Game on December 15, 2015 at 17:39, 2 players
1. 189 pts Allotment
2. 27 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 32 32 


3C 78 110 


4A 38 148 


5E 90 238 


6J 32 270 


N1 34 304 


O4 40 344 


G8 71 415 


12G 78 493 


A4 30 523 


1L 39 562 


B10 45 607 


12A 48 655 


6D 61 716 


O12 39 755 


N12 49 804 


14G 37 841 


15H 28 869 


10F 66 935 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
Allotment 1 7:34 -746 189 1.5572 Allotment 1 7:34 -746 189
Blouberg 0 1:06 -908 27 2.5420 Blouberg 0 1:06 -908 27
On 1st draw, TWEENY H3 32 --- TWEENY a housemaid [n]
Other tops: TWEENY H7 32
Other moves: NOWTY H8 30, TOWNY H8 30, WEENY H4 30, WEENY H8 30, YEWEN H4 30
On 2nd draw, PALMETTE 3C 78 --- PALMETTE a type of ornament [n]
Other tops: PALMETTE 3B 78, TEMPLATE 3B 78
Other moves: TEMPLATE 3H 76, PLATEMEN 7A 64, TEMPLE G6 26, WAMPEE 4H 26, EMPALE G7 24
On 3rd draw, FEEB 4A 38 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other moves: FEAT 4A 30, FEEB 2J 30, FEET 4A 30, AFT 2I 29, EFT 2I 29
On 4th draw, G(O)MERALS 5E 90 --- GOMERAL a fool [n]
Other moves: GAM(B)LERS 5C 81, GAM(B)RELS 5C 81, GLEAM(E)RS 5F 70, GLEAM(E)RS 6F 70, GREM(I)ALS 5F 70
On 5th draw, HAIR 6J 32 --- HAIR a threadlike growth [n] --- HAIR to free from hair [v]
Other tops: HIOI 6J 32
Other moves: HAO 6J 31, HOI 6J 31, AH 2E 30, HA 2F 30, HAE 6F 30
On 6th draw, GIVENS N1 34 --- GIVEN something assigned as a basis for a calculation [n]
Other tops: OGIVES N1 34
Other moves: FIVES A4 33, ENVOIS N1 32, GIVES N2 32, OVINES N1 32, VEGOS N2 32
On 7th draw, DETER O4 40 --- DETER to stop from proceeding [v]
Other moves: FEWTER A4 36, TEWED O6 36, TWEED O6 36, FEWER A4 33, TWEEN O6 33
On 8th draw, BARYT(I)C G8 71 --- BARYTA a compound of barium [adj] --- BARYTIC relating to baryta [adj]
Other moves: C(O)RYBANT 7B 66, CRAFTY A1 42, FACT(O)RY A4 42, FRATC(H)Y A4 42, BARF(L)Y A1 39
FACT(S) A4 27 Blouberg
On 9th draw, TAILSKID 12G 78 --- TAILSKID a support on which the tail of an airplane rests [n]
Other moves: FAIKS A4 36, FLAKS A4 36, FLASK A4 36, FLISK A4 36, KAIFS A1 36
On 10th draw, FERULAE A4 30 --- FERULA a flat piece of wood [n]
Other moves: EARFUL A1 27, FERULA A4 27, FERULE A4 27, FUELER A4 27, RUEFUL A1 27
On 11th draw, PEGH 1L 39 --- PEGH to pant [v]
Other moves: CHEZ 14G 38, JIZ M11 38, ZONE 2B 38, JOSEPH K10 36, PHIZ M10 36
On 12th draw, FOUAT B10 45 --- FOUAT a leek [n]
Other tops: FOUNT B10 45, FUTON B10 45
Other moves: AFOOT B9 31, OAF B8 31, FAE 6F 30, FOE 6F 30, OAF 13K 30
On 13th draw, QUID 12A 48 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUAD 12A 48, QUAIR 12A 48, QUART 12A 48, QUIRT 12A 48
Other moves: QUAI 12A 46, QUAT 12A 46, QUIT 12A 46, QADI N10 34, QAT 2B 34
QUID 12A 48 Allotment
On 14th draw, COXAE 6D 61 --- COXA the hip or hip joint [n]
Other moves: VOX 6D 56, COX 6D 55, SIX 6D 53, SOX 6D 53, OX 6E 52
OVISAC K9 22 Allotment
On 15th draw, SNOW O12 39 --- SNOW to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) [v]
Other tops: ASWOON 15A 39, SAWN O12 39, SNAW O12 39, SOWN O12 39, SWAN O12 39
Other moves: WADIS N10 34, WAI 2J 31, WAINS E8 31, WINOS E8 31, WOO 2J 31
WOO 2J 31 Allotment
On 16th draw, DOJO N12 49 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other moves: JO N14 41, DJINS K8 26, DOJOS K8 26, JOL J10 26, JOY 11E 26
JOY 11E 26 Allotment
On 17th draw, COUZIN 14G 37 --- COUZIN (South Africa) a friend [n]
Other moves: LUZ J12 32, ZOL J10 32, DZO 2A 31, ZIN M11 30, DZO 2J 28
ZOS K10 24 Allotment
On 18th draw, UTA 15H 28 --- UTA any of the genus of large lizards [n]
Other moves: GANOID M8 26, GAUD 2D 25, TUINA C10 24, DAUT 2D 23, GAUN 2D 23
ADIT M10 16 Allotment
On 19th draw, GRIDIRON 10F 66 --- GRIDIRON a grate for broiling food [n] --- GRIDIRON to mark off into squares [v]
Other moves: RIGID C11 24, RIGID M9 24, GROIN M9 22, NIDOR C11 22, ORIGIN M8 22
GROIN M9 22 Allotment
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