Game on December 18, 2015 at 18:59, 7 players
1. 656 pts Inkey
2. 428 pts Allotment
3. 180 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 34 34 


6F 32 66 


K2 21 87 


11E 60 147 


9A 65 212 


L8 38 250 


4H 80 330 


A4 39 369 


D2 74 443 


2J 34 477 


1M 31 508 


14F 70 578 


15D 50 628 


13B 40 668 


H1 33 701 


M7 44 745 


N6 35 780 


O7 44 824 


12A 53 877 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 7 16:18 -221 656 1.7378 Inkey 7 16:18 -221 656
Allotment 1 18:50 -449 428 2.7705 PIThompson 3 2:51 -709 168
Blouberg 0 9:47 -697 180 3.7253 sicilianc5 4 3:13 -727 150
PIThompson 3 2:51 -709 168 4.7204 queen66 2 4:00 -738 139
sicilianc5 4 3:13 -727 150 5.7893 OrangeCup 1 2:21 -793 84
queen66 2 4:00 -738 139 Group: novice
OrangeCup 1 2:21 -793 84 1.5606 Allotment 1 18:50 -449 428
2.5450 Blouberg 0 9:47 -697 180
On 1st draw, HE(R)EBY H7 34 --- HEREBY by this means [adv] --- HEREBY not far off [adj]
Other tops: BEE(C)HY H7 34, BEE(C)HY H8 34, BEN(C)HY H7 34, BEN(C)HY H8 34, HE(R)EBY H4 34
Other moves: BEE(C)HY H4 32, BEN(C)HY H4 32, HE(R)BY H4 32, HE(R)BY H8 32, HE(R)EBY H8 32
H(O)NEY H4 28 Blouberg, Inkey
On 2nd draw, DATUM 6F 32 --- DATUM something used as a basis for calculating [n]
Other moves: MAT 6F 25, MUT 6F 25, TALMUD 6H 25, TAM 6H 25, TUM 6H 25
MAUD I10 22 Inkey
DARB 11E 14 Blouberg
THARM 7G 12 Allotment
On 3rd draw, OGEES K2 21 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other tops: AEGIS K2 21, AGIOS K2 21
Other moves: YOGEES 12H 20, AGES K3 19, AGUISE I4 19, EGIS K3 19, EGOS K3 19
SIEGE I10 19 Inkey
GAS K4 17 Blouberg
BAGS 11H 14 Allotment
On 4th draw, RUNBACK 11E 60 --- RUNBACK a type of run in football [n]
Other moves: CRUX L1 55, KORUNA 2J 40, KORUN 2J 38, KOURA 2J 38, KA J2 35
CRUX L1 55 Inkey
CRANKY 12C 30 Allotment
EX 4K 18 Blouberg
On 5th draw, LOW(R)IDE(R) 9A 65 --- LOWRIDER a car having a lowered suspension [n]
Other tops: LOW(R)IDE(R) 9E 65
Other moves: DOWELI(N)G 3D 64, LOWRIDE(R) E8 61, DEWOOL(S) 2H 36, DWILE L1 36, WEID(S) L1 36
W(A)D J2 32 Inkey
LOWED 2J 22 Allotment
WED 5E 20 Blouberg
On 6th draw, BONSAI L8 38 --- BONSAI the art of growing dwarf trees in pots [n]
Other tops: BONISM L7 38
Other moves: MONIALS A4 36, SAMBO L11 36, SIMBA L11 36, OUMAS I5 35, BIMA L2 33
SIMBA L11 36 Inkey
ALBINOS A8 30 Allotment
SOB L11 26 Blouberg
On 7th draw, PAGEANTS 4H 80 --- PAGEANT an elaborate public spectacle [n]
Other moves: PASTA 14J 35, LAPSANG A9 33, TAGUANS I3 31, PLANTAS A8 30, PLATANS A8 30
PASTA 14J 35 Inkey
PLANTS A8 27 Blouberg
BAPS 8L 24 Allotment
On 8th draw, WANNEL A4 39 --- WANNEL supple [adj]
Other moves: ELLWAND A7 36, ELLWAND A8 36, WALLED A7 36, WONNED 2J 36, AWE 10A 34
WALLED A7 36 Allotment, Inkey
SWALED O4 30 Blouberg
On 9th draw, OVERGEA(R) D2 74 --- OVERGEAR of investments, to overstretch by use of debt [v]
Other moves: OVERAGE B9 38, OVERGO B9 36, VORAGO 2J 36, ABOVE 8K 30, VERGE 12A 28
OVERAGE B9 38 Allotment
GROOVE 2I 24 Inkey
On 10th draw, VOLANT 2J 34 --- VOLANT flying or capable of flying [adj]
Other moves: VOLTA 2J 32, PONTAL 2J 28, PAVS O1 27, PAVIN 13I 26, PO 10B 25
VOLANT 2J 34 Inkey, PIThompson, Allotment
On 11th draw, FIE 1M 31 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other tops: FE 10B 31
Other moves: PREIF 5C 28, PRIEF 5C 28, FEG 3I 27, FIG 3I 27, FLIP H1 27
FIE 1M 31 sicilianc5, Inkey
FE 10B 31 PIThompson
BLIP 8L 24 Allotment
On 12th draw, TOORIES 14F 70 --- TOORIE a small heap [n]
Other tops: ROOTIES 14F 70
Other moves: OORIEST 14G 68, TORTOISE N4 62, OTIOSE B1 27, TOROSE B1 27, TRIOSE B1 27
RES 10B 26 PIThompson
STORE B2 25 Inkey
ROSET 14J 23 queen66
BOOR 8L 18 Allotment
On 13th draw, TOADY 15D 50 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other moves: OTARY 15D 46, TODY 15E 44, DORY 15E 43, JAG 3I 43, OARY 15E 40
JAG 3I 43 Inkey
RAJ 13E 37 PIThompson
TAJ 13E 37 queen66
DORP H1 21 Allotment
On 14th draw, FROLIC 13B 40 --- FROLIC to play and run about merrily [v]
Other moves: FOLIC 13C 38, LORIC 13C 32, LOTIC 13C 32, TORIC 13C 32, OCTROI B9 28
FROLIC 13B 40 PIThompson, sicilianc5
FIG 3I 27 Inkey
STOIC O4 21 Allotment
On 15th draw, HUMP H1 33 --- HUMP to arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) [v]
Other tops: HEMP H1 33
Other moves: HE 10B 31, HUGE 3I 31, UMBREL 8J 30, BHEL 8L 27, BUHL 8L 27
HEMP H1 33 Inkey
HE 10B 31 OrangeCup
BERM 8L 24 Allotment
On 16th draw, PIX M7 44 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: PLEX M6 43, ILEX M6 41, LEX M7 40, PLEX B2 40, TEX M7 40
PIX M7 44 Inkey, queen66
LEX M7 40 Allotment
On 17th draw, QI N6 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 12A 26, LIKE K9 22, RIEL 12A 21, SILTIER O4 21, LEK K9 19
QI N6 35 queen66, Inkey, sicilianc5
BITE 8L 18 Allotment
On 18th draw, RITZ O7 44 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other tops: TREZ O7 44
Other moves: REZ O7 41, RIZ O7 41, DOZE B8 37, STIRED O4 37, SUITED O4 37
TREZ O7 44 Inkey
RITZ O7 44 sicilianc5
ZO D12 22 Allotment
On 19th draw, JEED 12A 53 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEEL 12A 49, JEER 14A 37, JEE 14A 32, JEED B2 32, JIVED 3B 32
JEED 12A 53 Inkey, OrangeCup
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