Game on December 1, 2015 at 15:21, 5 players
1. 639 pts PIThompson
2. 162 pts worsie
3. 71 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 70 70 


6E 63 133 


4A 72 205 


A1 36 241 


B6 36 277 


5K 44 321 


B1 41 362 


O4 39 401 


11B 82 483 


12C 29 512 


H11 39 551 


14B 92 643 


J10 58 701 


N8 76 777 


M9 38 815 


L12 31 846 


K9 33 879 


2F 34 913 


15A 50 963 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
PIThompson 9 12:08 -324 639 1.7727 PIThompson 9 12:08 -324 639
worsie 0 5:29 -801 162 2.7127 queen66 0 2:42 -892 71
queen66 0 2:42 -892 71 3.7079 sicilianc5 0 3:05 -913 50
sicilianc5 0 3:05 -913 50 4.7870 OrangeCup 1 1:36 -927 36
OrangeCup 1 1:36 -927 36 Group: intermediate
1.6410 worsie 0 5:29 -801 162
On 1st draw, DIGITA(L) H2 70 --- DIGITAL a piano key [n]
Other tops: DIGITA(L) H4 70
Other moves: DIGITA(L) H3 68, DIGITA(L) H7 68, DIGITA(L) H8 68, DIGITA(L) H5 66, DIGITA(L) H6 66
DIGITA(L) H4 20 PIThompson, sicilianc5
On 2nd draw, DEUTERON 6E 63 --- DEUTERON the nucleus of heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: ORDINEE 5E 32, ROUNDED 2B 26, DONEE I3 24, DONER I3 24, REDONE I1 24
DONER I3 24 PIThompson
DUNE I3 19 queen66
On 3rd draw, STRIDING 4A 72 --- STRIDE to walk with long steps [v]
Other moves: NITRIDS 9B 70, INDITERS F1 61, RINDIEST F1 61, SORDINI K5 32, INDRIS M1 24
DINTS M2 22 PIThompson
RINDS M2 22 queen66
On 4th draw, WABSTER A1 36 --- WABSTER a weaver [n]
Other moves: SCRAW A4 30, SCREW A4 30, WARB 5K 30, BAWR 5K 28, BRACTED 2B 28
SCREW A4 30 PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
SWARE A4 24 worsie
On 5th draw, HEFTE B6 36 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v]
Other moves: HEFTE 5K 34, THEREOF C1 34, HEFT B6 33, FEH B6 32, HAFT 5K 32
HEFTE B6 36 PIThompson, OrangeCup
HEFT B6 33 worsie
On 6th draw, JUNTA 5K 44 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other tops: JAUNT 5K 44
Other moves: JINS 5K 42, JUST 5K 42, JUTS 5K 42, JAI 5K 40, JIN 5K 40
JAUNT 5K 44 PIThompson
JUST 5K 42 worsie
On 7th draw, OX B1 41 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: SAX 7G 39, SEX I5 37, EXO I6 36, WAULS O4 36, AX 7H 34
SAX 7G 39 PIThompson, worsie
On 8th draw, CAVAS O4 39 --- CAVA a special Spanish wine, used for toasts [n]
Other tops: CAPOTS O4 39
Other moves: CAPAS O4 36, CAPOS O4 36, CAPOT O4 36, PACAS O4 36, PACOS O4 36
CAPOTS O4 39 PIThompson
VANS M3 24 worsie
On 9th draw, ROYALET 11B 82 --- ROYALET a petty king [n]
Other moves: ELYTRA A10 41, RAYLET A10 41, REALTY A10 32, TEARY C1 32, TELARY A10 32
REALTY A10 32 PIThompson
On 10th draw, BEG 12C 29 --- BEG to beseech [v]
Other moves: BEE 12C 26, BEL 12C 26, BERYL D8 26, REB 12C 26, BEE C7 25
BEG 12C 29 PIThompson
On 11th draw, TW(E)RP H11 39 --- TWERP a small, impudent person [n]
Other tops: TW(I)RP H11 39
Other moves: TRUCK H11 36, (S)TRUCK H10 36, K(A)W 13B 35, K(O)W 13B 35, UPL(O)CK F9 35
TW(E)RP H11 39 PIThompson
On 12th draw, CLAYMORE 14B 92 --- CLAYMORE a type of sword [n]
Other moves: CALOYER 14B 40, LYAM 10D 32, UNCOMELY L5 32, CLEOME G9 29, CLOAM F10 28
MOA 13B 26 PIThompson
On 13th draw, ZERKS J10 58 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: LAZ(E) 13E 55, ZEALS J10 54, ZEA C7 53, Z(E)RKS 13G 52, Z(E)RK 13G 51
Z(E)RKS 13G 52 PIThompson
On 14th draw, IODINES N8 76 --- IODINE a nonmetallic element [n]
Other moves: IONISED N8 72, UNIONISED L5 72, NODE K9 29, DONE K9 27, DOSE K9 27
NODE K9 29 PIThompson
On 15th draw, GAMIN M9 38 --- GAMIN an urchin [n]
Other moves: OGAM K8 33, GAM K9 31, GAMIN M11 31, AMIN O12 30, GUIMP 15D 30
AMIN O12 30 PIThompson
On 16th draw, VOLE L12 31 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other tops: OLEO K10 31, VOLE K9 31
Other moves: OVEN 10D 28, VOE K9 27, VOE L12 27, VOL K9 27, VOL L12 27
VOLE L12 31 PIThompson
On 17th draw, OAF K9 33 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other tops: FEAR C1 33
Other moves: OF K10 31, FAE C7 29, FA K11 28, FAE K9 27, FAN K9 27
OAF K9 33 PIThompson
On 18th draw, QADI 2F 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: PEARL C1 32, PEAR C1 30, AP(E)EK 13F 28, LOP(E) 13E 27, OLPAE 7E 26
QADI 2F 34 PIThompson
On 19th draw, PHONE 15A 50 --- PHONE to telephone [v]
Other moves: PHON 15A 42, HUIC 4L 34, PHI 15A 33, PHO 15A 33, PAH 7G 31
PHONE 15A 50 PIThompson
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