Game on November 6, 2015 at 16:21, 3 players
1. 492 pts Blouberg
2. 381 pts Kalikokat
3. 303 pts babsbedi
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


4H 28 54 


G7 67 121 


M4 61 182 


L8 42 224 


14A 93 317 


N10 41 358 


A12 39 397 


11C 72 469 


F6 38 507 


15L 41 548 


8L 42 590 


13I 34 624 


14J 28 652 


D8 38 690 


J3 35 725 


8A 30 755 


K4 31 786 


I9 23 809 


B2 20 829 


A1 22 851 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
Blouberg 3 21:21 -359 492 1.6234 Kalikokat 1 9:53 -470 381
Kalikokat 1 9:53 -470 381 2.6712 babsbedi 3 7:31 -548 303
babsbedi 3 7:31 -548 303 Group: novice
1.5330 Blouberg 3 21:21 -359 492
On 1st draw, PAVEN H4 26 --- PAVEN a slow formal dance [n]
Other moves: VEALE H4 24, VEENA H4 24, VENAE H4 24, VENAL H4 24, PAVEN H8 22
PAVEN H4 26 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, PLUFFS 4H 28 --- PLUFF to puff [v]
Other moves: DAFFS 9D 27, DUFFS 9D 27, FAULDS 9C 27, FAULDS G7 26, FAULDS I7 26
FAD I3 18 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, REDLINE G7 67 --- REDLINE to withhold loans or insurance from certain neighborhoods [v]
Other tops: REDLINE I7 67, RELINED G7 67, RELINED I7 67
Other moves: UNDERLIE J4 65, NEEDLIER 7F 63, NEEDLIER 7B 62, NEEDLIER 7G 62, DELAINE 5E 46
NEE 5J 23 babsbedi
DINER G7 16 Blouberg
On 4th draw, SIGNORIA M4 61 --- SIGNORIA the power of a seignior [n]
Other moves: AIGA 5H 25, NORIA H11 25, NAIRA 5G 24, AGIO 3I 22, AIRING 14E 22
OARING 14E 22 babsbedi
RING 14G 18 Blouberg
On 5th draw, HUDNA L8 42 --- HUDNA (Arabic) in Islam, a truce or ceasefire for an agreed duration [n]
Other moves: HOED 8L 36, HOND 8L 36, AHED H12 35, UNHEAD 14B 34, HONE 8L 33
HOND 8L 36 babsbedi
HONE 8L 33 Blouberg, Kalikokat
On 6th draw, BEGR(I)MS 14A 93 --- BEGRIM to make dirty [v]
Other moves: BEGR(I)MS N9 91, BEGR(I)MS I7 78, S(U)BMERGE 13C 78, BEGR(I)MS 14D 76, BEGRIM(E)S 11C 74
HOME 8L 27 babsbedi
HOGS 8L 24 Kalikokat
SE(E)M 13L 20 Blouberg
On 7th draw, BETTA N10 41 --- BETTA a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: BABE A12 33, BOBA A12 33, HOKA 8L 33, HOKE 8L 33, HOOK 8L 33
HOKE 8L 33 Kalikokat
HOOK 8L 33 Blouberg
BHOOT 8K 30 babsbedi
On 8th draw, YEBO A12 39 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other tops: YOBS A12 39
Other moves: YE 15A 38, AIRY 5H 34, EYRIES O5 34, FOYERS K4 33, ROSY 15L 32
YEBO A12 39 Blouberg
YOBS A12 39 babsbedi
YE 15A 38 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, (C)UITIKIN 11C 72 --- CUITIKIN a gaiter [n]
Other moves: (C)UITIK(I)N E8 70, KI(S)T 15L 43, UNHO(O)K 8J 36, HOIK 8L 33, HOKI 8L 33
HONK 8L 33 Blouberg
KIT(S) O7 27 Kalikokat
TURK D12 26 babsbedi
On 10th draw, JAW F6 38 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: JOW F6 38
Other moves: JATO F6 36, JOTA F6 36, WHOOT 8K 33, JOT F6 32, JA F6 28
HOOD 8L 24 Blouberg
JAI I9 18 Kalikokat
VAW 6H 17 babsbedi
On 11th draw, WASE 15L 41 --- WASE a wisp of hay [n]
Other tops: WISE 15L 41
Other moves: WADSET 13I 38, DEWARS O5 37, WADERS O5 37, WADIES O5 37, WEIRDS O5 37
WISE 15L 41 babsbedi
WADERS O5 37 Kalikokat
DHOWS 8K 36 Blouberg
On 12th draw, HOAX 8L 42 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: CARFAX K1 36, CAMAS O6 34, CRAMS O6 34, MARCS O6 34, CAMS O7 31
HOAX 8L 42 Blouberg, babsbedi
AX 3I 22 Kalikokat
On 13th draw, COESITE 13I 34 --- COESITE a type of silica [n]
Other moves: COSET 13J 24, COAXES O5 22, COXES O6 21, SAC I7 21, CAFES K2 20
FA K4 10 Blouberg
CARES 7E 8 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, YE 14J 28 --- YE you [pron]
Other tops: NY 5J 28, TINY 12E 28
Other moves: VENUE D8 24, AINE 5H 22, KY H11 22, NIFTY K2 22, NY 12G 22
FIVE K4 20 Blouberg, Kalikokat
On 15th draw, PIQUE D8 38 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: CLIQUE D7 36, QI 10I 28, EQUIP J2 24, PICUL D8 24, PE 5J 22
EQUIP J2 24 Blouberg
PIE 15H 21 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, DURZI J3 35 --- DURZI a Hindu tailor [n]
Other moves: FRIZ K4 32, FIZ K4 30, DZO C6 27, DOH C7 26, DZHO C5 25
FIZ K4 30 Blouberg
ZIT 9C 22 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, CAMP 8A 30 --- CAMP theatrical [adj] --- CAMP to live in the open [v]
Other tops: COMP 8A 30
Other moves: CALP 8A 24, CLAP 8A 24, CLOP 8A 24, COOP 8A 24, LAMP 8A 24
MOOP 8A 24 Blouberg
OO K6 15 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, FEAT K4 31 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other moves: NAIRA 5G 22, TAIRA 5G 22, NIFE K2 21, AN K6 15, ANE 15H 15
OO K6 15 Kalikokat
DOO 3J 14 Blouberg
On 19th draw, GLITCH I9 23 --- GLITCH a malfunction [n]
Other moves: OHED B12 21, DITCH I10 20, (C)HOG C11 19, (C)HUG C11 19, ITCH I11 18
HO 10I 16 Kalikokat
OX O7 9 Blouberg
On 20th draw, ROTUNDA B2 20 --- ROTUNDA a round building [n]
Other moves: DOIT 9B 14, DUIT 9B 14, OUTLAND B4 14, TROLAND B4 14, DO N5 13
DO N5 13 Blouberg
LOX O6 10 Kalikokat
On 21th draw, VOL A1 22 --- VOL two wings joined at the base (heraldry) [n]
Other moves: OVOLI 3B 16, OVOLO 3B 16, ROOM C5 15, OLIO A2 14, OOR C3 14
VOL A1 22 Kalikokat
LOX O6 10 Blouberg
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