Game on October 11, 2015 at 14:47, 5 players
1. 626 pts OrangeCup
2. 248 pts Blouberg
3. 66 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


G8 64 86 


12G 48 134 


H12 44 178 


11K 32 210 


6C 66 276 


N10 34 310 


15L 66 376 


O4 84 460 


E4 94 554 


N6 31 585 


D1 34 619 


M2 44 663 


1D 36 699 


L1 33 732 


8A 36 768 


A3 68 836 


2B 35 871 


C8 28 899 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 9 11:18 -273 626 1.7951 OrangeCup 9 11:18 -273 626
Blouberg 0 14:09 -651 248 2.7939 PIThompson 1 1:17 -833 66
PIThompson 1 1:17 -833 66 3.7614 sicilianc5 1 1:48 -833 66
sicilianc5 1 1:48 -833 66 4.7286 queen66 0 5:16 -836 63
queen66 0 5:16 -836 63 Group: novice
1.5238 Blouberg 0 14:09 -651 248
On 1st draw, PRISON H4 22 --- PRISON to imprison [v]
Other tops: PRIONS H4 22, PROINS H4 22, SPINOR H3 22
Other moves: PIONS H4 20, PIRNS H4 20, PORNS H4 20, PRION H4 20, PROIN H4 20
PROINS H4 22 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, (T)URDOID G8 64 --- TURDOID thrush-like [adj]
Other moves: DI(S)PRISON H1 33, DIDO G6 20, DIDO I6 20, DIDO(S) G6 20, DIDO(S) I6 20
DIDO G6 20 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, OZ(Z)IES 12G 48 --- OZZIE (Dial.) a hospital [n]
Other tops: OZE(K)IS 12G 48
Other moves: ZI(N)GERS 10B 47, SEZ H13 41, (A)GUIZED 14A 38, S(A)Z H13 37, S(E)Z H13 37
SEZ H13 41 OrangeCup
On 4th draw, ZOEA H12 44 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZOOT H12 44
Other moves: TROAKED 14A 28, ATOKE 11J 26, KAE 11J 26, KEA 11J 26, KOA 11J 26
ZOEA H12 44 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, HOWE 11K 32 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other tops: HOWL 11K 32
Other moves: HAW 11K 30, HEW 11K 30, HOW 11K 30, AWOL 11J 28, H**L*HAOLE 11K 28
HOWL 11K 32 OrangeCup
On 6th draw, GANGLION 6C 66 --- GANGLION a group of nerve cells [n]
Other moves: AGELONG N9 26, GANG 10L 21, GONG 10L 21, GAOL 10L 20, GENAL N10 20
GONG 10L 21 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, BELIVE N10 34 --- BELIVE immediately [adv]
Other tops: BELOVE N10 34
Other moves: BEVEL N10 32, VEALE N10 32, LOBE 10L 30, LOBI 10L 30, LAB 10L 29
BELOVE N10 34 OrangeCup
On 8th draw, JOEY 15L 66 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: BOWYER 15J 54, JAY O8 46, JOY O8 46, WARBY O6 46, J*WJEW 15M 39
JOEY 15L 66 OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5
J*W 15MJEW 15M 39 Blouberg
On 9th draw, ACEROLA O4 84 --- ACEROLA a West Indian shrub [n]
Other moves: LECANORA E2 70, LECANORA J2 62, ORACLE O5 28, COLEADER 14B 26, ARECA O6 25
CARE O7 22 OrangeCup
OR 5J 6 Blouberg
On 10th draw, BANDIEST E4 94 --- BANDY having crooked legs [adj]
Other moves: BAPTISED 4F 76, DISPRISON H1 36, BESTADDE 14A 32, INSTEAD E5 32, ABIDES K1 29
BAD N6 27 OrangeCup
ABS 5J 12 Blouberg
On 11th draw, YET N6 31 --- YET up to now [adv]
Other moves: VERA D1 30, VITA D1 30, YA N6 28, YE N6 28, RAYA D3 27
YET N6 31 OrangeCup
AY D11 12 Blouberg
On 12th draw, KETA D1 34 --- KETA a Pacific salmon [n]
Other tops: REAKS M3 34, TEAKS M3 34, TREKS M3 34
Other moves: GASKET K4 33, TAKERS M2 32, TAKERS K1 31, TASKER K4 31, KAES D8 30
KETA D1 34 OrangeCup
KEGS K3 29 Blouberg
On 13th draw, FLEXOS M2 44 --- FLEXO a method of rotary letterpress printing [n]
Other moves: FLEXOS K1 43, FOXES M3 42, FOXES K2 41, FLEXOS M1 38, EXONS M3 36
FOXES K2 41 OrangeCup
XIS 13M 20 Blouberg
On 14th draw, KRAFT 1D 36 --- KRAFT a strong paper [n]
Other moves: FANK 1A 33, FUNK 1A 33, KAPUT 1D 33, PUNKA 1A 33, PARK 1A 30
KRAFT 1D 36 OrangeCup
PARK 1A 30 Blouberg
On 15th draw, VIER L1 33 --- VIER one that vies [n]
Other moves: MEIN 2F 29, MIEN L1 29, RIEM L1 29, VEX 5K 26, EM F11 25
VIER L1 33 OrangeCup
On 16th draw, AMICI 8A 36 --- AMICUS one not party to a lawsuit but permitted by the court to advise it [n]
Other moves: AIM F10 33, MAIRE 2F 32, AECIUM D10 30, CERAMIDE 14A 30, MAC C2 29
MAIRE 2F 32 OrangeCup
REAM K2 24 Blouberg
On 17th draw, QUATRAIN A3 68 --- QUATRAIN a stanza of four lines [n]
Other tops: QUATRAIN A6 68
Other moves: AQUA F1 38, MAQUI B8 36, QUINNAT J2 36, QUAINT J2 35, QATS 10B 33
AQUA F1 38 OrangeCup
QUIT 3A 26 Blouberg, queen66
On 18th draw, TWEED 2B 35 --- TWEED a coarse woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: WE 2F 31, DEW C2 29, WED C2 29, WUD C2 29, NEW C2 26
WE 2F 31 OrangeCup
DEW C2 29 queen66
UNWED B10 26 Blouberg
On 19th draw, IMPUGN C8 28 --- IMPUGN to make insinuations against [v]
Other moves: GEUM K2 27, EUMUNG B10 26, EUMUNG D10 26, EM F11 25, UNGUM B10 24
UNGUM B10 24 Blouberg
WEN C2 21 OrangeCup
HEP K11 8 queen66
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