1 23 Blouberg
On 13th draw, GROUTING J6 66 --- GROUT to fill a crack with thin mortar [v] --- GROUTING thin mortar used to fill cracks [n]
Other moves: (T)ROUTING 10C 64, (T)UTORING 10C 64, OUTGRINS M6 62, OUTRINGS M6 61, ROUTINGS M6 61
MUTING 4H 20 OrangeCup
TO 14N 11 Blouberg
On 14th draw, JEON A12 33 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: TANNIE 12H 33
Other moves: LANCET A5 21, ONLINE 8J 21, LANCE A5 20, MANNITE 4H 20, MELANIN 4H 20
JEON A12 33 OrangeCup
MANNITE 4H 20 sicilianc5
NET A1 13 Blouberg
On 15th draw, DEVEIN 3A 20 --- DEVEIN to remove the dorsal vein from [v]
Other tops: VIROID 11F 20, VIROID 11I 20
Other moves: DIVOT 11I 18, DIVOT L9 18, IRON K8 18, NID K9 18, NOD K9 18
VINO K3 17 OrangeCup
On 16th draw, DAQUIRIS 11F 86 --- DAQUIRI a cocktail [n]
Other moves: QIS E10 40, MARQUIS 4H 38, DIQUAT L8 36, MAQUIS 4H 36, QUARTS 10F 35
QIS E10 40 OrangeCup
QUIDS 11H 30 Blouberg
On 17th draw, UPO 14M 24 --- UPO upon [prep]
Other tops: MULCT A5 24
Other moves: OPIUM 2F 21, PULMO K2 21, ULTIMO 2F 20, MI 14N 19, MO 14N 19
MO 14N 19 OrangeCup
MOP 10E 18 queen66
QUASH H11 18 Blouberg
On 18th draw, TINWORKS M4 70 --- TINWORK something made of tin [n]
Other moves: KOW 10L 26, MIKRON 4H 26, MORKIN 4H 26, WOK 10E 23, INWORK 2F 21
WOK 10E 23 OrangeCup
KOI K4 17 queen66
KIS I3 16 Blouberg
On 19th draw, POLT 8L 27 --- POLT to beat [v]
Other tops: POUT 8L 27
Other moves: TULIP L1 24, PILI L1 22, PTUI L1 22, PULI L1 22, TIPI L3 22
POUT 8L 27 OrangeCup, queen66, Blouberg
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