Game on October 27, 2015 at 14:18, 1 player
1. 29 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


13B 24 92 


B8 78 170 


8H 83 253 


15A 81 334 


11D 98 432 


A4 57 489 


12A 36 525 


10J 35 560 


B2 37 597 


6F 27 624 


12J 37 661 


C1 48 709 


5I 26 735 


4K 56 791 


O1 30 821 


D2 27 848 


13L 28 876 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
Blouberg 0 1:50 -847 29 1.5319 Blouberg 0 1:50 -847 29
On 1st draw, EARI(N)GS H7 68 --- EARING a line on a ship [n]
Other tops: AGIS(T)ER H3 68, AGRISE(D) H3 68, AGRISE(S) H3 68, AGRI(S)ES H3 68, AGRI(Z)ES H3 68, AIGRE(T)S H2 68, A(N)GRIES H2 68, EAR(W)IGS H7 68, ERASI(N)G H6 68, GAI(N)ERS H4 68, GAI(T)ERS H4 68, GAR(V)IES H4 68, GAS(P)IER H4 68, GAS(S)IER H4 68, GA(S)SIER H4 68, GA(W)SIER H4 68, GISAR(M)E H4 68, GRAI(L)ES H4 68, GRAI(N)ES H4 68, GRA(V)IES H4 68, G(L)AIRES H4 68, RAG(G)IES H2 68, REGAI(N)S H2 68, REGI(N)AS H2 68, RI(V)AGES H8 68, SAG(G)IER H2 68, SEARI(N)G H6 68, SERI(N)GA H7 68, S(P)AIRGE H7 68, S(T)RIGAE H8 68, (H)EGARIS H2 68, (H)EGIRAS H2 68, (H)IRAGES H8 68, (M)IRAGES H8 68, (P)RISAGE H7 68, (T)IRAGES H8 68, (T)RIAGES H8 68
Other moves: AGIS(T)ER H2 66, AGIS(T)ER H4 66, AGIS(T)ER H6 66, AGIS(T)ER H7 66, AGRISE(D) H2 66
On 2nd draw, DEVORES 13B 24 --- DEVORE something etched with devore [n]
Other moves: OVERED I5 23, DOVERS 13C 22, DROVES 13C 22, GROVED 12H 22, SERVED 13H 22
On 3rd draw, HELIODOR B8 78 --- HELIODOR an African beryl [n]
Other moves: HOOLIER 6H 75, HOOLIER I2 67, HOOLIER G1 65, HOOLIER I1 65, HOLDER B10 36
On 4th draw, ACIERATE 8H 83 --- ACIERATE to turn into steel [v]
Other moves: CREATIVE D7 78, REACTIVE D7 78, CE(N)TIARE 11F 68, I(N)CREATE 11G 68, TIERCE A4 50
On 5th draw, FRAZI(L) 15A 81 --- FRAZIL tiny ice crystals formed in supercooled waters [n]
Other moves: FRIZ 15A 78, FRIZ(E) 15A 78, FRIZ(Z) 15A 78, FROZ(E) 15A 78, (G)HAZI 8A 78
On 6th draw, PRAU(N)CED 11D 98 --- PRAUNCE to prance [v]
Other moves: CAPTURED N5 67, CARPED A4 60, CRAPED A4 60, CRAPED A6 57, REDCAP A4 55
On 7th draw, MAIKO A4 57 --- MAIKO an apprentice geisha [n]
Other moves: OAKUM A5 52, KHANUM 8A 48, KAM A7 46, KHOUM 8A 45, MAKO A5 45
On 8th draw, BORA 12A 36 --- BORA a cold wind [n]
Other moves: OBA 12B 30, TABLIER N8 30, BAILER 10J 29, BALER 10J 28, BELAR 10J 28
BAILER 10J 29 Blouberg
On 9th draw, FEUDS 10J 35 --- FEUD to engage in a feud (a bitter, continuous hostility) [v]
Other moves: FEYS 10J 34, FEUDS B2 33, FEY 10J 33, FEDS 10J 32, FEUD 10J 32
On 10th draw, POYNT B2 37 --- POYNT to point [v]
Other moves: PINEY B1 29, PIOYE B1 29, PONEY B1 29, TEPOY B1 29, OY 10E 28
On 11th draw, UNSOWN 6F 27 --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [adj] --- UNSOWN not sown [adj]
Other moves: NOW C1 26, SOW C1 26, TOW C1 26, NOWTS 6D 24, OW C2 24
On 12th draw, THOLED 12J 37 --- THOLE to endure [v]
Other moves: DHOLE 12J 32, DHOL 12J 30, DOETH 5I 30, HOED 5I 30, HOI 10F 29
On 13th draw, VEX C1 48 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: VOX C1 48, VOX C7 48
Other moves: LEX C1 42, LOX C1 42, LOX C7 42, SEX C1 42, SOX C1 42
On 14th draw, GAUM 5I 26 --- GAUM to smear [v]
Other moves: MALA 13L 25, MALE 13L 25, MAUL 5I 25, AGMA C6 24, MAA 5I 23
On 15th draw, JANTY 4K 56 --- JANTY briskly self-assured [adj] --- JANTY jonty [n]
Other moves: JAY 7M 45, YENTA 4H 45, JAY 4K 44, JANTY M1 41, JANE 4K 40
On 16th draw, GABY O1 30 --- GABY a dolt [n]
Other tops: VITTAE 1C 30
Other moves: BATE 13L 25, BITE 13L 25, AB 10E 22, ABET 7L 22, DEBT O12 21
On 17th draw, TONIES D2 27 --- TONY a simpleton [n]
Other moves: TOTIENT N2 26, EOSIN D2 25, NOISE D2 25, NOTES D2 25, QAID M7 25
On 18th draw, WILI 13L 28 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other tops: WILE 13L 28, WINE 13L 28, WITE 13L 28
Other moves: WIN 13L 23, WIT 13L 23, NITE 13L 19, IDENT O11 18, LEW 7M 17
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