Game on November 8, 2015 at 15:03, 5 players
1. 621 pts OrangeCup
2. 94 pts Blouberg
3. 86 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 24 24 


3H 30 54 


2J 28 82 


1H 37 119 


O1 42 161 


8H 89 250 


5K 26 276 


5C 36 312 


C1 20 332 


4F 24 356 


1A 39 395 


6J 39 434 


A1 83 517 


6F 74 591 


9C 38 629 


E7 70 699 


C9 38 737 


14B 38 775 


15F 32 807 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 11 14:05 -186 621 1.7789 OrangeCup 11 14:05 -186 621
Blouberg 0 6:26 -713 94 2.7879 PIThompson 2 4:38 -721 86
PIThompson 2 4:38 -721 86 3.7199 queen66 0 4:28 -722 85
queen66 0 4:28 -722 85 4.7617 sicilianc5 1 1:40 -733 74
sicilianc5 1 1:40 -733 74 Group: novice
1.5411 Blouberg 0 6:26 -713 94
On 1st draw, SPEEDO H3 24 --- SPEEDO a speedometer [n]
Other tops: EPODES H3 24, POSTED H4 24
Other moves: DEPOSE H4 22, DEPOTS H4 22, DESPOT H4 22, PEDES H4 22, POSED H4 22
POSTED H4 24 OrangeCup, PIThompson
On 2nd draw, SWAMIS 3H 30 --- SWAMI a Hindu religious teacher [n]
Other moves: ASWIM 9G 25, ATMAS I4 24, AWAITS G5 24, MAWS G6 24, MAWS I6 24
MAWS G6 24 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, TALENT 2J 28 --- TALENT a special, natural ability [n]
Other tops: LATENT 2J 28, LUNETTE 5E 28, NUTATE 2J 28
Other moves: LATEN 2J 26, LATTEN 4J 26, LUTEA 2J 26, LUTTEN 4J 26, LATTE 4J 22
LATENT 2J 28 OrangeCup
LATTEN 4J 26 PIThompson
On 4th draw, FRIB 1H 37 --- FRIB heavy wool removed in woolclassing [n]
Other tops: WAB 4J 37
Other moves: RAWIN 1G 32, ABRIN 1G 29, BRAIN 1G 29, FAIN 1H 29, FAIR 1H 29
WAB 4J 37 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, IT(C)HY O1 42 --- ITCHY causing an itching sensation [adj]
Other tops: (E)THYL O1 42
Other moves: IT(C)H O1 30, (S)TAY O1 30, HAILY G5 29, HYALI(N) G5 29, HAYEY 5E 28
IT(C)HY O1 42 OrangeCup
On 6th draw, OVE(R)TIPS 8H 89 --- OVERTIP to tip more than what is customary [v]
Other moves: SP(A)VIET 9H 75, P(R)IVETS 9B 72, SP(A)VIET G8 67, SP(A)VIET I8 67, P(R)IVETS G8 66
SPIV 9H 22 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, WEDGY 5K 26 --- WEDGY resembling a wedge [adj]
Other moves: DEAWY 5K 24, DEWLAP 4C 24, LIGATED M7 24, AGEDLY 5J 22, WALTY 5K 22
WEDGE 5D 20 OrangeCup
On 8th draw, INVEXED 5C 36 --- INVEXED a heraldic term for arched [adj]
Other tops: AX 7L 36, EX 7L 36
Other moves: VEX 6J 35, VEXED 5E 32, VIXEN 5E 30, APEX N7 29, DEX 6J 29
EX 7L 36 OrangeCup
AX 7L 36 PIThompson
On 9th draw, ROARING C1 20 --- ROARING a disease of horses marked by roaring [n]
Other tops: ORATING C1 20, ROATING C1 20, RORTING C1 20, TARRING C1 20
Other moves: GORA 6J 19, TOGA 4A 19, GRANTOR D2 18, IGNARO M8 18, LITERATOR L2 18
TOGA 4A 19 OrangeCup
On 10th draw, RAPE 4F 24 --- RAPE to force to submit to sexual intercourse [v]
Other tops: ROPE 4F 24, TAPE 4F 24, TEPA 4F 24, TERAI 6J 24, TOPE 4F 24
Other moves: APE 4G 21, OARIER 1A 21, OORIER 1A 21, OPE 4G 21, TORERO 1A 21
ROPE 4F 24 OrangeCup
On 11th draw, CORMEL 1A 39 --- CORMEL a small corm [n]
Other moves: CORM 1A 33, CURDLE 1A 33, MERC 1A 33, CEE 6F 32, MEE 6F 32
CORMEL 1A 39 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, JEDI 6J 39 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: HOED 2B 33, JEEING J6 32, REJIG F4 29, JEED J6 28, DEE 6F 26
HOED 2B 33 OrangeCup
On 13th draw, COLORANT A1 83 --- COLORANT a pigment or dye [n]
Other moves: PORTOLAN N8 74, PRONOTAL N8 74, ORTOLAN D7 69, PATROON N8 22, PLATOON N8 22
PORTOLAN N8 24 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, ZEE 6F 74 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: PUZELS N8 37, PUZEL N8 36, TREZES F3 35, SEZ 9A 33, TREZ F3 33
ZEE 6F 74 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
On 15th draw, QIBLAS 9C 38 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: AGS N4 26, QATS 9E 24, QIS 9F 23, BALTIS 9C 22, ALBS 9E 19
QIBLAS 9C 38 OrangeCup
SALT 9A 16 Blouberg
On 16th draw, ARBUTEAN E7 70 --- ARBUTE an evergreen tree [adj] --- ARBUTEAN pertaining to an arbute [adj]
Other moves: INAURATE M8 68, QUARTAN C9 32, QUANTA C9 30, QUARTE C9 30, QUATRE C9 30
QUATRE C9 30 OrangeCup
NEAT 10D 18 Blouberg
On 17th draw, QUOOKE C9 38 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: QUOTE C9 28, EFT D11 26, FEU D12 26, OKE D12 26, FET 9M 25
QUOOKE C9 38 OrangeCup
QUOTE C9 28 queen66
STOOK O8 14 Blouberg
On 18th draw, FENNY 14B 38 --- FENNY an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts [n] --- FENNY having fens [adj]
Other tops: HENNY 14B 38
Other moves: THY F12 37, FY D11 34, TENNY 14B 32, FOH 9M 31, YON B10 31
THY F12 37 OrangeCup
FOH 9M 31 queen66
FY B14 26 Blouberg
On 19th draw, AUGHT 15F 32 --- AUGHT a zero [n]
Other moves: UGH 15F 26, GHI B10 25, AGUTI 15F 23, AHI 15F 23, OH B1 22
AUGHT 15F 32 OrangeCup
UGH 15F 26 queen66
HA 15A 20 Blouberg
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