Game on November 7, 2015 at 15:28, 1 player
1. 96 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 82 82 


12F 26 108 


7B 69 177 


J2 36 213 


E4 82 295 


13B 27 322 


M7 86 408 


3G 88 496 


11G 37 533 


D1 50 583 


1D 48 631 


A10 56 687 


14D 31 718 


8K 57 775 


C2 39 814 


N1 36 850 


1L 39 889 


8A 21 910 


K3 20 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
Blouberg 0 3:47 -834 96 1.5411 Blouberg 0 3:47 -834 96
On 1st draw, G(R)APERY H6 82 --- GRAPERY a vinery [n]
Other tops: GRAPE(R)Y H6 82
Other moves: GRAPE(R)Y H4 78, G(R)APERY H4 78, GRAPE(R)Y H2 76, GRAPE(R)Y H3 76, GRAPE(R)Y H8 76
PRAYE(R) H4 26 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, PAYLOAD 12F 26 --- PAYLOAD the part of a cargo producing income [n]
Other moves: DOPILY 12C 24, PLOIDY 12C 24, APOD G7 23, DOPA G8 22, DIPOLAR 11B 20
PAY 12F 8 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, H(I)VEWA(R)D 7B 69 --- HIVEWARD towards a beehive [adv]
Other moves: RAWHE(A)D 11H 46, WHA(R)VE 11J 46, ADVEW 13C 45, HAW(S)ED M9 45, RAWH(I)DE 11H 45
(S)HAVED 11J 38 Blouberg
On 4th draw, VINOUS J2 36 --- VINOUS pertaining to wine [adj]
Other moves: VOWS J4 35, NOWS J4 32, SNOW J7 32, WONGIS 6E 31, VISON M10 30
WON 8A 24 Blouberg
On 5th draw, TONELESS E4 82 --- TONELESS lacking in tone [adj]
Other tops: NOTELESS E4 82
Other moves: TELSONS M9 80, SOLVENTS D4 74, TELSONS M6 73, SOLVENTS 2G 72, NOTELESS E2 66
On 6th draw, ROATED 13B 27 --- ROATE to learn by repetition [v]
Other tops: ORATED 13B 27
Other moves: AREAD 13C 25, OARED 13C 25, OREAD 13C 25, RATED 13C 25, ROTED 13C 25
On 7th draw, EBRIOSE M7 86 --- EBRIOSE drunk [adj]
Other moves: BOISERIE 3H 72, BOISER(I)E C1 68, REBODIES L8 63, BIRSE M9 34, BRISE M9 34
On 8th draw, HELICOID 3G 88 --- HELICOID a type of geometrical surface [n]
Other moves: HELCOID L1 87, CHELOID L1 85, CHELOID N1 83, HELCOID N1 83, HELICO(I)D C1 76
On 9th draw, FRAME 11G 37 --- FRAME to construct by putting together the various parts [v]
Other moves: AMBER 8K 36, AMBLE 8K 36, EMBAR 8K 36, EMBER 8K 36, FAME 12A 36
On 10th draw, ZATI D1 50 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: WIZ D3 45, BIZ 8M 42, ZIN 8A 42, ZIT 8A 42, ZA 8A 38
On 11th draw, ZINEB 1D 48 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other tops: BRIZE 1A 48, ZIBET 1D 48
Other moves: RITZ 1A 39, TREZ 1A 39, BITER A11 32, BRINE 14C 32, BINER 14D 30
On 12th draw, WAFTER A10 56 --- WAFTER one that wafts [n]
Other moves: RAFTER A10 47, AFTER A11 44, FETWA A11 44, RAWER 14D 44, TAWER 14D 44
On 13th draw, RAGE 14D 31 --- RAGE to act or speak with violent anger [v]
Other moves: AGENT 14E 30, GENUA 14F 30, NURAGHE B2 30, AGEN 14E 29, AGER 14E 29
On 14th draw, EMBOX 8K 57 --- EMBOX to set in a box [v]
Other moves: COX K3 44, EXON 4G 43, EX 4G 39, OX 4G 39, OXO 2L 37
On 15th draw, JIG C2 39 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other tops: JOIN 2L 39, JUG C2 39
Other moves: JIN 8A 36, JIN C2 36, JUN C2 36, JUDOGI N1 34, JO 12C 33
On 16th draw, NUDITY N1 36 --- NUDITY the state of being nude [n]
Other tops: KY 12C 36
Other moves: ICK 6A 33, KY 15D 32, YARK D12 32, CARK D12 30, CONKY 5I 28
On 17th draw, KINO 1L 39 --- KINO a gum resin [n]
Other moves: QI 8A 38, RINK 15G 33, KROONI L1 30, ROK 15G 30, TRONK 1K 30
On 18th draw, CIT 8A 21 --- CIT not a gentleman [n]
Other moves: CUIT K3 20, C*NTCUNT K3 20, KNOUT L1 18, NARC D12 18, WILT F7 17
On 19th draw, CURN K3 20 --- CURN grain [n]
Other moves: RUN 15G 18, CUR K3 16, LUR 13I 16, QUA G5 15, QUIT 3A 13
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