Game on November 21, 2015 at 11:03, 2 players
1. 23 pts theBEST
2. 10 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5E 86 108 


4C 35 143 


M1 82 225 


2J 36 261 


1K 55 316 


L7 76 392 


13G 54 446 


H11 51 497 


3B 35 532 


4J 34 566 


N5 81 647 


6A 23 670 


15B 67 737 


E8 68 805 


A4 36 841 


K10 33 874 


10B 42 916 


B10 34 950 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
theBEST 0 4:12 -927 23 1.7880 theBEST 0 4:12 -927 23
roocatcher 0 1:54 -940 10 2.7332 roocatcher 0 1:54 -940 10
On 1st draw, DUVET H4 22 --- DUVET a light quilt filled with down [n]
Other tops: UNFED H8 22
Other moves: DUVET H8 20, UNFED H4 20, DUVET H5 18, DUVET H6 18, DUVET H7 18
On 2nd draw, DISUNITE 5E 86 --- DISUNITE to separate [v]
Other moves: TINEIDS 9B 71, INDITES 9B 70, DIVINEST 6F 68, NUDITIES 5G 68, UNITISED 5H 68
On 3rd draw, DOOKED 4C 35 --- DOOK to bathe [v]
Other moves: DOEK 4L 34, DOOK 4L 34, KENDO 4A 33, KONDO 4A 33, KENDO 4J 32
On 4th draw, VENTRES M1 82 --- VENTRE to venture [v]
Other moves: EVENTERS L3 74, EVENTERS L5 74, EVERNETS L3 74, EVERNETS L5 74, VENTERS 9B 72
On 5th draw, WOME(R)A 2J 36 --- WOMERA a device used to propel spears [n]
Other moves: M(I)AOW N6 34, WAME(D) 2J 34, WAME(S) 2J 34, WOME(N) 2J 34, AVOW 1L 33
On 6th draw, PAVED 1K 55 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: LAVED 1K 47, AVAL 1L 36, AVEL 1L 36, UVAE 1L 36, UVEA 1L 36
On 7th draw, ENLIGHT L7 76 --- ENLIGHT to shed light on [v]
Other moves: LIGHTEN N6 71, LIGHTEN I7 70, ENLIGHT G8 68, ENLIGHT I8 68, HINGE N6 34
On 8th draw, ZEALOTS 13G 54 --- ZEALOT one who is zealous [n]
Other moves: AZOLES 6A 50, ZOEAS 6B 49, ZLOTE 13I 48, LAZES 14H 46, LAZOS 14H 46
On 9th draw, WHEEP H11 51 --- WHEEP to give a prolonged whistle [v]
Other moves: WHEAR H11 45, WHEEN H11 45, WHERE H11 45, HEWN H12 42, PHEER H11 42
On 10th draw, RAJ 3B 35 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JAB 3B 34, BARER 6B 28, BARTER 4J 28, BEATER 4J 28, BREER 6B 28
On 11th draw, BAYT 4J 34 --- BAYT to diminish [v]
Other moves: BOWYANG 11F 32, BANTY 4J 30, BATTY 4J 30, BLOAT 6B 28, BAY 2A 27
On 12th draw, SATIRIC N5 81 --- SATIRE the use of ridicule or scorn to criticise folly or vice [adj] --- SATIRIC pertaining to satire [adj]
Other moves: ARTISTIC 8C 61, CRISTAE 14B 33, TACOS K10 29, TACO K10 27, AESIR 14G 26
DUVETS H4 10 roocatcher
On 13th draw, UNITER 6A 23 --- UNITER one that unites [n]
Other tops: TINIER 6A 23, TUNIER 6A 23
Other moves: INTER 6B 22, NITER 6B 22, TUNER 6B 22, VENT 6H 21, NET O8 19
On 14th draw, GEOCARPY 15B 67 --- GEOCARPY a ripening of fruit underground [n]
Other moves: COURAGE A4 39, GAUCY A4 39, COUGAR A4 36, YARCO G7 31, COGWAY 11E 30
On 15th draw, (T)ALIONIC E8 68 --- TALIONIC pertaining to a talion [adj]
Other tops: (K)AOLINIC E8 68
Other moves: LIAI(S)ON 9D 67, TALIONI(C) D6 66, TA(G)LIONI D6 64, AI(S) 14J 21, ANO(M)ALY I9 21
On 16th draw, FOULE A4 36 --- FOULE fulled cloth [n]
Other moves: BOUGE A4 33, FE O8 32, FOGLE I7 31, GIF 14D 31, BOULE A4 30
On 17th draw, XU K10 33 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: BUXOM 12B 32, MUX B8 32, MUX G7 32, ROQUE C11 28, MIB 14D 27
QI 10K 11 theBEST
On 18th draw, QUALM 10B 42 --- QUALM a feeling of doubt or misgiving [n]
Other moves: MAQUI B8 40, QIBLA 10B 38, QI D11 37, BARQUE C10 34, BURQA G7 34
DAB O1 6 theBEST
On 19th draw, QIGONG B10 34 --- QIGONG a deep breathing exercise [n]
Other moves: FIBRO I7 33, GIF 14D 31, FIBRO 12A 28, FA F14 26, FIB G7 26
DAB O1 6 theBEST
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