Game on December 16, 2015 at 12:00, 1 player
1. 159 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


8H 92 132 


N8 72 204 


G3 31 235 


K5 90 325 


F4 49 374 


E5 39 413 


8A 39 452 


L8 27 479 


J12 32 511 


D8 30 541 


J2 27 568 


1F 88 656 


O1 86 742 


2B 49 791 


A1 36 827 


14B 42 869 


15E 41 910 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
Blouberg 0 9:38 -751 159 1.5420 Blouberg 0 9:38 -751 159
On 1st draw, XENON H4 40 --- XENON a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: TOXINE H3 28, TOXINE H4 28, TOXINE H7 28, TOXINE H8 28, TOXIN H4 26
On 2nd draw, NOTEPADS 8H 92 --- NOTEPAD a number of sheets of paper glued together at one end [n]
Other moves: PODESTA G5 76, PODESTA 9D 75, PODESTA G7 75, PODESTA I7 75, ADOPTEES 5B 72
On 3rd draw, DAZ(Z)LES N8 72 --- DAZZLE to blind with a bright light [v]
Other tops: ALFE(R)EZ 5E 72, ALFE(R)EZ K5 72
Other moves: F(U)ZE 7K 57, FEZ G5 53, AL(T)EZAS M3 52, F(E)Z G5 51, F(I)Z G5 51
On 4th draw, TEPID G3 31 --- TEPID moderately warm [adj]
Other moves: PINETA 9I 30, TIEPIN G2 28, NEPIT G3 27, INDEX 4D 26, DEPOT I5 24
On 5th draw, REVE(I)LLE K5 90 --- REVEILLE a morning bugle call [n]
Other tops: LEVELER(S) K5 90, LEVEL(L)ER K5 90, LEVE(L)LER K5 90, REVELLE(D) K5 90, REVELLE(R) K5 90, (B)EVELLER K5 90, (L)EVELLER K5 90, (R)EVELLER K5 90
Other moves: LEVEL(E)RS O1 83, L(E)VELERS O1 83, LEV(E)LERS O1 80, REVE(I)LLE 13G 80, VER(M)ELLS O1 80
PERVE 5G 20 Blouberg
On 6th draw, HOY F4 49 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: HONEY J2 42, YRNEH J2 42, HERY L12 38, HOG F4 37, HOY O13 34
HOY O13 34 Blouberg
On 7th draw, DAWTS E5 39 --- DAWT to fondle [v]
Other moves: DAWS E5 37, DAWT E5 37, DAW E5 35, DALIS E5 33, DALTS E5 33
WAS M13 24 Blouberg
On 8th draw, GRIFT 8A 39 --- GRIFT to swindle [v]
Other moves: FR*GFRIG L12 30, FROG L12 30, FIG O13 28, FIGO L12 28, FOG O13 28
FROG L12 30 Blouberg
On 9th draw, POOING L8 27 --- POO to defecate -- usually considered vulgar [v]
Other moves: FOOLING D8 24, IRON O12 22, LIGROIN C7 22, OLIO O12 22, FORGO D8 20
NOR O13 13 Blouberg
On 10th draw, GAJO J12 32 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other tops: JARGON B6 32
Other moves: JETON 6J 30, JATO J2 29, JOTA J2 29, TAJ J12 29, ATOC O12 28
JIN C7 19 Blouberg
On 11th draw, FACTICE D8 30 --- FACTICE a rubber substitute [n]
Other tops: ECTATIC C3 30, TICTOC 15F 30
Other moves: ECCO 15G 24, COCA I7 23, CATTIER B2 22, COACT I7 22, FACET D8 22
On 12th draw, ONIUM J2 27 --- ONIUM a salt like ammonium [n] --- ONIUM characterized by a complex cation [adj]
Other moves: MIOCENE 13A 24, NEEM J3 24, NEUM J3 24, NOM J4 23, EM J5 22
NOM O13 19 Blouberg
On 13th draw, MERLINS 1F 88 --- MERLIN a European falcon [n]
Other tops: LIMNERS 1I 88
Other moves: GREMLINS A8 86, ERMELINS 14A 74, MERLINGS A2 62, MINGLERS A5 62, SLIME 15D 40
On 14th draw, UNWRITES O1 86 --- UNWRITE to undo the writing of [v]
Other moves: UNWROTE 15F 33, TWONIE 15H 30, UNWIRE 2A 28, TWOER 15H 27, WROTE 15H 27
On 15th draw, READY 2B 49 --- READY prepared [adj] --- READY to make preparation [v]
Other tops: DAIRY 2B 49, DEARY 2B 49, DEITY 2B 49, DERAY 2B 49, DIARY 2B 49, DIRTY 2B 49, TARDY 2B 49
Other moves: AIERY 2B 47, TEARY 2B 47, EATERY 14A 34, EDACITY 13A 34, REEDY 14B 34
On 16th draw, ABOUT A1 36 --- ABOUT approximately [adv]
Other tops: ABORT A1 36
Other moves: ABUT A1 33, BRAVO 15F 30, TUBA 1A 30, OUTDAZ(Z)LES N5 29, BOAT 1A 28
On 17th draw, BREAK 14B 42 --- BREAK to reduce to fragments [v]
Other moves: BROKE 15H 36, KNAVE 3I 34, ABOVE 15H 33, BERKO 15F 33, KAVA D1 32
On 18th draw, HIVE 15E 41 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other tops: HAVE 15E 41
Other moves: VAUCH 13A 39, HOVEA I7 30, HOVE I7 29, HAVE D1 28, HAE 3C 27
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